Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Thanks Irosie , Divide and Conquer" is how war is won, Jews are good at it.
Your citizen-of-Iran paranoia is beginning to show through.

You think Penelope is Iranian? I don't-----I have never
met a stupid Iranian-----not that stupid. Most of the people
who leave Iran are of the intelligentsia
Intelligence and paranoia are usually complementary.

intelligentsia implies intelligence I would think. From personal experience paranoid people are most often intelligent. I should know, I was intelligent once. :eusa_shifty: As far as peace-n-flowers there I would guess she is from Iran but perhaps not. If she is the number one care she has is what war would do to her country.

Penelope says she is from Michigan. One time there was a video of a Nazi meeting someplace in the Midwest. Some Nazi was giving a speech, and the young Nazi women in their little Nazi uniforms would yell out "Sieg Heil" every time the speaker paused. When I see Penelope's posts, that video is brought to mind.
greek-----"the emperor has no clothes" is a very much used
little saying-----most people learn it in grade school
Never heard of it. Never heard anyone use it. Maybe it has something to do with Greek not really being of any importance to me.
It's a famous children's story. Did you make it past third grade? Typical Obama supporter: ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill.
Its a dumb childrens story. Never heard of it.

That's because you are uneducated and ignorant. Not your fault. No wonder you're such a bigtime Obama and Islam supporter. You fit the profile perfectly. Bet you can't count past 20. Did you even graduate from elementary school? Ha ha ha.
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Saw a bumper sticker the other day it said: "my dog is smarter than your honor student". Ha ha ha.
Your citizen-of-Iran paranoia is beginning to show through.

You think Penelope is Iranian? I don't-----I have never
met a stupid Iranian-----not that stupid. Most of the people
who leave Iran are of the intelligentsia
Intelligence and paranoia are usually complementary.

intelligentsia implies intelligence I would think. From personal experience paranoid people are most often intelligent. I should know, I was intelligent once. :eusa_shifty: As far as peace-n-flowers there I would guess she is from Iran but perhaps not. If she is the number one care she has is what war would do to her country.

Penelope says she is from Michigan. One time there was a video of a Nazi meeting someplace in the Midwest. Some Nazi was giving a speech, and the young Nazi women in their little Nazi uniforms would yell out "Sieg Heil" every time the speaker paused. When I see Penelope's posts, that video is brought to mind.

Aha, Dearborn aka Al Darbourne capital of "occupied" West Bank USA, aka Michigan?
Never heard of it. Never heard anyone use it. Maybe it has something to do with Greek not really being of any importance to me.
It's a famous children's story. Did you make it past third grade? Typical Obama supporter: ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill.
Its a dumb childrens story. Never heard of it.

That's because you are uneducated and ignorant. Not your fault. No wonder you're such a bigtime Obama and Islam supporter. You fit the profile perfectly. Bet you can't count past 20. Did you even graduate from elementary school? Ha ha ha.
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.
It's a famous children's story. Did you make it past third grade? Typical Obama supporter: ignorant, illiterate, and mentally ill.
Its a dumb childrens story. Never heard of it.

That's because you are uneducated and ignorant. Not your fault. No wonder you're such a bigtime Obama and Islam supporter. You fit the profile perfectly. Bet you can't count past 20. Did you even graduate from elementary school? Ha ha ha.
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Source for what? You do not think that was their slogan or that is variation of a popular Iranian slogan or that it is chanted by supporters of Hezbollah? What do you want me to source?

I will help Penelope. she is not afraid of me. Penelope dear-------Yemen is a SUNNI country. Shiites are an
impoverished minority over there. SUDDENLY THEY ARE ARMED------which is quite a feat for impoverished illiterates
in Yemen SUDDENLY they are STRONG------I will help you understand------they are being created as a fighting
force BY IRAN ------got that-----not by Israel and not by jews in Brooklyn by IRAN. Saudi Arabia is so impressed that they are building a mock-up of THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA-----on their border with Yemen-----yemen---the land of the starving has Saudi Arabia on edge

You have no proof Iran is aiding them. None all speculation. We are aiding the rebels against Assad, and Israel is aiding Isis, is this what you mean?

I have no "proof" and you have "proof" that Israel is "aiding ISIS"??? you are quite a joke. I get my information about Yemen from people born there----some who have families still there -----well----that Yemeni informant is
not talking anymore-------his family is in Sanaa gee you are dim.

