Further proof global warming is a hoax!

What are you trying to say? That we've experienced no global warming?
Pretty simple. Are you aware of urban heat island", or UHI ?
FACTS not guesses...
It is a metropolitan area that's a lot warmer than the rural areas surrounding it. Heat is created by energy from all the people, cars, buses, and trains in big cities like New York, Paris, and London urban Heat Island.
So from 1880 the entire WORLD's temperature is the accumulation of thousands of humans for nearly 100 years reading a thermometer in 30 below or 120 above copying down with pencil/paper, then transmitted via hand writing.. back and forth. And finally someone takes all those temperatures adds them together then divides by the number. Sound simple right. Well how many temperatures from Siberia were included in those thousands of readings that
were 1.53 degrees F warmer. Again given UHIs and given Siberia NOT used in temperatures as extensively as UHIs how can anyone believe especial after
this Jan 11, 2023 — In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades: around minus-80 ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/01/11/siberia-russia-extreme-cold/
So how can you believe that the entire world is now 1.53 degrees warmer?
Again... read the attached..

What are you trying to say? That we've experienced no global warming?
For some reason, climate change deniers believe that cherry-picking data from climatologists and isolating it can serve their desire to discredit climatologists.

Of course, climatologists are well-acquainted with the data they have compiled, and integrate it into a comprehensive understanding of anthropogenic climate change.
For some reason, climate change deniers believe that cherry-picking data from climatologists and isolating it can serve their desire to discredit climatologists.

Of course, climatologists are well-acquainted with the data they have compiled, and integrate it into a comprehensive understanding of anthropogenic climate change.
So then explain to me how you "scientists" (with sarcasm!!!) are able to make a global statement... "Scientists know this through evidence compiled from satellites, weather balloons, thermometers, weather stations and more. Since 1880, average global temperatures have increased by about 1 degrees Celsius (1.7° degrees Fahrenheit)".
WHEN 12.5 % of the earth had NO weather stations if any and today NOW "scientists" say..
Jan 11, 2023 — In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades: around minus-80 ...https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/01/11/siberia-russia-extreme-cold/
Please explain how those temperatures didn't affect the readings !


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So then explain to me how you "scientists" (with sarcasm!!!) are able to make a global statement... "Scientists know this through evidence compiled from satellites, weather balloons, thermometers, weather stations and more. Since 1880, average global temperatures have increased by about 1 degrees Celsius (1.7° degrees Fahrenheit)".
WHEN 12.5 % of the earth had NO weather stations if any and today NOW "scientists" say..
Jan 11, 2023 — In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades: around minus-80 ...https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/01/11/siberia-russia-extreme-cold/
Please explain how those temperatures didn't affect the readings !
If I place a thermometer a hundred miles to the east of, to the west of you, to the north of you and to the south of you; and then made use of their readings and wind speed and directions, relative humidities and elevations from those points to make an estimate of the temperature right where you're sitting, what do you think my average error would be over the course of a year? Your 12.5% figure doesn't mean diddly squat to me. We've actually only got weather data for the immediate few square inches around those thousands of weather stations. But we've got a pretty good understanding of the fluid dynamics of moving air and the global temperature numbers you see on all those pretty graphs aren't perfect, but they certainly aren't shit.
Cult boi, don't project your raving cult fanatism on to normal people. You're a wild-eyed religious kook, we're rational people.

So? Why does that matter? Are you actually stupid enough to push the "DERP! DERP! Climate changed naturally before, so humans can't affect climate! DEERRRRRRRRP!" argument? Apparently, you are.

Dear God, no. Where did you come up with such a crazy claim? 1875 is way, way past the end of the Little Ice age. Temperatures by that time were higher than they were before the LIA started.

Sure it is. The directly measured increase in backradation essentially proves it. There's no natural explanation for that, and it's consistent with AGW theory.

AGW theory, being actual science, can be falsified in many different ways. In contrast, your kook ravings can't be falsified, because they're an entirely religious belief on your part. If you disagree, please tell the crowd what your theory of denialism is, and what hard data could falsify it.

Finally, your eyeball stuff is just astoundingly stupid. It shows that you don't have a clue about how statistics works. Don't worry, all deniers fail that way. If you weren't clueless, you wouldn't be deniers.

The error of an average is less than the error of the individual measurements. Anyone who didn't know something that basic shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Back to the kiddie table with you, here's a juicebox.

Oh, I see your fellow cult losers all jumped in together to whimper about how the whole world keeps laughing at them for being such clueless fascist turds. It's good that you all have each others' shoulders to cry on.
The climate people are the fanatics. They are the cult. What is the matter with you?
As is the THEORY of Gravity.
Gonna deny that too?

Gravity is a force that can be measured.

