Further proof global warming is a hoax!

I disagree. The Climate has not change. The earth is getting warmer and we see some effects of that. But Hurricanes, devastating storms, drought, floods, famine....... are features of our climate. The small amount of warming we'd added can be most seen at the extremes . When there are no hurricanes in the Atlantic during a summer then we can say the climate has changed. Imo it will take a huge devastating event to get mankind off his butt........and adapt.

Sorry, but the climate is always in a state of flux and always changing.

One example of the changes.

In my neck of the woods we have seen the rain patterns change over the last 20 years or so. We are getting about the same amount of rain per month, but we are getting it in less days, as when it rains it rains longer and harder but then there are more days in-between without rain. Not a huge big deal unless you happen to be a grain farmer. Too much rain at one time is bad, too long between rains is bad. Thus there has been a push by the farmers to add both tiling to deal with the extra water runoff and irrigation to deal with the extra days between rain. Some have even given up part of their cropland to build ponds to direct the runoff from the extra rain to use for their irrigation. The farmers do not have the luxury to fight about what is causing the change, they had to do something to mitigate it or risk losing their livelihood.

Entire ecosystems are moving north.


This is why we are fucked, we cannot do anything to prepare for the changes because the sheep from both sides will never quit fighting about the cause
Not all are surrendering to anthropogenic climate change.

After months of investigation and data-crunching, an original lineup of 2,000 U.S.-based companies was narrowed to 400 U.S. companies that cut their emissions intensity from 2019 to 2021.

[Climate change calls for cuts in carbon emissions. These US companies are leading the way.]
Sorry, but the climate is always in a state of flux and always changing.

One example of the changes.

In my neck of the woods we have seen the rain patterns change over the last 20 years or so. We are getting about the same amount of rain per month, but we are getting it in less days, as when it rains it rains longer and harder but then there are more days in-between without rain. Not a huge big deal unless you happen to be a grain farmer. Too much rain at one time is bad, too long between rains is bad. Thus there has been a push by the farmers to add both tiling to deal with the extra water runoff and irrigation to deal with the extra days between rain. Some have even given up part of their cropland to build ponds to direct the runoff from the extra rain to use for their irrigation. The farmers do not have the luxury to fight about what is causing the change, they had to do something to mitigate it or risk losing their livelihood.

Entire ecosystems are moving north.

No reputable climatologist or climatological body that recognizes the reality of anthropogenic climate change would deny that.
Sucks to be you, right? You just parrot the talking points and are incapable of independent thought
Besides climatology, in what other scientific disciplines are you in denial? Lepidopterology? Linguistics? Fluid Dynamics? Proctology?

If you would rather not honestly answer the question, you need not become pissy.

If climatology is the only scientific discipline you deny, you need only say so.
Not all are surrendering to anthropogenic climate change.

After months of investigation and data-crunching, an original lineup of 2,000 U.S.-based companies was narrowed to 400 U.S. companies that cut their emissions intensity from 2019 to 2021.

[Climate change calls for cuts in carbon emissions. These US companies are leading the way.]

Oh boy, that will really save the day! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Now how about China and India and every other emerging nations that wants the same lifestyle we have in the US?

This is why we are fucked, we cannot do anything to prepare for the changes because the sheep from both sides will never quit fighting about the cause
That’s as false as the claims that it wasn’t happening
That’s as false as the claims that it wasn’t happening

Nope, it is a fact and you are living proof of it.

All you care about is the cause as that is the political part of it, which is all that matters to most
Look, the climate is changing, that nobody can deny. If we humans are part of why that is happening it just does not matter because we are not going to change our lifestyles enough to make a difference.

It is far past time to quit fighting over the causes and just deal with the changes and adapt to them as best that we can.

Golfing, I stopped arguing MMGW long ago, once I discovered who started funding these groups. It became obvious, this was not a climate issue, but a political and economic issue.

I am sure you remember, or heard of, when Jimmy Carter held the summit while President, to try and discover a way to become energy independent. As technology increased, and it became apparent that we could, in the same time frame, low and behold, we went from global cooling, to global warming, then to the all inclusive climate change, and what was named the culprit? Why natural energy......fossil fuels, natural gas.

