Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
Obama is half white, raise by white people, funded and allied with liberal white people. He must be a sell out in your mind, because he's sure the hell has done nothing for black people.
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
You jumped into the thread and never commented on the topic..Obama's white, preppy, ass couldn't survive in my hood. He get beat down like the little bitch he is;)
You jumped in and totally missed where I did comment. Your inability to read is your issue. You dont live in a hood. The trailer park is not a hood. Its a trailer park.

Southwest Detroit!!....Whaaat!!..;)You might be a little bitch too for all i know...oh I saw your "comment who gives a shit"...Brilliant
What about southwest detroit? I know you dont live there. You would get your ass kicked daily.
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?

This is how Oblahblah would sound in the hood:

You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
Southwest Detroit!!....Whaaat!!..;)You might be a little bitch too for all i know...oh I saw your "comment who gives a shit"...Brilliant
What about southwest detroit? I know you dont live there. You would get your ass kicked daily.
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

"White boy"? You are one disgusting racist piece of shit. I hope you aren't teaching your kids the same thing.
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

Aha I see, so just because the author is white then regardless of the message or values the story teaches, since white = evil then the story must not be taught.

Wow, you are more pathetic than I thought.

So how are things at the Nation of Islam HQ, any hate whitey stories you would like to repeat to us? Ha ha ha.
Exactly. If the author is white then its coming from the mindset of a white person. I dont have the time to filter out everything so I only use Black authors. I want my children to know that being Black didnt start with slavery. I show my kids all the things Black people did and promote that in my household. I do this because I know at school they will be told BS lies which are geared to have them look to white people as superior.
Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
What about southwest detroit? I know you dont live there. You would get your ass kicked daily.
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

"White boy"? You are one disgusting racist piece of shit. I hope you aren't teaching your kids the same thing.
I do if a white boy is brave enough to call them a boy. Of course Jroc is safe on the internet so I know he wouldnt do that in person.
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
Southwest Detroit!!....Whaaat!!..;)You might be a little bitch too for all i know...oh I saw your "comment who gives a shit"...Brilliant
What about southwest detroit? I know you dont live there. You would get your ass kicked daily.
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

Doesn't matter what you believe ..I'm a Jew who grew up in the hood. No need to lie about such things. Obama is a half white guy who grew up among leftist white people.
Asclepias-----your POV is really anti-intellectual. Stories are a human thing-----a VERY HUMAN communication employed
universally as a means of transmitting wisdom. Try not to
let your kids know that you despise literature-----they may internalize your hatred of literature to their detriment
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
What about southwest detroit? I know you dont live there. You would get your ass kicked daily.
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

Doesn't matter what you believe ..I'm a Jew who grew up in the hood. No need to lie about such things. Obama is a half white guy who grew up among leftist white people.
if it didn't matter you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince me. Obama is more Black than you no matter where you grew up. Sorry.
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" that
Actually the stories provide moral and ethical lessons for society as well.

For example, in the Emperor Has No Clothes, you would be one of the coward morons who would cheer for the emperor just because he was the emperor, even though he had no clothes on, just like you do for Oblahblah, just because he's black.

And of course The Ugly Duckling taught people not to judge people by how they look, or be a conformist.

Those of course are "white stories" with messages that have no value for black people, do they? :cuckoo:

Again, typical mindset of an Obama-bot.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

Doesn't matter what you believe ..I'm a Jew who grew up in the hood. No need to lie about such things. Obama is a half white guy who grew up among leftist white people.
if it didn't matter you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince me. Obama is more Black than you no matter where you grew up. Sorry.
Stories are meant to convey messages. I dont happen to like the messages most white fairy tales send. I think my POV is substantially more intellectual than most people can relate to. It requires critical thinking which most people are incapable of. Why would I want my kids hearing some rubbish about Snow White or Goldilocks? They need to hear stories where they are the focal point of the story.

your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
Grew up there, lived there my whole life. Got shot there, cleaned up the blood of dead friends there ..You?
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

"White boy"? You are one disgusting racist piece of shit. I hope you aren't teaching your kids the same thing.
I do if a white boy is brave enough to call them a boy. Of course Jroc is safe on the internet so I know he wouldnt do that in person.

Really? I'm not a racist piece of shit. I grew up around poor blacks, whites, mexicans ect.. I'm not the racist here, but if you'd like to meet up and talk about it we can do that...You're not a wrinkled up old man are you?
your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

Doesn't matter what you believe ..I'm a Jew who grew up in the hood. No need to lie about such things. Obama is a half white guy who grew up among leftist white people.
if it didn't matter you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince me. Obama is more Black than you no matter where you grew up. Sorry.
your approach will limit their minds. I love short stories----
from ALL DIFFERENT cultures-----they provide insight into
those "other" cultures. Hans Christian Andersen was Danish. I am not Danish I see nothing all that intellectual about you. Are you going to let them learn
calculus? Sir Isaac Newton was a white boy
he's too blinded by his race
I already told you I dont believe you grew up there. If you did you would have gotten your ass kicked all the time.

Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

"White boy"? You are one disgusting racist piece of shit. I hope you aren't teaching your kids the same thing.
I do if a white boy is brave enough to call them a boy. Of course Jroc is safe on the internet so I know he wouldnt do that in person.

Really? I'm not a racist piece of shit. I grew up around poor blacks, whites, mexicans ect.. I'm not the racist here, but if you'd like to meet up and talk about it we can do that...You're not a wrinkled up old man are you?
Yes really. I think you are a racist piece of shit but that doesnt really bother me at all. I'm not really concerned with your claims either. If you want to meet up drop me a PM with your number and we can discuss the details. No I'm not a wrinkled old man. Hopefully that doesnt change your mind.
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

UH huh------I read that crap in the 60s and 70s too. Eldridge Cleaver had more than his "soul on ice"-----his
brain was frozen
I dont need a white person to provide morals for my kids. There are plenty of African stories that do the same thing. Face it. Your white author is only important to white people. You must be an idiot to think I would let white authors pollute my childrens minds.

yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

UH huh------I read that crap in the 60s and 70s too. Eldridge Cleaver had more than his "soul on ice"-----his
brain was frozen
yes----lots of stories written by Africans------same genre
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

UH huh------I read that crap in the 60s and 70s too. Eldridge Cleaver had more than his "soul on ice"-----his
brain was frozen
Never read Eldridge Cleaver. I'm more into ancient African history.
he's too blinded by his race
Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

Doesn't matter what you believe ..I'm a Jew who grew up in the hood. No need to lie about such things. Obama is a half white guy who grew up among leftist white people.
if it didn't matter you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince me. Obama is more Black than you no matter where you grew up. Sorry.
he's too blinded by his race
Doesn't matter what you believe boy.You're the only fraud here.... Chadsey High school..Damn they tore it down now:( Libs ran the city into the ground
if it didnt matter you wouldnt be trying so hard to convince me white boy. Did you honestly think I would believe that? :laugh:

"White boy"? You are one disgusting racist piece of shit. I hope you aren't teaching your kids the same thing.
I do if a white boy is brave enough to call them a boy. Of course Jroc is safe on the internet so I know he wouldnt do that in person.

Really? I'm not a racist piece of shit. I grew up around poor blacks, whites, mexicans ect.. I'm not the racist here, but if you'd like to meet up and talk about it we can do that...You're not a wrinkled up old man are you?
Yes really. I think you are a racist piece of shit but that doesnt really bother me at all. I'm not really concerned with your claims either. If you want to meet up drop me a PM with your number and we can discuss the details. No I'm not a wrinkled old man. Hopefully that doesnt change your mind.
All of this is of course a grand yet ineffective effort to explain away why he's so undereducated that he hasn't even heard of Hans Christian Anderson stories, that is like basic education for school children all over the world.
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

UH huh------I read that crap in the 60s and 70s too. Eldridge Cleaver had more than his "soul on ice"-----his
brain was frozen
Never read Eldridge Cleaver. I'm more into ancient African history.

That's nice-------ancient African history----at least you read
I already explained I got a poor education. I grew up in the hood. Regardless Hans Anderson simply doesnt rate to me. Your turn of phrase is foreign to me because I never had a reason or desire to find out about him. His stories are unimportant to me. Sorry if that bothers you.

I grew up in a small town-----the library was far away----
had to get there by bus------which required a fare. -----
there were essentially no books at home-----once I got thru
a tattered volume of the poems of shelly. ----I read everything
that I could get my hands on.............it is difficult for me to understand anyone who is so PICKY about what he reads. I was very lucky------my parents never interfered with my reading materials. I read the book "LOLITA" at about
age ten-----because it landed near me. I had no idea why
that book bothered anyone. Because of my eclectic and unrestrained reading-------I used to score OUT OF RANGE---
on "general information" tests
If you are a white person you have that luxury. The vast majority of books you will pick up will paint white people as great. As a Black person I have to make sure I look at things in context. White authors understandably write about white stories. White historians have lied so much about history trying to promote white superiority that they have lost all credibility except for the few that actually tell the truth. Context is everything. Thats why to this day little Black girls prefer white dolls. They get socialized from watching the constant stream of messages telling them white is right.

UH huh------I read that crap in the 60s and 70s too. Eldridge Cleaver had more than his "soul on ice"-----his
brain was frozen
Never read Eldridge Cleaver. I'm more into ancient African history.

That's nice-------ancient African history----at least you read
I read more than that but then I am a adult that knows better.

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