Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

You are trying too hard Rosie. There is a reason the greeks considered India to be "East Ethiopia".Ethiopia literally means burnt skin or something akin to that. The believed the people to be the same as the Blackest people on the planet . These people worshipped Black gods and came from Africa long before admixed Brahmans got there. I know Dravidian as well. I actually dated one. White people have screwed up the perception but they know. They even have organizations they have modeled after Black organizations here in the US. They know they are Black.

how do you define "black" ??? "race" refers to a group rendered distinct by genetic isolation. Since according to current knowledge in my major----biology-----HUMANS developed in Africa------to say any people migrated out of
AFRICA is an entirely moot point-----ALL PEOPLE migrated out of Africa-----remotely------including swedes I do not do
politics of stupidity. Todays dravidians are in no way a KINSHIP with what is called "BLACK" by blacks themselves-------of the "ROOTS" mythology and the
religion that includes KWAANZAA. DRAVIDIANS are people who have very dark skin-----tend to be small-----and
if you are a black person of the ROOTS variety or the SOMALIAN variety ------have no more in common with you than did Erik the red. The fact that skin color is used as
a kind of marker by the most idiotic-------is the only commonality. Eskimos have darker skin than do I
One thing I dont do is define Black as sub Saharan. I know this is a radical concept to you. It also seems as you have become a hypocrite in your admonishments to me. You seem perfectly content to believe the white superiority theory by white authors but mysteriously you don't lend any credence to Black authors. Of course I am going to believe what my people and science show. Why would I believe white people with nothing but propoganda?

Dravidian's know they are Black and out of Africa. At least the ones I talk to know this. They study African and African American history. Did you know they have a Black Panther party in India? They call it the Dalit Panthers.

did you know that DALIT does not mean DRAVIDIAN.
Dalits are not a RACE-----they are derived from all sorts of
persons marginalized in hindu society for a myriad of reasons--------they are not all aboriginals of the indus valley and-------their VERY REMOTE connection to Africa is as moot a point as is Queen Victoria's very remote connection to Africa. You are DESPERATE for a caste system of your
own making--------in order to exclude Han Christian Andersen
Who told you Dalit meant Dravidian? I know I didnt say that. Are you trying to say the Dalits are not comprised predominantly of the people known as Dravidians? If so you have no clue about that which you speak. The Dalits are marginalized due to their darkness which anyone in India that is truthful will tell you. They are placed in low caste due to their coloring. The aboriginals of the indus valley looked just like the people in the picture I posted above. These people are direct immigrants from Africa as proven by the Andaman Islanders.

YOU are correct in saying that dark skin is a marker in
India------but very incorrect in saying that all people with
dark skin are DRAVIDIANS and even more incorrect in saying that ALL DALITS ARE DARK SKINNED-----some
persons called ----traditionally dalits or untouchables are not dark skinned at all--------some very hot shot high caste persons are dark skinned. You have not known lots of
You keep doing it. I never said all dark skin people were Dravidians. I also never said all Dalits are dark skinned. I said the caste system was primarly based on skin color. One offs don't count. We are talking generally here. Thats like saying racism doesnt exist because Obama is the president.
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....

btw------the only people in today's world who consider skin color a marker for determining a human "kinship" are idiots and black nationalists and nazis----
of all possible criteria-------skin color is the least useful
If that was the only criteria you would be correct. However, it is proven there are linguistic similarities along with cultural similarities. The big kicker is DNA. The hapolgroup M1 is shown to have originated in central Africa. Sorry but thats why I dont hold white authors as truth tellers. They like to omit these inconvenient facts. It reeks havoc on their white supremacy theory.

one haplogroup does not a kinship make------every gene has a natural mutation rate -------in order to cite DNA -----you need a lot more information than "I GOT A SINGLE COMMON HAPLOTYPE"

You do realize you either have not researched this topic thoroughly or you are misinformed right? These people share the same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. Are you saying these people are not Black people that migrated from Africa?


