Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

The difference between European and Arab Islamic slave trade:

The Arab Muslim Slave Trade Of Africans, The Untold Story

African Slaves In The Arab World

Over 28 Million Africans have been enslaved in the Muslim world during the past 14 centuries While much has been written concerning the Transatlantic slave trade, surprisingly little attention has been given to the Islamic slave trade across the Sahara, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.

While the European involvement in the Transatlantic slave trade to the Americas lasted for just over three centuries, the Arab involvement in the slave trade has lasted fourteen centuries, and in some parts of the Muslim world is still continuing to this day. A comparison of the Muslim slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some interesting contrasts.

While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Muslim slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims.

While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Transsahara and East African slave trade was between 80 and 90%!

While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems, and for military service.


While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survive.

While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth.

It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States).

A comparison of the Muslim slave trade to the American slave trade reveals some interesting contrasts. While two out of every three slaves shipped across the Atlantic were men, the proportions were reversed in the Muslim slave trade. Two women for every man were enslaved by the Muslims.

While the mortality rate for slaves being transported across the Atlantic was as high as 10%, the percentage of slaves dying in transit in the Transsahara and East African slave trade was between 80 and 90%!

While almost all the slaves shipped across the Atlantic were for agricultural work, most of the slaves destined for the Muslim Middle East were for sexual exploitation as concubines, in harems, and for military service.

While many children were born to slaves in the Americas, and millions of their descendants are citizens in Brazil and the USA to this day, very few descendants of the slaves that ended up in the Middle East survive.

While most slaves who went to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male slaves destined for the Middle East were castrated, and most of the children born to the women were killed at birth. It is estimated that possibly as many as 11 million Africans were transported across the Atlantic (95% of which went to South and Central America, mainly to Portuguese, Spanish and French possessions. Only 5% of the slaves went to the United States).

While Christian Reformers spearheaded the antislavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America, and Great Britain mobilized her Navy, throughout most of the 19th Century, to intercept slave ships and set the captives free, there was no comparable opposition to slavery within the Muslim world.

Even after Britain outlawed the slave trade in 1807 and Europe abolished the slave trade in 1815, Muslim slave traders enslaved a further 2 million Africans. This despite vigorous British Naval activity and military intervention to limit the Muslim slave trade.

By some calculations the number of victims of the 14 centuries of Muslim slave trade could exceed 180 million. Nearly 100 years after President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in America, and 130 years after all slaves within the British Empire were set free by parliamentary decree, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, in 1962, and Mauritania in 1980, begrudgingly removed legalized slavery from their statute books.

And this only after international pressure was brought to bear. Today numerous international organizations document that slavery still continues in some Muslim countries.

Reports on slavery in Sudan, Mauritania for instance needs looking into. Recently, a former slave from the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, Mende Nazer, had her autobiography: “Slave: My True Story” published. Mende Nazer was an alleged slave in Sudan. She was made famous by her transfer to England to serve a diplomatic family.

Mende Nazer reports that she was abducted and sold into slavery in Sudan when she was a child of twelve or thirteen (she doesn’t know when she was born). She lived in a village of the Karko Nuba in the Nuba mountains of Sudan with her family. The village was attacked one night. Mende fled with her family into the mountains.

She became separated from her family, and when a man caught her and told her he would protect her, she believed him. She had already seen people killed in front of her. The man told her to stay with a group of children.

Later, the raiders came and took all of the children to the town of Dilling, there the children were taken by families to serve as servants.

Mende also reports that she was taken by a woman from Khartoum whom she served for six or seven years. She had to do all the hard work of the household, and sleep on the floor of the garden shed.

She was never paid anything for her labor, and was frequently beaten. She wanted to leave, but had no money and nowhere to go, and was afraid to go to the police. The woman of the house said that she owned Mende, and called Mende her ‘Abda’, or slave.

Eventually Mende was sent to London to work as a domestic. After several months Mende escaped and claimed asylum. At first, the Home Office rejected her claim in October 2002. In November, the Home Office overturned its decision and granted Mende asylum.

Welcome to African Echo - The Voice of Africa

African Slaves In The Arab World
Not true. Black was considered the color of divinity by many cultures. India had Black gods and considered white evil. Them same held true for Egyptians as well.

gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.

who said Indians do not worship black gods------I said that SIVA ---god of destruction and death is depicted as being black. Sesame seed oil will not turn skin black ----
Indians like to put TUMERIC PASTE on people------it stains them a bit yellow. Marco was confused. turmeric is
good for you -----have a spoonful in your grits.

