Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

Well then how come the word for black and slave is the same in Arabic? You should be burning all Korans, due to this very reason that it promotes the worst "racism" towards blacks in its language.
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.
White people are indeed a large reason for the misery and problems in the world. It seems you haven't been keeping up on history, current events or you are simply ignorant.

Meh, we are talking about America, not "White people", where blacks still have it better than any other country in the world. Others with the "wrong looks" like Asians have emigrated here, and now are some of the highest achievers academia and other sectors. Again, it goes back to those universal values that work for all minorities. I never saw Asians form these Nation of Islam hate whitey groups that create this culture of victimization and govt dependence. Instead they rolled up their sleeves and went to work, and took advantage of the education provided in this country.

I also never saw an Asian or Hispanic making sure their children's learning experiences are limited to their own race. Actually I never heard of a school that makes it a point to teach anything that originates from black or African sources only. Unless it's one of these Nation of Islam or Mosque educational centers, which teach racism.

Hans Christian Anderson's stories have nothing to do with "race" in fact they teach independence and tolerance. You are truly pathetic and disgusting.
I'm talking about white people in general. I'm not concerned with what you divine as the topic. Asians immigrated. Blacks were forced and had their families destroyed and split up due to white greed and lack of ethics, morals, and their savagery. Asians have a family oriented culture that was strong enough to withstand the propaganda whites tried to get them to believe. However, there are many that are starting to fall.

Hans Andersons stories have every thing to do with race. Your low intellectual capacity prevents you from seeing that.

A day ago you had no idea who Hans Christian Anderson was, now you're an expert on his racist stories. Ha ha ha. So tell us, how does the story of "The Emperor has no clothes" promote racism and white superiority?
I told you I never heard of it so how would I know?
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

Well then how come the word for black and slave is the same in Arabic? You should be burning all Korans, due to this very reason that it promotes the worst "racism" towards blacks in its language.
What does Egypt and India have to do with Arabic?
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.
White people are indeed a large reason for the misery and problems in the world. It seems you haven't been keeping up on history, current events or you are simply ignorant.

Meh, we are talking about America, not "White people", where blacks still have it better than any other country in the world. Others with the "wrong looks" like Asians have emigrated here, and now are some of the highest achievers academia and other sectors. Again, it goes back to those universal values that work for all minorities. I never saw Asians form these Nation of Islam hate whitey groups that create this culture of victimization and govt dependence. Instead they rolled up their sleeves and went to work, and took advantage of the education provided in this country.

I also never saw an Asian or Hispanic making sure their children's learning experiences are limited to their own race. Actually I never heard of a school that makes it a point to teach anything that originates from black or African sources only. Unless it's one of these Nation of Islam or Mosque educational centers, which teach racism.

Hans Christian Anderson's stories have nothing to do with "race" in fact they teach independence and tolerance. You are truly pathetic and disgusting.
I'm talking about white people in general. I'm not concerned with what you divine as the topic. Asians immigrated. Blacks were forced and had their families destroyed and split up due to white greed and lack of ethics, morals, and their savagery. Asians have a family oriented culture that was strong enough to withstand the propaganda whites tried to get them to believe. However, there are many that are starting to fall.

Hans Andersons stories have every thing to do with race. Your low intellectual capacity prevents you from seeing that.

A day ago you had no idea who Hans Christian Anderson was, now you're an expert on his racist stories. Ha ha ha. So tell us, how does the story of "The Emperor has no clothes" promote racism and white superiority?

he already told you------the DUCK turned into a Swan ---and since most swans are white-------it must be clear that
the white swan represents the KU KLUX KLAN
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.
White people are indeed a large reason for the misery and problems in the world. It seems you haven't been keeping up on history, current events or you are simply ignorant.

Meh, we are talking about America, not "White people", where blacks still have it better than any other country in the world. Others with the "wrong looks" like Asians have emigrated here, and now are some of the highest achievers academia and other sectors. Again, it goes back to those universal values that work for all minorities. I never saw Asians form these Nation of Islam hate whitey groups that create this culture of victimization and govt dependence. Instead they rolled up their sleeves and went to work, and took advantage of the education provided in this country.