researched WHAT ? most of the DNA on the HUMAN GENOME is shared by the entire human population of the world--------you mentioned one haplotype as some kind of proof that dravidians are closer in relationship to other humans in Africa than are swedes because they have a single common haplotype--------population genetics is not your forte
You obviously dont get it. The Andaman Islanders have the exact same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. No mutations. They are in the same hapolgroup. Just like Rameses III is in the same hapolgroup as most African Americans. Of couse we know all people came from Africa but the number of mutations are what separates the races

you are using the term 'HAPLOGROUP" in a manner which indicates that you have no idea what the word means-----in fact I just noticed------you do not even know how to spell it.---------try another field------population genetics is not for you.
No people have the exact same DNA as any other people----that would make them all identical twins.
To some extent population migrations can be traced using DNA markers-------the more the merrier.. However saying this or that group shares a haplogroup------is actually meaningless You mentioned one-----I believe called M something which chromosome----what does it mediate as phenotype?
btw------the only people in today's world who consider skin color a marker for determining a human "kinship" are idiots and black nationalists and nazis----
of all possible criteria-------skin color is the least useful
If that was the only criteria you would be correct. However, it is proven there are linguistic similarities along with cultural similarities. The big kicker is DNA. The hapolgroup M1 is shown to have originated in central Africa. Sorry but thats why I dont hold white authors as truth tellers. They like to omit these inconvenient facts. It reeks havoc on their white supremacy theory.

one haplogroup does not a kinship make------every gene has a natural mutation rate -------in order to cite DNA -----you need a lot more information than "I GOT A SINGLE COMMON HAPLOTYPE"

You do realize you either have not researched this topic thoroughly or you are misinformed right? These people share the same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. Are you saying these people are not Black people that migrated from Africa?


researched WHAT ? most of the DNA on the HUMAN GENOME is shared by the entire human population of the world--------you mentioned one haplotype as some kind of proof that dravidians are closer in relationship to other humans in Africa than are swedes because they have a single common haplotype--------population genetics is not your forte
You obviously dont get it. The Andaman Islanders have the exact same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. No mutations. They are in the same hapolgroup. Just like Rameses III is in the same hapolgroup as most African Americans. Of couse we know all people came from Africa but the number of mutations are what separates the races

you are using the term 'HAPLOGROUP" in a manner which indicates that you have no idea what the word means-----in fact I just noticed------you do not even know how to spell it.---------try another field------population genetics is not for you.
No people have the exact same DNA as any other people----that would make them all identical twins.
To some extent population migrations can be traced using DNA markers-------the more the merrier.. However saying this or that group shares a haplogroup------is actually meaningless You mentioned one-----I believe called M something which chromosome----what does it mediate as phenotype?
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy
how do you define "black" ??? "race" refers to a group rendered distinct by genetic isolation. Since according to current knowledge in my major----biology-----HUMANS developed in Africa------to say any people migrated out of
AFRICA is an entirely moot point-----ALL PEOPLE migrated out of Africa-----remotely------including swedes I do not do
politics of stupidity. Todays dravidians are in no way a KINSHIP with what is called "BLACK" by blacks themselves-------of the "ROOTS" mythology and the
religion that includes KWAANZAA. DRAVIDIANS are people who have very dark skin-----tend to be small-----and
if you are a black person of the ROOTS variety or the SOMALIAN variety ------have no more in common with you than did Erik the red. The fact that skin color is used as
a kind of marker by the most idiotic-------is the only commonality. Eskimos have darker skin than do I
One thing I dont do is define Black as sub Saharan. I know this is a radical concept to you. It also seems as you have become a hypocrite in your admonishments to me. You seem perfectly content to believe the white superiority theory by white authors but mysteriously you don't lend any credence to Black authors. Of course I am going to believe what my people and science show. Why would I believe white people with nothing but propoganda?

Dravidian's know they are Black and out of Africa. At least the ones I talk to know this. They study African and African American history. Did you know they have a Black Panther party in India? They call it the Dalit Panthers.

did you know that DALIT does not mean DRAVIDIAN.
Dalits are not a RACE-----they are derived from all sorts of
persons marginalized in hindu society for a myriad of reasons--------they are not all aboriginals of the indus valley and-------their VERY REMOTE connection to Africa is as moot a point as is Queen Victoria's very remote connection to Africa. You are DESPERATE for a caste system of your
own making--------in order to exclude Han Christian Andersen
Who told you Dalit meant Dravidian? I know I didnt say that. Are you trying to say the Dalits are not comprised predominantly of the people known as Dravidians? If so you have no clue about that which you speak. The Dalits are marginalized due to their darkness which anyone in India that is truthful will tell you. They are placed in low caste due to their coloring. The aboriginals of the indus valley looked just like the people in the picture I posted above. These people are direct immigrants from Africa as proven by the Andaman Islanders.