The brahmans of India were------characteristically lighter in color than the local dravidians and somehow considered LOTS BETTER
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
My library is fine. You should revamp yours. Mansa Musa was an Islamic Black African. To this day he is the wealthiest man to have ever walked the earth.

so?-----and he had black slaves------of the chattel variety. They still have black slaves over there in mali
You said "in India Black was never beautiful". Did you forget you said that? His slaves were not chattel slaves. They were considered humans.
The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
The word black in Arabic "Abd" literally means slave. For example Abdullah means slave to Allah. What Arabs did to black Africans is exponentially worse than what whites did. Black Africans are being killed by African Arab Muslims because of their color and religion. But you racist blacks never complain about what Islam has done. I wonder why.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.
The white Arabs indeed did some bad things to Africans including starting the slave trade to Europe. They also traded white slaves too. I bet you didnt know about that. However, white Arabs did not try to take out Blacks mentally. Their slavery was nothing in comparison of the chattel slavery that made the US a world power all while committing the most despicable, animal like crimes against humanity one can imagine. Islam was not responsible for slavery. We do know that Christianity was used to justify slavery by whites here in the US.

More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.
gee you are confused-----now roudy has been confirmed---
you are brainwashed by NOI and black is beautiful
propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
the "god" depicted in black is SIVA ----god of death and destruction. Sheesh-----you got books left over from the
the LSD era-------get some new stuff. In Egypt black
cats were magical and that is about it. Krishnah is blue

Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.

who said Indians do not worship black gods------I said that SIVA ---god of destruction and death is depicted as being black. Sesame seed oil will not turn skin black ----
Indians like to put TUMERIC PASTE on people------it stains them a bit yellow. Marco was confused. turmeric is
good for you -----have a spoonful in your grits.

The brahmans of India were------characteristically lighter in color than the local dravidians and somehow considered LOTS BETTER
Huh? Arabs wrote the book on slavery and treating black Africans like subhumans. Get your history right. You aren't even good at black African history. Ha ha ha.
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
My library is fine. You should revamp yours. Mansa Musa was an Islamic Black African. To this day he is the wealthiest man to have ever walked the earth.

so?-----and he had black slaves------of the chattel variety. They still have black slaves over there in mali
You said "in India Black was never beautiful". Did you forget you said that? His slaves were not chattel slaves. They were considered humans.

Try again -----I very correctly stated that Indians prefer white skin------and have since ancient times------you brought up the
"god" who is black------SIVA ----god of death and destruction
By the time Marco Polo traveled to India-----there is no question that the ruling people were the lighter colored BRAHMINS and the lowest casts were dark dravidians.
Even thousands of years ago -----girls were staying out of
the sun
More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Sorry but you just happen to be wrong.

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India"
-Marco Polo

Who gives a shit about skin. Stop blaming others.
Well she said Indians didnt worship Black gods. Dont be angry I made that out to be a lie. I give a shit about skin. What do you mean stop blaming others? I'm stating facts. Evidently you cant deal with them.

who said Indians do not worship black gods------I said that SIVA ---god of destruction and death is depicted as being black. Sesame seed oil will not turn skin black ----
Indians like to put TUMERIC PASTE on people------it stains them a bit yellow. Marco was confused. turmeric is
good for you -----have a spoonful in your grits.

The brahmans of India were------characteristically lighter in color than the local dravidians and somehow considered LOTS BETTER
Whites wrote the book on slavery. They considered Blacks subhuman. 3/5ths ring a bell? Whites system of slavery was completely new to the world all while promoting the theme "all men are created equal"

You should revamp your library------you are reading nonsense. Well---you got one thing right White arabs considered and still consider ----blacks to be sub-human.
Chattel slavery as determined by the slavers of the ancient world---ie. THE ARABS was chattel slavery. -------killing a slave under their system was not even a minor crime
My library is fine. You should revamp yours. Mansa Musa was an Islamic Black African. To this day he is the wealthiest man to have ever walked the earth.

so?-----and he had black slaves------of the chattel variety. They still have black slaves over there in mali
You said "in India Black was never beautiful". Did you forget you said that? His slaves were not chattel slaves. They were considered humans.

Try again -----I very correctly stated that Indians prefer white skin------and have since ancient times------you brought up the
"god" who is black------SIVA ----god of death and destruction
By the time Marco Polo traveled to India-----there is no question that the ruling people were the lighter colored BRAHMINS and the lowest casts were dark dravidians.
Even thousands of years ago -----girls were staying out of
the sun
You try again. Are you denying you said this?