I also never saw an Asian or Hispanic making sure their children's learning experiences are limited to their own race. Actually I never heard of a school that makes it a point to teach anything that originates from black or African sources only. Unless it's one of these Nation of Islam or Mosque educational centers, which teach racism.

Hans Christian Anderson's stories have nothing to do with "race" in fact they teach independence and tolerance. You are truly pathetic and disgusting.
I'm talking about white people in general. I'm not concerned with what you divine as the topic. Asians immigrated. Blacks were forced and had their families destroyed and split up due to white greed and lack of ethics, morals, and their savagery. Asians have a family oriented culture that was strong enough to withstand the propaganda whites tried to get them to believe. However, there are many that are starting to fall.

Hans Andersons stories have every thing to do with race. Your low intellectual capacity prevents you from seeing that.

A day ago you had no idea who Hans Christian Anderson was, now you're an expert on his racist stories. Ha ha ha. So tell us, how does the story of "The Emperor has no clothes" promote racism and white superiority?

he already told you------the DUCK turned into a Swan ---and since most swans are white-------it must be clear that
the white swan represents the KU KLUX KLAN
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! This is the shit they teach retards like him at these Nation of Islaaaaaam rallies.
I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Dark skin, white skin, yellow skin, brown skin. This is America. Whites just voted for a black man as president. Nothing is enough for people like you. You are a racist practicing reverse racism, who thinks just because you are black it's okay.
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

Muslims like Boko Haram are still practicing slavery and genocide on black Africans, you friggin ignorant moron. Heard from those 200 kidnapped black girls yet? Or did they get sold to the highest bidders? Your ignorance is astounding.
I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.

I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?
it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.

Ah India, another land where Arab Muslims invaded and slaughtered its people in order to force Islam and Arab culture down their throats. By all counts, when it was over, they had killed about 90 million Hindus. Peaceful Islam, anyone? Ha ha ha.
I don't know where this "reading material that depicts white people as terrific" is. Hans Christian Andersen wrote
"the ugly duckling"------that was not even a person. I used to like Charles Dickens----more than half the people he depicts are damned bastards I never got the impression that
MADAAM DEFARGE was a black lady. There were lots of books around in the 60s which had articles in which some very manipulative people INSISTED that there is an American white conspiracy to poison the minds of children
against dark skin. ----I did not know that the conspiracy extended to Denmark
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
My library is fine. You should revamp yours. Mansa Musa was an Islamic Black African Emperor. To this day he is the wealthiest man to have ever walked the earth.
What does the ugly duckling turn into? A Black swan or a white one? Thats just a subtle example of the socialization I was talking about. I barely recall reading Dickens but I know he was a racist. Same with Jack London. Why would I consider their works great? I do beleive their is a conspiracy to poison the mind of people against dark skin. The very word "dark" or "black" seems to conjure up negative connotations. I remember as a kid looking up the word Black and comparing it to the definition of white. It was downright obvious thats what was going on. Since then the dictionaries have changed the definition of Black but not white.

The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.
it's not a conspiracy-----light had been contrasted with dark
as good vs bad thruout the world for thousands of years. DAY vs night. The problem arises only if skin color
becomes ATTACHED to that concept. The most skin color
persons I have ever encountered (repeatedly) are from south-east Asia-----both Pakistanis and Indian, both Hindu
and Muslim -----they had it before the British got there. Even the ancient Egyptians played that game
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.

who said Indians do not worship black gods------I said that SIVA ---god of destruction and death is depicted as being black. Sesame seed oil will not turn skin black ----
Indians like to put TUMERIC PASTE on people------it stains them a bit yellow. Marco was confused. turmeric is
good for you -----have a spoonful in your grits.

The brahmans of India were------characteristically lighter in color than the local dravidians and somehow considered LOTS BETTER
The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
My library is fine. You should revamp yours. Mansa Musa was an Islamic Black African. To this day he is the wealthiest man to have ever walked the earth.

so?-----and he had black slaves------of the chattel variety. They still have black slaves over there in mali

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