Further proof global warming is a hoax!

Virtually all the world's nations, informed by virtually all the world's climatological bodies, have analyzed all the accumulated climatological data, and confirmed the reality of anthropological global warming.

No monumental conspiracy by nations or by climatologists to falsify the climatological reality has been shown to exist.

No credible case that spewing millions of tonnes of industrial waste into the atmosphere does not affect the atmosphere has been contrived.

Nuanced differences in various aspects of global warming exist, but there is no viable scientific thesis that refutes it.

Denial of anthropogenic climate change appears to be driven by ideological dogma, not by climatological data.
Ideological dogma and a fight by the fossil fuel industry for its own survival
Ideological dogma and a fight by the fossil fuel industry for its own survival
The revelatory aspect is that the fossil fuel cartel is, at least, trying to appear as if they are adapting to reality as a matter of self-preservation.

The ideologues are wallowing in fantasy.
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And they cherry pick from those mountains of evidence.

They never do the work themselves
I know it's a hoax, many fking reasons, but the one I'll start with is that you first need a heating source hotter than surface temperatures. Got any?
Who's stopping you? You don't need our permission. If your logic is that awesome, bring it forth.
why can't you answer where the heat source is? Please don't say CO2 because that isn't any hotter than the surface. We're waiting.
Who's stopping you? You don't need our permission. If your logic is that awesome, bring it forth.

Let's get together on concept here. I'm not offering anything up for discussion here, it's my understanding that you believe the earth is heating up because of what people are doing and that's what I was interested in exploring. Is that what you're saying? If it isn't, then what is your understanding? If you're like me and you don't see anything physical happening that's manmade w/ climate then please share.
Virtually all the world's nations, informed by virtually all the world's climatological bodies, have analyzed all the accumulated climatological data, and confirmed the reality of anthropological global warming....
If it's ok w/ u I'd be grateful if we could pause here and think about that statement.

There are many who'd agree w/ u, and I also see a lot of folks who'd disagree, and there are also people like myself who see that this idea (true or not) of agreement as irrelevant. My issue is how do we see the earth now. Is the earth heating up? How do we know? Is there some series of temperature measurements over the past few millennia that show a rise now?

What I'm getting from you is that you have a very strong conviction of what is true and you're only interested in proving me wrong. My understanding is that I have not yet seen any temperature measurements and so far nothing has been established.

Do you see what I'm saying, that we need to look at this earth warming issue and understand what is and what is not?
If it's ok w/ u I'd be grateful if we could pause here and think about that statement.

There are many who'd agree w/ u, and I also see a lot of folks who'd disagree, and there are also people like myself who see that this idea (true or not) of agreement as irrelevant. My issue is how do we see the earth now. Is the earth heating up? How do we know? Is there some series of temperature measurements over the past few millennia that show a rise now?

What I'm getting from you is that you have a very strong conviction of what is true and you're only interested in proving me wrong. My understanding is that I have not yet seen any temperature measurements and so far nothing has been established.

Do you see what I'm saying, that we need to look at this earth warming issue and understand what is and what is not?

How could you NOT have seen temperature measurements? Sorry. Well, here you go. These were all found with a Google search on "global temperatures" with the Image filter on.





If it's ok w/ u I'd be grateful if we could pause here and think about that statement.

There are many who'd agree w/ u, and I also see a lot of folks who'd disagree, and there are also people like myself who see that this idea (true or not) of agreement as irrelevant. My issue is how do we see the earth now. Is the earth heating up? How do we know? Is there some series of temperature measurements over the past few millennia that show a rise now?

What I'm getting from you is that you have a very strong conviction of what is true and you're only interested in proving me wrong. My understanding is that I have not yet seen any temperature measurements and so far nothing has been established.

Do you see what I'm saying, that we need to look at this earth warming issue and understand what is and what is not?
well what is factual is that there is ice in the Arctic and ice in the Antarctic and it isn't shrinking. The warmers can scream all they want, that fact isn't up for debate since it is a fact. As such means, ice age.
If it's ok w/ u I'd be grateful if we could pause here and think about that statement.

