FYI: On the Working Poor

No Rabbi, I won't play stupid games with you. We both know you're a highly partisan liar and not bright enough to take the fact that these movements - and I left out the war on women and on public education - all lead to a large, poorly trained and educated labor force easily exploited by the Koch Brothers, et al.

They are a means to an end, the end being our nations proud history as a democratic republic and its transformation into a Plutocracy.
You need to explain why Obama's policies like Obamacare raising insurance rates for everyone who doesn't qualify for free money from those earning too much to get it, his desire to raise energy prices, and his wasting taxpayer dollars on failed green energy companies owned by big Dem Party donors is good for America.

Prediction: All I'll get is "Thanks for sharing."

1. Obamacare isn't in effect yet, time will tell how it will play out.

2. President Obama desires to raise energy costs? News to me. Better check your opinions with some facts.

3. Green and renewable sources of energy are the future. Only the brainwashed few believe otherwise.

4. Haliburton ring a bell? Why do I think you and others like you are dishonest hypocrites?

"The report noted that some government officials raised the concern of a potential conflict of interest because of Cheney's former position with Halliburton, but that "White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records.

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Full report here:

PolitiFact | Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far

out of the gate the clock is already ticking against it
I see two of the proud and loud members of the echo chamber want to play tag-team. Good for them, I hope warrior doesn't get jealous of Rabbi giving Daveboy attention.

Back then to the facts I posted, not withstanding the two moron's efforts to play a game of semantics:

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws, and
The War on Women
The War on Public Education

Think if you can or will how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

There were no more facts this time than the last time you posted that collection of headlines and slogans.
One fact you fail to address is that poor people are poorer under Obama and rich people are richer. Are those the aims of Obama's programs or merely the results of them?

Can you prove a cause and effect relationship wherein Obama's Policies created the gulf between the middle class / working poor and the very wealthy? Why do you ignore the policies of Reagan and G H. W. Bush, Clinton and Bush Jr., Obama's predecessors? Answer: 'cause you're a partisan hack.

ironic post of the century
So, let's wait 199 years before we begin R&D on green and renewable energy, even as other nations are putting their resources into their development. Amazing.
Nobody's saying that, you dishonest hack.

What we're saying is don't legislate out of use an energy source before its replacement(s) are practical, economical, and scalable. Doing so will not make the alternatives magically appear.

The left doesn't seem to be able to grasp that simple concept.
1. Obamacare isn't in effect yet, time will tell how it will play out.

2. President Obama desires to raise energy costs? News to me. Better check your opinions with some facts.

3. Green and renewable sources of energy are the future. Only the brainwashed few believe otherwise.

4. Haliburton ring a bell? Why do I think you and others like you are dishonest hypocrites?

"The report noted that some government officials raised the concern of a potential conflict of interest because of Cheney's former position with Halliburton, but that "White House officials said the mission took priority over whatever political fallout might occur" from awarding contracts to KBR. Since winning the latest version of the LOGCAP contract in 2001, the government has ordered work from KBR worth more than $31 billion.

"Government officials have raised many questions about KBR's fulfillment of its contracts, everything from billing for meals it didn't serve to charging inflated prices for gas to excessive administrative costs. Government auditors have noted that KBR refused to turn over electronic data in its native format and stamped documents as proprietary and secret when the documents would normally be considered public records.

"Over the course of several years, the Defense Contract Audit Agency found that $553 million in payments should be disallowed to KBR, according to 2009 testimony by agency director April Stephenson before the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Full report here:

PolitiFact | Halliburton, KBR, and Iraq war contracting: A history so far
You lefties need to get your story straight. Candycorn on another thread swears up and down Obamacare is working.
Obama on raising energy costs:
[ame=]2007 Obama discusses raising energy prices to reduce dependency - YouTube[/ame]

Green energy might be in the future. Sometime. Way way in the future. But we have 200 years' worth of coal and who knows how much oil. We are the largest exporter of oil in the world now.

Low information poster strikes again.

So, let's wait 199 years before we begin R&D on green and renewable energy, even as other nations are putting their resources into their development. Amazing.

You understand companies are committing funds to R&D on renewables every single day in this country, right? No need for the taxpayer to pay so money can be funnelled to Obama's cronies.
Now you need to move on to "crumbling infrastructure" and how we need a Marshall Plan for the inner cities or some such drekk.
We should nationalize fastfood. :lmao:

Worth a look ^^^?

Hypocrisy, hyper-partisanship, myopia, mendacity, or simply a curmudgeon. Maybe all.

Thanks for sharing

The rw's are actually in favor of paying their tax dollars to subsidize fat food empires, WallyWord. They support these huge corporations by shopping there and then spend their money a second time in taxes.

It boggles the mind.
3. Green and renewable sources of energy are the future. Only the brainwashed few believe otherwise.

The future is not green energy, it is nuclear fision, then fusion, and then anti matter. the only people that think wind power is viable are the ones that are stuck in the 1st century.


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