YOU are correct in saying that dark skin is a marker in
India------but very incorrect in saying that all people with
dark skin are DRAVIDIANS and even more incorrect in saying that ALL DALITS ARE DARK SKINNED-----some
persons called ----traditionally dalits or untouchables are not dark skinned at all--------some very hot shot high caste persons are dark skinned. You have not known lots of
You keep doing it. I never said all dark skin people were Dravidians. I also never said all Dalits are dark skinned. I said the caste system was primarly based on skin color. One offs don't count. We are talking generally here. Thats like saying racism doesnt exist because Obama is the president.

Not really-------the caste system was based on lots of issues----no question ----the invading northern Europeans were on top and they tended to have lighter skin and were BIGGER people --------but the society---4000 years ago was not at all that static
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
If that was the only criteria you would be correct. However, it is proven there are linguistic similarities along with cultural similarities. The big kicker is DNA. The hapolgroup M1 is shown to have originated in central Africa. Sorry but thats why I dont hold white authors as truth tellers. They like to omit these inconvenient facts. It reeks havoc on their white supremacy theory.

one haplogroup does not a kinship make------every gene has a natural mutation rate -------in order to cite DNA -----you need a lot more information than "I GOT A SINGLE COMMON HAPLOTYPE"

You do realize you either have not researched this topic thoroughly or you are misinformed right? These people share the same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. Are you saying these people are not Black people that migrated from Africa?


researched WHAT ? most of the DNA on the HUMAN GENOME is shared by the entire human population of the world--------you mentioned one haplotype as some kind of proof that dravidians are closer in relationship to other humans in Africa than are swedes because they have a single common haplotype--------population genetics is not your forte
You obviously dont get it. The Andaman Islanders have the exact same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. No mutations. They are in the same hapolgroup. Just like Rameses III is in the same hapolgroup as most African Americans. Of couse we know all people came from Africa but the number of mutations are what separates the races

you are using the term 'HAPLOGROUP" in a manner which indicates that you have no idea what the word means-----in fact I just noticed------you do not even know how to spell it.---------try another field------population genetics is not for you.
No people have the exact same DNA as any other people----that would make them all identical twins.
To some extent population migrations can be traced using DNA markers-------the more the merrier.. However saying this or that group shares a haplogroup------is actually meaningless You mentioned one-----I believe called M something which chromosome----what does it mediate as phenotype?
Its pretty weak when you try to use the typo argument. Of course no one has the exact same DNA. They share the same haplogroup which is clustering of DNA. These groups establish identification and shared lineage. You really need to read up on the subject as you are really unprepared to discuss the topic.
One thing I dont do is define Black as sub Saharan. I know this is a radical concept to you. It also seems as you have become a hypocrite in your admonishments to me. You seem perfectly content to believe the white superiority theory by white authors but mysteriously you don't lend any credence to Black authors. Of course I am going to believe what my people and science show. Why would I believe white people with nothing but propoganda?

Dravidian's know they are Black and out of Africa. At least the ones I talk to know this. They study African and African American history. Did you know they have a Black Panther party in India? They call it the Dalit Panthers.

did you know that DALIT does not mean DRAVIDIAN.
Dalits are not a RACE-----they are derived from all sorts of
persons marginalized in hindu society for a myriad of reasons--------they are not all aboriginals of the indus valley and-------their VERY REMOTE connection to Africa is as moot a point as is Queen Victoria's very remote connection to Africa. You are DESPERATE for a caste system of your
own making--------in order to exclude Han Christian Andersen
Who told you Dalit meant Dravidian? I know I didnt say that. Are you trying to say the Dalits are not comprised predominantly of the people known as Dravidians? If so you have no clue about that which you speak. The Dalits are marginalized due to their darkness which anyone in India that is truthful will tell you. They are placed in low caste due to their coloring. The aboriginals of the indus valley looked just like the people in the picture I posted above. These people are direct immigrants from Africa as proven by the Andaman Islanders.