Only that ISIS hasn't gone into Israel , and its fighting to take over Syria, and well Israel wants Syria. Enough! Then Israel will step into the divided country and conquer!

quite a PROOF you got there Penelope-----which of your handlers figured that one out? IRAN? Israel wants SYRIA? what an interesting idea. if you had suggested "Israel wants Jordan" that statement would have at least-----made a tiny bit of sense -----or even Lebanon------but SYRIA???? There are interesting ramifications to what you say? Do you remember the name JONAH? ----he was the person who ended up in
the whale because he did not want to go to NINEVEH----
do you know where Nineveh is????

well ----getting back to Iran-----I can see why Iran would created a libel accusing Israel of "wanting" Syria. It would make sense to the AYATOILETS because Israel "having Syria" would be a strategic problem for Iran.
She's rambling, Jew hating, lunatic. 6 million Jews in Israel want to conquer all the Arabs and enslave them.:uhoh3:
I will help Penelope. she is not afraid of me. Penelope dear-------Yemen is a SUNNI country. Shiites are an
impoverished minority over there. SUDDENLY THEY ARE ARMED------which is quite a feat for impoverished illiterates
in Yemen SUDDENLY they are STRONG------I will help you understand------they are being created as a fighting
force BY IRAN ------got that-----not by Israel and not by jews in Brooklyn by IRAN. Saudi Arabia is so impressed that they are building a mock-up of THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA-----on their border with Yemen-----yemen---the land of the starving has Saudi Arabia on edge

You have no proof Iran is aiding them. None all speculation. We are aiding the rebels against Assad, and Israel is aiding Isis, is this what you mean?

I have no "proof" and you have "proof" that Israel is "aiding ISIS"??? you are quite a joke. I get my information about Yemen from people born there----some who have families still there -----well----that Yemeni informant is
not talking anymore-------his family is in Sanaa gee you are dim.

Only that ISIS hasn't gone into Israel , and its fighting to take over Syria, and well Israel wants Syria. Enough! Then Israel will step into the divided country and conquer!

quite a PROOF you got there Penelope-----which of your handlers figured that one out? IRAN? Israel wants SYRIA? what an interesting idea. if you had suggested "Israel wants Jordan" that statement would have at least-----made a tiny bit of sense -----or even Lebanon------but SYRIA???? There are interesting ramifications to what you say? Do you remember the name JONAH? ----he was the person who ended up in
the whale because he did not want to go to NINEVEH----
do you know where Nineveh is????

well ----getting back to Iran-----I can see why Iran would created a libel accusing Israel of "wanting" Syria. It would make sense to the AYATOILETS because Israel "having Syria" would be a strategic problem for Iran.
She's rambling, Jew hating, lunatic. 6 million Jews in Israel want to conquer all the Arabs and enslave them.:uhoh3:

I am still fascinated with the latest in mosque BS-----
Its a dumb childrens story. Never heard of it.

That's because you are uneducated and ignorant. Not your fault. No wonder you're such a bigtime Obama and Islam supporter. You fit the profile perfectly. Bet you can't count past 20. Did you even graduate from elementary school? Ha ha ha.
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.
That's because you are uneducated and ignorant. Not your fault. No wonder you're such a bigtime Obama and Islam supporter. You fit the profile perfectly. Bet you can't count past 20. Did you even graduate from elementary school? Ha ha ha.
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.

Fairy tales designed for white people? Ha ha ha. How pathetic can you get? I don't even know what to say to that. Please continue, you are a perfect sample of a typical Obama-bot.
Something I just read:
In San'a, which Houthis seized during their offensive in September, thousands of supporters converged on the capital’s airport road. They raised green flags and banners proclaiming their slogan—“Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam”—a variation of a popular Iranian slogan often chanted by Shiite militants in Iraq and supporters of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Thousands Demonstrate Across Yemen - WSJ

Got another source, the WSJ is bias and I do not want to spend money on it.
Bias is a noun.

The WSJ is biased, not bias.

Not usually a grammar Nazi, but that one makes my skin crawl.
oh gee----Penelope is afraid of Israel. !!!! she also seems afraid to learn English I wonder what "divide and concur"
means in her language. Sounds like a divorce settlement

Thanks Irosie , Divide and Conquer" is how war is won, Jews are good at it.