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Who is Jefferies and why can you not debate the points? Also in regards to Egypt or should I say Kmt (which means land of the Black people) they definitely worshipped Black.
Last edited:
More BS and gross stupidity-------you "bet" I did not know??? why would I not know? I find it fascinating
that you call arabs "white"------of course they are ----in general but some black nationalist nuts prefer to call them black-----they certainly do not agree. Arabs are very color conscious. Arab slavery was chattel slavery----all the way. Just as savage as southern plantation if not more so. Arabs did not necessarily geld their victims------they actually
AMPUTATED the appendage. Of course islam is not responsible for slavery-----arabs were into the slave trade
for thousands of years before muhummad was born. <<
that is real history------actual recorded history. Slaves meant people ------when everyone with money wanted blue eyed blond girls------arabs answered the demand Blue eyed blond girls are STILL prized in arabia
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
I wasnt talking to you. How did you miss that? Who told you Black nationalists call them Black? Lots of them are definitely white.. Arab slavery was no where near as savage and animal like as white chattel slavery. Give me a break. Also slavery has been around a long time. It was not the version whites here in the US used. You do realize the word slave is from the Slavs when whites enslaved their own right?

Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
This is the second time I posted your claim.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----

Obviously you call Marco Polo a white guy a liar because as I posted earlier....

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker" (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India Why is he a liar but a white guy that says white skin was always preferred is telling the truth?
Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Who is Jefferies and why can you not debate the points? Also in regards to Egypt or should I say Kmt (which means land of the Black people) they definitely worshipped Black.

wrong---the pile of consonants you mention KMT----refers to the fact of the land of the nile valley is BLACK as a result of the deposition of silt created by the yearly overflow of the Nile--------get your stuff straightened out. The fertile black soil rendered Egypt wealthy------they did not worship the soil---however but they did kinda worship the Nile River and cats.

The pile of consonants KMT is not today a word. For thousands of years-----the term for Egypt was MITZRAIM---
which sorta means -----EGYPT. Egyptians did keep slaves---blacks brought to them by arab traders. They are depicted as such in ancient ----murals ----in Egypt The last name MASRI means "person from Egypt"
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Who is Jefferies and why can you not debate the points? Also in regards to Egypt or should I say Kmt (which means land of the Black people) they definitely worshipped Black.

wrong---the pile of consonants you mention KMT----refers to the fact of the land of the nile valley is BLACK as a result of the deposition of silt created by the yearly overflow of the Nile--------get your stuff straightened out. The fertile black soil rendered Egypt wealthy------they did not worship the soil---however but they did kinda worship the Nile River and cats.

The pile of consonants KMT is not today a word. For thousands of years-----the term for Egypt was MITZRAIM---
which sorta means -----EGYPT. Egyptians did keep slaves---blacks brought to them by arab traders. They are depicted as such in ancient ----murals ----in Egypt The last name MASRI means "person from Egypt"
This is where reading Black authors instead of white ones come in handy. White people would do anything to deny that Kmt was a nation founded and built by Black people. Thats why they changed the name to Egypt. They knew Kmt meant land of the Black people. Mitzraim was the Hebrew name for Kmt. The ancient Egytpians called themselves by their language not Hebrew. Try again.
Why because they told you so at the Nation of Issssslam?
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
This is the second time I posted your claim.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----

Obviously you call Marco Polo a white guy a liar because as I posted earlier....

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker" (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India Why is he a liar but a white guy that says white skin was always preferred is telling the truth?

I do not get white skin was always preferred from some white guy-------I get it from Indians-----and their own literature which is more than 5000 years old. Indians have "devils"------can you name the "devil"???? The really scary god for Indians is SIVA-----god of death and destruction-----
he is depicted as black. I do not know the writings of marco polo. I do know that by the time he traveled to India-----
black skin was the low caste thing------the dravidians. BRAHMINS are always described as taller and more light skinned than dravidians and smarter and -----damned "holy"
I'm not part of the NOI. I know thats your fallback to make yourself feel less stressed. Whenever you start claiming the NOI told me something I know you are having problems with accepting the truth. Its your tell.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
This is the second time I posted your claim.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----

Obviously you call Marco Polo a white guy a liar because as I posted earlier....

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker" (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India Why is he a liar but a white guy that says white skin was always preferred is telling the truth?

I do not get white skin was always preferred from some white guy-------I get it from Indians-----and their own literature which is more than 5000 years old. Indians have "devils"------can you name the "devil"???? The really scary god for Indians is SIVA-----god of death and destruction-----
he is depicted as black. I do not know the writings of marco polo. I do know that by the time he traveled to India-----
black skin was the low caste thing------the dravidians. BRAHMINS are always described as taller and more light skinned than dravidians and smarter and -----damned "holy"
You must have read something supplied by white people. Here are the Black gods worshipped by ancient Indians. Lets see your link.