Why is that?

Simple really, Europe has no oil if you discount Russia. How could Europe compete if the US could buy oil on the open market for the same price they could, and if oil shot up or got embargoed, could produce their own! The US would no longer be beholden to the Middle East, nor the Suez canal.

I am sure you have also heard the saying----------->the enemy of my enemy, is my friend!

Well, that means that Russia and OPEC didn't like the outlook either. Here you have a country with the best farmland, the worlds largest reserves of oil and natural gas, the largest industrial complex, and at the time, the best scientists in the world in the private sector to push this advantage, and basically bury everyone else under the tremendous luck of having all these riches. How to neuter them was the question, to even the playing field some, and keep OPEC along with Russia in charge of the price of liquid gold! This would also give the Middle East time to move to other economic activity.

Wait, I have it------------>give them a task which on its face is not impossible, but would take almost 50 to 60 years to make the new technology even from an economic perspective, as even if the USA came up with this tech quickly; say 15 years, it would take another 40 to convert power plants over, and build new ones; unless of course you go with nuclear power plants, but as you know, we can't have those either, lol.

From my way of thinking; unless something changes, they managed to pull it off! And, their funding has created and indoctrinated a mass of college students who have become their useful idiots on the subject. Sad, but true!
Nope, it is a fact and you are living proof of it.

All you care about is the cause as that is the political part of it, which is all that matters to most
I’ll believe you when I believe it’s not occurring
Not all are surrendering to anthropogenic climate change.

After months of investigation and data-crunching, an original lineup of 2,000 U.S.-based companies was narrowed to 400 U.S. companies that cut their emissions intensity from 2019 to 2021.

[Climate change calls for cuts in carbon emissions. These US companies are leading the way.]

Your post reminds me of a discussion I had with my daughter's boyfriend. He graduated with a degree in Environmental Engineering with the goal of helping companies "go green". He was dismayed to find that he was only allowed to make tiny changes each year so that year over year they could keep showing they were trying.

He has since left the field
I’ll believe you when I believe it’s not occurring

It is occurring and nothing we can do will stop it from doing so.

It is past time to stop fighting over the cause and work to deal with what is coming
How many dire MMGW Cult predictions have come true?

Zero sound about right?
Oh boy, that will really save the day! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Now how about China and India and every other emerging nations that wants the same lifestyle we have in the US?
There is never a shortage of excuses for surrender.

Would it be nice if progress were faster? Indeed, it would.
Thousands of used EV's are sitting in California used car lots... no one wants to buy a used battery of any size from a triple A to an Electric vehicle battery.... the wizards of smart couldn't see this happening?.... what kind of fools are running the world?....

A tow truck driver recently told me EV are GREAT for business.
Some context to show how politicians are creating a divide to create votes. Politicians and the MSM would have you believe that the U.S. is the chief contributor to climate change.
But that is not true. Currently, China is. The most CO2 contribution per capita is Qatar. So what we gonna do about those two countries? Oh, and I find it interesting that the site i cite starts off with the top producer that shows the US. But the date range is from 1750-2020 LOL. But if you look at current state, China is at the top.

Some context to show how politicians are creating a divide to create votes. Politicians and the MSM would have you believe that the U.S. is the chief contributor to climate change.
But that is not true. Currently, China is. The most CO2 contribution per capita is Qatar. So what we gonna do about those two countries? Oh, and I find it interesting that the site i cite starts off with the top producer that shows the US. But the date range is from 1750-2020 LOL. But if you look at current state, China is at the top.

For context, Qatar is smaller than the state of Connecticut.
There is never a shortage of excuses for surrender.

Would it be nice if progress were faster? Indeed, it would.

It won't happen. The focus needs to be on dealing with the changes.

Do you think that the citizens of the US are willing to give up their way of life to help the planet?

Will those people in emerging countries that are tying to be like us just give up that goal?
It is occurring and nothing we can do will stop it from doing so.

It is past time to stop fighting over the cause and work to deal with what is coming
Better to mitigate as much as we can as quickly as we can.
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