Further proof global warming is a hoax!

Theory = unproven.


Theory is increasing Co2 in atmosphere will warm atmosphere.

Two and only two measures of atmosphere- satellites and balloons - NOPE - Co2 went up, atmospheric temps did not....

time for FUDGE...
Mankind also needs to stop falsifying data to support an agenda that is Climate Change. These same “thought leaders” on Climate Change need to stop wagging their finger at everyone else while they use jets and SUVs to meet to discuss climate change when all of this can be accomplished over a video conference with a zero carbon footprint. Show some goddamn leadership and accountability. Otherwise, the hypocrisy simply fuels skepticism.

I'm a prick about this, because it matters.

Climate change is a SCIENCE.

Global Warming is a THEORY, that Co2 is the driver of Earth climate change.

Global Warming is a FRAUD.

The overwhelming cause of Earth Climate Change is the position of land near the poles, and land moves.

Antarctica = 90% of Earth ice
Greenland = 7% of Earth ice

Earth with two polar oceans = no ice

Earth with two polar continents like Antarctica = twice the ice

Ice dictates Earth climate = ocean level, temperature, atmospheric thickness, humidity

Co2 does nothing.

The media, including Faux and the "conservative" media, will not ask the most basic Climate Change question of all...

How did Co2 melt North America and freeze Greenland AT THE SAME TIME...
Mankind also needs to stop falsifying data to support an agenda that is Climate Change. These same “thought leaders” on Climate Change need to stop wagging their finger at everyone else while they use jets and SUVs to meet to discuss climate change when all of this can be accomplished over a video conference with a zero carbon footprint. Show some goddamn leadership and accountability. Otherwise, the hypocrisy simply fuels skepticism.

100%. Folks like Al Gore have done 1000 times more harm than good. This did not need to be a political issue, and once it was made so any chance of dealing with it were gone.
Run! Run! Run faster!

Your surrender is accepted.

What about "the error of an average is less than the error of the individual measurements" is confoozing you?

That's basic statistics. Almost all deniers faceplant at it. They're stupid people, too stupid to grasp how stupid they are.

There may be some warming and cooling, though we are not the primary cause(cyclical), and even if we were, we couldn’t we stop it unless the entire world was on board, which they are not. Despite what you know-it-alls think, there are many things about our planet that are completely out of our control. Continental shifting, for example.

Ignorant, naive people that fall for the money making hoax that is climate change, meanwhile those pushing it the hardest are buying multi-million dollar beach homes in areas that are supposed to be the most affected in the near term if we don’t address this “emergency”. These same people worship science, though have very little knowledge themselves, as if it is a God, as if it is infallible, and will fall for anything the “science” of the day professes to be fact. Those of us with more common sense and even a cursory knowledge of history can see just how fallible(and now corrupt) science can be.
Ideological dogma very selectively cherry picks scientific data (gleaned from the same scientists it assails.)

If integrated into a comprehensive analysis by the most competent, it yields a consensus antithetical to the crackpot view being espoused.

Despite the deniers,
The earth is spheroidal.
Life evolves.
Spewing millions of tonnes of industrial waste into the atmosphere affects the atmosphere.

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As of February 2023, 194 states and the EU,
representing over 98% of global greenhouse gas emissions,
have ratified or acceded to the Paris Agreement within the
dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance
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"They's all wrong!
When I digs a well,
my ass is cold!"

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The only thing you're proving is, more than a decade of indoctrination works.

What you are demonstrating is that The Enlightenment didn't work for everyone.

Stop parroting scientifically-ignorant ideologues, and respect the science of scientists.
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Translation - cannot explain a MAP of the Arctic
If you need to believe that you can explain a map of the arctic better than the world's scientific community, you keep telling yourself that.
Regardless of the ideological propaganda some parrot, most folks now get it:

Climate scientists almost unanimously agree that climate change is a serious threat to people and is associated with human activities. While the severity of the problem will affect people in various countries differently, the new Lloyd's Register Foundation World Risk Poll finds that the majority of people globally believe climate change poses a threat to the next generation in their countries….
A multitude of factors, including education and gender, help shape attitudes toward climate change. But none more so than education. More than half (54%) of people with 16 or more years of education said they thought climate change is a very serious threat in the next 20 years, compared with nearly one in three (30%) of those with zero to eight years of education.

There are still a few out there, however.
Please post the list of “97% of climate scientists agree” so we can laugh at it again.
You foolishly rely upon “consensus” and there’s no point in the Scientific Method where “Consensus” comes into play; that’s a Cult word
Whenever scientists in any discipline overwhelmingly concur, the likelihood of an ilk of ideologues in denial having it right is exceedingly slim.
CO2 and other gases absorb energy/heat.

The concentration of those gases in the atmosphere has increased markedly, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, if the trend continues, warming is inevitable,
Whenever scientists in any discipline overwhelmingly concur, the likelihood of an ilk of ideologues in denial having it right is exceedingly slim.
No Honey BooBoo, that’s not science. We are still rigorously testing Relativity and we’re not 100% certain we have gravity figured out. Much like the Flat Earthers, the Faithful in their religions ALL have their consensus

Consensus =/= Science

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