YOU are correct in saying that dark skin is a marker in
India------but very incorrect in saying that all people with
dark skin are DRAVIDIANS and even more incorrect in saying that ALL DALITS ARE DARK SKINNED-----some
persons called ----traditionally dalits or untouchables are not dark skinned at all--------some very hot shot high caste persons are dark skinned. You have not known lots of
You keep doing it. I never said all dark skin people were Dravidians. I also never said all Dalits are dark skinned. I said the caste system was primarly based on skin color. One offs don't count. We are talking generally here. Thats like saying racism doesnt exist because Obama is the president.

Not really-------the caste system was based on lots of issues----no question ----the invading northern Europeans were on top and they tended to have lighter skin and were BIGGER people --------but the society---4000 years ago was not at all that static
We can agree on the fact europeans were lighter skinned. That has everything to do with the fact that the caste system is based primarily on color. However, you are avoiding the point you were wrong when you said Black was never considered beautiful in India.
one haplogroup does not a kinship make------every gene has a natural mutation rate -------in order to cite DNA -----you need a lot more information than "I GOT A SINGLE COMMON HAPLOTYPE"

You do realize you either have not researched this topic thoroughly or you are misinformed right? These people share the same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. Are you saying these people are not Black people that migrated from Africa?


researched WHAT ? most of the DNA on the HUMAN GENOME is shared by the entire human population of the world--------you mentioned one haplotype as some kind of proof that dravidians are closer in relationship to other humans in Africa than are swedes because they have a single common haplotype--------population genetics is not your forte
You obviously dont get it. The Andaman Islanders have the exact same DNA as the ancient Dravidians. No mutations. They are in the same hapolgroup. Just like Rameses III is in the same hapolgroup as most African Americans. Of couse we know all people came from Africa but the number of mutations are what separates the races

you are using the term 'HAPLOGROUP" in a manner which indicates that you have no idea what the word means-----in fact I just noticed------you do not even know how to spell it.---------try another field------population genetics is not for you.
No people have the exact same DNA as any other people----that would make them all identical twins.
To some extent population migrations can be traced using DNA markers-------the more the merrier.. However saying this or that group shares a haplogroup------is actually meaningless You mentioned one-----I believe called M something which chromosome----what does it mediate as phenotype?
Its pretty weak when you try to use the typo argument. Of course no one has the exact same DNA. They share the same haplogroup which is clustering of DNA. These groups establish identification and shared lineage. You really need to read up on the subject as you are really unprepared to discuss the topic.

wrong I am quite prepared. You are using words that
you do not understand "they share the same haplogroup"--- is a meaningless phrase You got a citation so that I can read just what and who these geneticists who came up with the idea that there is a special kinship between dravidians of the INDUS valley who lived there probably more than 7000 years and Africans----that is more marked than ----kindships between swedes and Africans???
did you know that DALIT does not mean DRAVIDIAN.
Dalits are not a RACE-----they are derived from all sorts of
persons marginalized in hindu society for a myriad of reasons--------they are not all aboriginals of the indus valley and-------their VERY REMOTE connection to Africa is as moot a point as is Queen Victoria's very remote connection to Africa. You are DESPERATE for a caste system of your
own making--------in order to exclude Han Christian Andersen
Who told you Dalit meant Dravidian? I know I didnt say that. Are you trying to say the Dalits are not comprised predominantly of the people known as Dravidians? If so you have no clue about that which you speak. The Dalits are marginalized due to their darkness which anyone in India that is truthful will tell you. They are placed in low caste due to their coloring. The aboriginals of the indus valley looked just like the people in the picture I posted above. These people are direct immigrants from Africa as proven by the Andaman Islanders.