SUZAR Blacked Out Through Whitewash by SuZar Chapter 1 Pages 5-6

The Color of Krishna and Allah

"The Sanskrit word KRISHNA has the literal meaning of 'black', 'dark' or 'dark-blue', and is used as a name to describe someone with dark skin. Krishna is often depicted in murtis as black, and is generally shown in paintings with blue skin. The lotus-eyed, dark skinned Krishna is the complete and perfect understanding of god. Krishna is also called "Śyāma", the blackish one, or the beautiful dark boy with a blakish color."
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Right, but you keep repeating the garbage Farrakhan preaches.

That's your tell.
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Who is Jefferies and why can you not debate the points? Also in regards to Egypt or should I say Kmt (which means land of the Black people) they definitely worshipped Black.

wrong---the pile of consonants you mention KMT----refers to the fact of the land of the nile valley is BLACK as a result of the deposition of silt created by the yearly overflow of the Nile--------get your stuff straightened out. The fertile black soil rendered Egypt wealthy------they did not worship the soil---however but they did kinda worship the Nile River and cats.

The pile of consonants KMT is not today a word. For thousands of years-----the term for Egypt was MITZRAIM---
which sorta means -----EGYPT. Egyptians did keep slaves---blacks brought to them by arab traders. They are depicted as such in ancient ----murals ----in Egypt The last name MASRI means "person from Egypt"
This is where reading Black authors instead of white ones come in handy. White people would do anything to deny that Kmt was a nation founded and built by Black people. Thats why they changed the name to Egypt. They knew Kmt meant land of the Black people. Mitzraim was the Hebrew name for Kmt. The ancient Egytpians called themselves by their language not Hebrew. Try again.

wrong ---Mitzraim is a Hebrew pronunciation for an Egyptian word-------something like MOZRI it is not originally derived from a Hebrew word The KMT has nothing to do with "black people"-----it refers to the black fertile soil of
the Nile Valley. black land----not black people. --Egyptians did not depict themselves as black when they did
their "BUILDING". light colored sandy soil is not fertile----
red soil is clay----not fertile------black and moist is beautiful when you think SOIL, really really beautiful-----for growing tomatoes--------not that tomatoes grew in ancient
Egypt-------but they did have onions and cucumbers
I dont listen to what Farrakhan preaches. I research on my own. Your problem is your inability to construct an argument against the facts. So instead you keep yelping about Farrakhan when he has nothing to do with my views.

Reality has nothing to do with your views either-----ok----
not Farrakhan-----the other jerk JEFFRIES
Who is Jefferies and why can you not debate the points? Also in regards to Egypt or should I say Kmt (which means land of the Black people) they definitely worshipped Black.

wrong---the pile of consonants you mention KMT----refers to the fact of the land of the nile valley is BLACK as a result of the deposition of silt created by the yearly overflow of the Nile--------get your stuff straightened out. The fertile black soil rendered Egypt wealthy------they did not worship the soil---however but they did kinda worship the Nile River and cats.

The pile of consonants KMT is not today a word. For thousands of years-----the term for Egypt was MITZRAIM---
which sorta means -----EGYPT. Egyptians did keep slaves---blacks brought to them by arab traders. They are depicted as such in ancient ----murals ----in Egypt The last name MASRI means "person from Egypt"
This is where reading Black authors instead of white ones come in handy. White people would do anything to deny that Kmt was a nation founded and built by Black people. Thats why they changed the name to Egypt. They knew Kmt meant land of the Black people. Mitzraim was the Hebrew name for Kmt. The ancient Egytpians called themselves by their language not Hebrew. Try again.

wrong ---Mitzraim is a Hebrew pronunciation for an Egyptian word-------something like MOZRI it is not originally derived from a Hebrew word The KMT has nothing to do with "black people"-----it refers to the black fertile soil of
the Nile Valley. black land----not black people. --Egyptians did not depict themselves as black when they did
their "BUILDING". light colored sandy soil is not fertile----
red soil is clay----not fertile------black and moist is beautiful when you think SOIL, really really beautiful-----for growing tomatoes--------not that tomatoes grew in ancient
Egypt-------but they did have onions and cucumbers

I just said thats what the Hebrews called Kmt. The people did not speak Hebrew. Kmt means land of Black people not Black land. That has been proven time and time again. Egyptians did depict themselves as Black. here is just one example.