There are many who'd agree w/ u, and I also see a lot of folks who'd disagree, and there are also people like myself who see that this idea (true or not) of agreement as irrelevant. My issue is how do we see the earth now. Is the earth heating up? How do we know? Is there some series of temperature measurements over the past few millennia that show a rise now?

What I'm getting from you is that you have a very strong conviction of what is true and you're only interested in proving me wrong. My understanding is that I have not yet seen any temperature measurements and so far nothing has been established.

Do you see what I'm saying, that we need to look at this earth warming issue and understand what is and what is not?
I have no interest in "proving you wrong." You can believe whatever you like to believe and it is of no concern to me.

In science, that is predicated upon a self-corrective process, I respect it when the experts who compile and analyze a wealth of corroborative data concur.

I am not aware of any credible body of countervailing science in the matter of anthropogenic climate change.

Confirmative data aside, it is entirely reasonable to accept that spewing millions of tonnes of industrial emissions into the atmosphere impacts the atmosphere - despite there being ideologues who deny it.

The global temperature is rising, and the consequences are dire. We are witnessing it year after year.

Virtually every nation on earth and, in the U.S., private businesses, academia, state and federal authorities, agriculture, the military, urban planners, etc., etc., etc. are responsibly taking steps to mitigate the inevitable. Whether the urgency is reflected in their rate of progress is problematic.

I fail to see any rational argument or scientific justification for the inertia and passivity that some promote.

Thermometer readings around the world have been rising since the Industrial Revolution, and the causes are a blend of human activity and some natural variability—with the preponderance of evidence saying humans are mostly responsible. According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by a little more than 1° Celsius (2° Fahrenheit) since 1880.
Global climate change is not a future problem. Changes to Earth’s climate driven by increased human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases are already having widespread effects on the environment: glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking, river and lake ice is breaking up earlier, plant and animal geographic ranges are shifting, and plants and trees are blooming sooner.
Effects that scientists had long predicted would result from global climate change are now occurring, such as sea ice loss, accelerated sea level rise, and longer, more intense heat waves.
"Taken as a whole, the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time."
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

How could you NOT have seen temperature measurements? Sorry. Well, here you go. These were all found with a Google search on "global temperatures" with the Image filter on.





That's very impressive. OK, so what was the average temperature of the earth in 1900? Your data does not tell us. We don't know.

Do you understand what I'm saying about the information has not been presented?
well what is factual is that there is ice in the Arctic and ice in the Antarctic and it isn't shrinking. The warmers can scream all they want, that fact isn't up for debate since it is a fact. As such means, ice age.
It's like I'm asking, is the earth hotter or colder? nobody knows.
I have no interest in "proving you wrong." You can believe whatever you like to believe and it is of no concern to me....
--and then you go on and explain lots of stuff.

What I was hoping was that we'd be able to look at this stuff together but I'll take u at your word that it's "no concern" to you.

--and then you go on and explain lots of stuff.

What I was hoping was that we'd be able to look at this stuff together but I'll take u at your word that it's "no concern" to you.

Sorry. I have no interest in proving you wrong.

I explained why I respect the preponderance of scientific evidence.

If you have credible, alternative data, I shall be glad to consider it.
Glaciers are not formed by cold temperatures alone. They need precipitation. So the answer I imagine is in the different weather patterns and precipitation in Greenland v. Alaska.

You and mamoo have the same level of science invalidity....

How many piece of land on Earth within 600 miles of an Earth Pole are not in ICE AGE?

Dogmatic tantrum against science are of no consequence.

The data has confirmed the reality of anthropogenic climate change, and the dirty fuel profiteers and their lickspittles are whining in vain.

All you're proving is you have a boundless apatite for bullshit, I bet you even like it cold. There are tons of scientist that say AWG is a total hoax, and is about power and money, nothing else.


For example, Gore said during a speech at the Copenhagen Climate Conference in 2009 that there was "a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years." The former vice president made similar comments at least twice before in speeches, citing research.

However, the Arctic ice cap hasn't been eliminated at any point over the last decade. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Arctic ice minimum extent, or ice coverage during the warmest month of the year, is declining at 12.6% per decade.

In addition, in his 2006 global warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," Gore predicted that the global sea level could rise as much as 20 feet "in the near future."


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