YOU are correct in saying that dark skin is a marker in
India------but very incorrect in saying that all people with
dark skin are DRAVIDIANS and even more incorrect in saying that ALL DALITS ARE DARK SKINNED-----some
persons called ----traditionally dalits or untouchables are not dark skinned at all--------some very hot shot high caste persons are dark skinned. You have not known lots of
You keep doing it. I never said all dark skin people were Dravidians. I also never said all Dalits are dark skinned. I said the caste system was primarly based on skin color. One offs don't count. We are talking generally here. Thats like saying racism doesnt exist because Obama is the president.

Not really-------the caste system was based on lots of issues----no question ----the invading northern Europeans were on top and they tended to have lighter skin and were BIGGER people --------but the society---4000 years ago was not at all that static
We can agree on the fact europeans were lighter skinned. That has everything to do with the fact that the caste system is based primarily on color. However, you are avoiding the point you were wrong when you said Black was never considered beautiful in India.

You lied again ------I said HINDU INDIA Hindu india was created by the invading Europeans. I specified in the body of my post HINDU INDIA. IN fact your statement kinda corroborates my statement------beauty became identified with the color of the RULING CLASS------the Brahmins IN HINDU INDIA
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."
Who told you Dalit meant Dravidian? I know I didnt say that. Are you trying to say the Dalits are not comprised predominantly of the people known as Dravidians? If so you have no clue about that which you speak. The Dalits are marginalized due to their darkness which anyone in India that is truthful will tell you. They are placed in low caste due to their coloring. The aboriginals of the indus valley looked just like the people in the picture I posted above. These people are direct immigrants from Africa as proven by the Andaman Islanders.

YOU are correct in saying that dark skin is a marker in
India------but very incorrect in saying that all people with
dark skin are DRAVIDIANS and even more incorrect in saying that ALL DALITS ARE DARK SKINNED-----some
persons called ----traditionally dalits or untouchables are not dark skinned at all--------some very hot shot high caste persons are dark skinned. You have not known lots of
You keep doing it. I never said all dark skin people were Dravidians. I also never said all Dalits are dark skinned. I said the caste system was primarly based on skin color. One offs don't count. We are talking generally here. Thats like saying racism doesnt exist because Obama is the president.

Not really-------the caste system was based on lots of issues----no question ----the invading northern Europeans were on top and they tended to have lighter skin and were BIGGER people --------but the society---4000 years ago was not at all that static
We can agree on the fact europeans were lighter skinned. That has everything to do with the fact that the caste system is based primarily on color. However, you are avoiding the point you were wrong when you said Black was never considered beautiful in India.

You lied again ------I said HINDU INDIA Hindu india was created by the invading Europeans. I specified in the body of my post HINDU INDIA. IN fact your statement kinda corroborates my statement------beauty became identified with the color of the RULING CLASS------the Brahmins IN HINDU INDIA

This doesnt say Hindu India. It just says India.

propaganda. Nope----in india black was never beautiful-----
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!

snopes.com Caroline Kennedy on Barack Obama
But reported numerous times in May 2012!

Seems she SAW THE LIGHT fade as it did with Teddy's presidential hopes after killing poor Mary Jo!

Asslips, you really are a lapdog for the communists!
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!
Soooo IOW I caught you lying....again? :laugh:

You really expect me to believe a second hand quote from an anonymous source for a book is valid?
Even Caroline Kennedy affirms....



"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!
Soooo IOW I caught you lying....again? :laugh:

You really expect me to believe a second hand quote from an anonymous source for a book is valid?

You're derangement is getting worse....every time I bitch slap you, you claim I didn't, this is getting to be FUN, especially as I have nothing to do but copy down your bullshit fuck ups....

"OVER the years, I’ve been deeply moved by the people who’ve told me they wished they could feel inspired and hopeful about America the way people did when my father was president. This sense is even more profound today. That is why I am supporting a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama."
-Caroline Kennedy

Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!
Soooo IOW I caught you lying....again? :laugh:

You really expect me to believe a second hand quote from an anonymous source for a book is valid?

You're derangement is getting worse....every time I bitch slap you, you claim I didn't, this is getting to be FUN, especially as I have nothing to do but copy down your bullshit fuck ups....
You seem angry I caught you lying.