You got it wrong again Penelope the word is CONQUOR.
now-----go ask your handler for an example of jews when
they were engaged in warfare------using the technique of
DIVIDE AND CONQUOR. To help you out-----generally
your islamo-Nazi propaganda makes the point that the BRITISH EMPIRE was built on that technique-----try to
study your shit a bit more
[ ˈkäNGkər ]
verb: conquer · third person present: conquers · past tense: conquered · past participle: conquered · present participle: conquering

  1. overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force:
    "the Magyars conquered Hungary in the Middle Ages"
    synonyms: defeat · beat · vanquish · trounce · triumph over ·
    be victorious over · get the better of · worst · overcome · overwhelm · overpower · overthrow · subdue · subjugate · quell · quash · crush · rout · lick · best · hammer · clobber · thrash · paste · demolish · annihilate · wipe the floor with · walk all over · make mincemeat of · massacre · slaughter · cream · shellac · skunk · seize · take (over) · appropriate · subjugate · capture · occupy · invade · annex · overrun
Something I just read:
In San'a, which Houthis seized during their offensive in September, thousands of supporters converged on the capital’s airport road. They raised green flags and banners proclaiming their slogan—“Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam”—a variation of a popular Iranian slogan often chanted by Shiite militants in Iraq and supporters of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Thousands Demonstrate Across Yemen - WSJ

Got another source, the WSJ is bias and I do not want to spend money on it.
Bias is a noun.

The WSJ is biased, not bias.

Not usually a grammar Nazi, but that one makes my skin crawl.

That's what happens when the dope is translating directly from Arabic to English.
Something I just read:
In San'a, which Houthis seized during their offensive in September, thousands of supporters converged on the capital’s airport road. They raised green flags and banners proclaiming their slogan—“Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory to Islam”—a variation of a popular Iranian slogan often chanted by Shiite militants in Iraq and supporters of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
Thousands Demonstrate Across Yemen - WSJ

Got another source, the WSJ is bias and I do not want to spend money on it.
Bias is a noun.

The WSJ is biased, not bias.

Not usually a grammar Nazi, but that one makes my skin crawl.

That's what happens when the dope is translating directly from Arabic to English.

roudy----you can figure it out------is she originally a farsi speaker or an Arabic speaker?
I'm only ignorant of the dumb story. Its a useless partial sentence that doesn't mean much even though I now know of it.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.

Fairy tales designed for white people? Ha ha ha. How pathetic can you get? I don't even know what to say to that. Please continue, you are a perfect sample of a typical Obama-bot.
Yes, fairy tales designed for white people. They dont reflect anything to do with me for the most part. If I never heard of any of the stories I would be just fine. There is nothing more you can say but more inane babble.
To be ignorant of one Hans Christian Anderson, speaks volumes of who you are and your educational background.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.

Fairy tales designed for white people? Ha ha ha. How pathetic can you get? I don't even know what to say to that. Please continue, you are a perfect sample of a typical Obama-bot.
Yes, fairy tales designed for white people. They dont reflect anything to do with me for the most part. If I never heard of any of the stories I would be just fine. There is nothing more you can say but more inane babble.
Obama is half white, raise by white people, funded and allied with liberal white people. He must be a sell out in your mind, because he's sure the hell has done nothing for black people.
Whoever the guy is he must not be worth knowing. Never heard of him. Looks like he wrote a bunch of fairy tales for white people. I'm Black and that is not important to me.

So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.

Fairy tales designed for white people? Ha ha ha. How pathetic can you get? I don't even know what to say to that. Please continue, you are a perfect sample of a typical Obama-bot.
Yes, fairy tales designed for white people. They dont reflect anything to do with me for the most part. If I never heard of any of the stories I would be just fine. There is nothing more you can say but more inane babble.
Obama is half white, raise by white people, funded and allied with liberal white people. He must be a sell out in your mind, because he's sure the hell has done nothing for black people.
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?
So you're saying the guy who wrote world renowned stories such as The Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, etc., isn't worth knowing eh? I'm sure Obama would be thrilled to know that yet another stupid, undereducated moron like you happens to be one of his most devoted and dedicated supporters. Ha ha ha.

Hans Christian Andersen - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thats exactly what I am saying. I could give two shits about those fairy tales designed for white people. I am much more interested in people like Aesop.

Fairy tales designed for white people? Ha ha ha. How pathetic can you get? I don't even know what to say to that. Please continue, you are a perfect sample of a typical Obama-bot.
Yes, fairy tales designed for white people. They dont reflect anything to do with me for the most part. If I never heard of any of the stories I would be just fine. There is nothing more you can say but more inane babble.
Obama is half white, raise by white people, funded and allied with liberal white people. He must be a sell out in your mind, because he's sure the hell has done nothing for black people.
You arent Black so you have no idea how clueless you are. BTW what does that have to do with me not giving a shit about an author that writes fairy tales for white people?

I grew up more black than white boy Obama ever did, and what do any of your posts have to do with the topic of the thread?

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