We have satellites and balloons to measure atmospheric temperature, and they showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 = theory REJECTED
If you need to believe that you can explain a map of the arctic better than the world's scientific community, you keep telling yourself that.


The "greater guru theory of parroting" = I'm parroting a greater guru, nevermind I have NO CLUE AT ALL regarding subject matter...

Every piece of land within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is in ICE AGE. Your "community" never seems to notice and is not eager to explain.
Every piece of land within 600 miles of an Earth Pole is in ICE AGE. Your "community" never seems to notice and is not eager to explain.
Do you believe the world's climate scientists are unaware that it is cold at the Earth's poles? How unbelievably stupid can you get
Currently the earth is in the middle of one right now. The interglacial epoch geologists call the Holocene.


The concept of ICE AGE was formed initially before tectonic plate movement was understood. Evidence of ice age glaciers on South America's southern tip were believed to be evidence that Antarctic Ice was once 10 fold larger than it is now, and stretched out over ocean to get there...

That was completely wrong.

That in the past million years Greenland froze while North America thawed is absolute proof that ice ages are continent specific and the planet does not warm and cool as a whole. Rather, Earth's climate, dictated by ice, is all about land within 600 miles of a pole, and land moves. If land gets within 600 miles, the annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during summer and starts to stack. Run that for a million years and you get Greenland today. Run that for 40 million years and you get Antarctica. If you haven't noticed, the ice doesn't grow out over ocean, it BREAKS OFF in the form of ICEBERGS which are STILL FROZEN and hence not evidence of "melting."

Back to the glaciation on the southern tip of South America. That was all about Antarctica and South America being attached for tens of millions of years after separating from southern Africa 120+ millon years, the beginning of the Atlantic Ocean and the end of Pangea.

The Andes Mountains and the TransAntarctic Mountains are actually the same mountains caused by the same tectonic plate motion. We can even date when this happened because we can SEE WHERE IT HAPPENED....

Do you believe the world's climate scientists are unaware that it is cold at the Earth's poles? How unbelievably stupid can you get

We are still waiting for your heroes to answer some questions...

Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle while trees and moose north of the Arctic Circle in Alaska?

How did Co2 melt North American and freeze Greenland at the same time?
Do you believe the world's climate scientists are unaware that it is cold at the Earth's poles? How unbelievably stupid can you get

Surely you can give us a LINK with their answers to my questions....
Sorry, but you are so stupid that trying to talk with you is a complete waste of time.


And there you have it. The warmers cannot explain a MAP of the Arctic, since that shows Greenland with ice south of the Arctic Circle and Alaska with trees and reindeer north of Arctic Circle....

Those "top scientists..."


Most of them are flops in other areas of science and hence found a "science career" that just meant fudging, lying, and parroting.... and collecting a govt check...
So then explain to me how you "scientists" (with sarcasm!!!) are able to make a global statement... "Scientists know this through evidence compiled from satellites, weather balloons, thermometers, weather stations and more. Since 1880, average global temperatures have increased by about 1 degrees Celsius (1.7° degrees Fahrenheit)".
WHEN 12.5 % of the earth had NO weather stations if any and today NOW "scientists" say..
Jan 11, 2023 — In Siberia, the icebox of the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures have plunged to their lowest levels in at least two decades: around minus-80 ...https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2023/01/11/siberia-russia-extreme-cold/
Please explain how those temperatures didn't affect the readings !
It would be futile.

You appear hellbent upon denial, regardless of the scientific analysis of all the data by the most knowledgable, and the evidence that supports it. You'd rather believe that everyone is being duped for inexplicable reasons.
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And you think what you do IS?


You haven't dented any of it.

Where is Earth ice?

90% Antarctica
7% Greenland

You cannot explain why there is ice on Greenland south of Arctic Circle yet none north of Arctic Circle in Alaska.

You have NOTHING but urban heat sink effect and FUDGED FRAUD. Co2 does NOTHING.

You do not even live in FLA where you say you live...
What you are demonstrating is that The Enlightenment didn't work for everyone.

Stop parroting scientifically-ignorant ideologues, and respect the science of scientists.

Scientist don't draw a conclusion and then search for evidence to support that conclusion. Didn't they say all our costal cities should be underwater by now. Fewer and fewer people are buying your commie fear porn, because none of the dire predictions you commies have pushed have come true. No massive costal flooding, no stronger or more frequent storms than in the past. And here you are still sucking the tit of commie lies.

Scientist don't draw a conclusion and then search for evidence to support that conclusion. Didn't they say all our costal cities should be underwater by now. Fewer and fewer people are buying your commie fear porn, because none of the dire predictions you commies have pushed have come true. No massive costal flooding, no stronger or more frequent storms than in the past. And here you are still sucking the tit of commie lies.

What other scientific disciplines does your ideological dogma compel you to hold in contempt?

Do you become pissy about geology? Physics? Biochemistry?

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