Where is your proof Caroline said these words if no one can quote her and she has not acknowledged it. Why would she wish the POTUS a Happy Birthday if she felt that way?
Mine was said LATER than yours....even some Socialists have a wee bit of honesty, she just showed it!
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!
Soooo IOW I caught you lying....again? :laugh:

You really expect me to believe a second hand quote from an anonymous source for a book is valid?

You're derangement is getting worse....every time I bitch slap you, you claim I didn't, this is getting to be FUN, especially as I have nothing to do but copy down your bullshit fuck ups....
You seem angry I caught you lying.

Where is your proof Caroline said these words if no one can quote her and she has not acknowledged it. Why would she wish the POTUS a Happy Birthday if she felt that way?

You seems very annoyed that you've been caught with more bullshit then usual... Hell even Obuma wishes Israel a happy birthday, and he's a terrorist muslim sympathizer.... But, even your 2 digit IQ should know that! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana:
Yours is not valid. I need a link to prove she even said that. Your meme doesnt support the facts. Ooops! Looks like I caught you in another lie.....again.

"Kennedy herself has neither confirmed nor denied making such statements, though on June 17, 2012 — a month after these alleged quotes were published — she penned a glowing message to Obama supporters saying she was "joining Michelle and others all around the country to wish the President a happy Father's Day," and urging recipients to add their names "to tell Barack how much he means to all of us."

I even checked that well know leftist site SNOPES and even they say, TONGUE IN CHEEK, it's UNDETERMINED!
Soooo IOW I caught you lying....again? :laugh:

You really expect me to believe a second hand quote from an anonymous source for a book is valid?

You're derangement is getting worse....every time I bitch slap you, you claim I didn't, this is getting to be FUN, especially as I have nothing to do but copy down your bullshit fuck ups....
You seem angry I caught you lying.

Where is your proof Caroline said these words if no one can quote her and she has not acknowledged it. Why would she wish the POTUS a Happy Birthday if she felt that way?

You seems very annoyed that you've been caught with more bullshit then usual... Hell even Obuma wishes Israel a happy birthday, and he's a terrorist muslim sympathizer.... But, even your 2 digit IQ should know that! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::banana::banana:
You deflected which confirms you are angry about getting caught in a lie. Where is your proof Caroline said these words if no one can quote her and she has not acknowledged it? Why would she wish the POTUS a Happy Birthday if she felt that way? Do you have an answer?
There ya go showing your racism and lack of proper education again. This is the kind of crap they feed the ignorant and vulnerable at these Nation of Islam gatherings where evil white people are blamed for all the misery and problems in the world.
White people are indeed a large reason for the misery and problems in the world. It seems you haven't been keeping up on history, current events or you are simply ignorant.

Meh, we are talking about America, not "White people", where blacks still have it better than any other country in the world. Others with the "wrong looks" like Asians have emigrated here, and now are some of the highest achievers academia and other sectors. Again, it goes back to those universal values that work for all minorities. I never saw Asians form these Nation of Islam hate whitey groups that create this culture of victimization and govt dependence. Instead they rolled up their sleeves and went to work, and took advantage of the education provided in this country.

I also never saw an Asian or Hispanic making sure their children's learning experiences are limited to their own race. Actually I never heard of a school that makes it a point to teach anything that originates from black or African sources only. Unless it's one of these Nation of Islam or Mosque educational centers, which teach racism.

Hans Christian Anderson's stories have nothing to do with "race" in fact they teach independence and tolerance. You are truly pathetic and disgusting.
I'm talking about white people in general. I'm not concerned with what you divine as the topic. Asians immigrated. Blacks were forced and had their families destroyed and split up due to white greed and lack of ethics, morals, and their savagery. Asians have a family oriented culture that was strong enough to withstand the propaganda whites tried to get them to believe. However, there are many that are starting to fall.

Hans Andersons stories have every thing to do with race. Your low intellectual capacity prevents you from seeing that.

A day ago you had no idea who Hans Christian Anderson was, now you're an expert on his racist stories. Ha ha ha. So tell us, how does the story of "The Emperor has no clothes" promote racism and white superiority?

he already told you------the DUCK turned into a Swan ---and since most swans are white-------it must be clear that
the white swan represents the KU KLUX KLAN

Aceplias is now upset at the Creator for making swans black. The guy is off his racist rockers.

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