I have mentioned many times------I read a lot during my lifetime------I read the crap you parrot way back in the mid sixties to midseventies. You are parroting lots of nonsense way back in those days the study of SOCIOLOGY concentrated on such issues as "why is the cheap hamburger chain named 'white tower' " ? "or who
is it that prefers their cadillacs to be white"??? I already
read your stuff-------and was bored with it by 1975. It is very
contrived and silly
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
This is the second time I posted your claim.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----

Obviously you call Marco Polo a white guy a liar because as I posted earlier....

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker" (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India Why is he a liar but a white guy that says white skin was always preferred is telling the truth?

I do not get white skin was always preferred from some white guy-------I get it from Indians-----and their own literature which is more than 5000 years old. Indians have "devils"------can you name the "devil"???? The really scary god for Indians is SIVA-----god of death and destruction-----
he is depicted as black. I do not know the writings of marco polo. I do know that by the time he traveled to India-----
black skin was the low caste thing------the dravidians. BRAHMINS are always described as taller and more light skinned than dravidians and smarter and -----damned "holy"
You must have read something supplied by white people. Here are the Black gods worshipped by ancient Indians. Lets see your link.


SUZAR Blacked Out Through Whitewash by SuZar Chapter 1 Pages 5-6

those are depictions of DRAVIDIANS-----an ancient people of the indus valley-----very dark in complexion-----and considered of low caste. -----btw----anthropologists consider them to be CAUCASION in race-----based on some issues like their heads----or something like that ------they have very straight hair-----black and shiny-----tiny little people-----really cute
You have never read what I am saying because I dont parrot anyone. Sounds like to me you have issues with accepting true statements and your attempts to rationalize them as nonsense or boring is merely a manifestation of you willful ignorance. If you view had an ounce of validity you would be able to simply debate the points. Remember how you tried to say india never considered Black as beautiful? You were proven wrong and retreated.

try not to be so gross and filthy a liar--------show me that quotation INDIANS NEVER CONSIDERED BLACK BEAUTIFUL from me--------and contrast it with some source
what are you calling "black"? ONYX??? Leopard?
or BLACK SKIN??? right----Indians never considered
black skin to be preferred over fair skin ----in general I will
NOW state that is a true statement. I am saying it for the first time I am referring to HINDU INDIANS----of the
INDIAN SUBCONTINENT ------of the culture that developed
in the INDUS valley and became literate with invasion by
an Aryan people from northern Europe

Sesame oil does not make skin black Indians of very traditional background I have known used coconut oil----
and for some religious rituals----a paste made of turmeric which stains everything yellow------and contains
strong antioxidants-----also has some fungicide properties

stop reading Jeffries-----he is nuts
This is the second time I posted your claim.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----

Obviously you call Marco Polo a white guy a liar because as I posted earlier....

"Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker" (replaced since by ‘Fair & Lovely’ creams!). No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow. - See more at: 3quarksdaily Marco Polo s India Why is he a liar but a white guy that says white skin was always preferred is telling the truth?

I do not get white skin was always preferred from some white guy-------I get it from Indians-----and their own literature which is more than 5000 years old. Indians have "devils"------can you name the "devil"???? The really scary god for Indians is SIVA-----god of death and destruction-----
he is depicted as black. I do not know the writings of marco polo. I do know that by the time he traveled to India-----
black skin was the low caste thing------the dravidians. BRAHMINS are always described as taller and more light skinned than dravidians and smarter and -----damned "holy"
You must have read something supplied by white people. Here are the Black gods worshipped by ancient Indians. Lets see your link.


SUZAR Blacked Out Through Whitewash by SuZar Chapter 1 Pages 5-6

those are depictions of DRAVIDIANS-----an ancient people of the indus valley-----very dark in complexion-----and considered of low caste. -----btw----anthropologists consider them to be CAUCASION in race-----based on some issues like their heads----or something like that ------they have very straight hair-----black and shiny-----tiny little people-----really cute
Dravidians are the original Indians that migrated from Africa. What makes you think they are not Indian and Black? I didnt ask what anthropologists consider them. We already know that they were racist in their making up of the name caucasian in the first place. The term caucasian applies to the whitest of white men from the southern steppes of the caucus mountains as defined by the originator of the word. This delfightful racist named Meiner. Since then the term caucasian has been changed to include Black people so whites could claim credit to ancient civilizations. We all know thats a bunch of BS but its fascinating watching them squirm and change definitions around. :laugh:

It looks as if not worrying about white authors and concentrating on Black authors has actually gave me more information than you possess. Luckily I dont buy that stuff which comes from reading Black authors and white authors that tell the truth. BTW who told you that straight hair means you are not Black?
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