FYI: On the Working Poor

...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.
...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.

Dont give him any ideas. I am certain he thinks certain commodities are too important to leave to the market.
How do we STILL have working poor under the Obama Regime?

wasn't he sent here from the heavens above to CURE all that? lets see under him.... poverty-up, welfare-up, jobs-DOWN, dept-up, new ENTITLEMENT shoved on you most can't AFFORD as his the gutter... and the Dear leader's apporvals-DOWN DOWN DOWN

dame people not only are you all being robbed, but you were duped too

how does it feel?
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...certain commodities are too important to leave to the market...
LOL! It's always amazing to me how after all these years --even with the rise and then the ultimate fall of the Soviet Union-- that we still have people that believe prices can be set by royal decree.

Seems it never does any good to explain how all gov't price supports create surpluses and all gov't price minimums create shortages. Just a matter of time we're told say, congress should sell gold for $3.50/ounce and buy sand or $10k/bucket --then they blame Bush for the long gold buying lines and the huge gov't sand stockpiles.
...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.

I didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts and see if we can determine a pattern of social policy which leads directly to the rich getting richer and the rest of us falling far behind.

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws

Think if you can or will how taken collectively these facts (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.
And the Federal Governments Costs which seem to be a subsidy for Franchise Owners and Major Corporations.

"The fast-food industry is one of the nation’s largest employers of low and minimum wage workers. According to one group, often the industry workers' pay is not enough and many turn to government programs for assistance.


Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - Yahoo Finance

BTW, this thread is not for the willfully ignorant, cognitive dissonance is a potential risk to the WI who cogitate.

This thread is a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy. Explain your logic for this one. How is it you deem it acceptable that the federal government can be expected to subsidize the costs of an element of society that sits on their ass an does absolutely nothing. doesn't work, doesn't pay taxes, doesn't contribute to society in any way. but as soon as it goes to pay for a level up who is actually working but not making enough to make ends meet, you all of a sudden have a problem with that?
Professional welfare recipients generally vote Democrat.

That's why he supports a permanent entitlement class.
...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.

I didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts and see if we can determine a pattern of social policy which leads directly to the rich getting richer and the rest of us falling far behind.

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws

Think if you can or will how taken collectively these facts (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

There were no facts posted there. COme back when you understand what a "fact" is.

An actual fact is that Obama's policies have resulted in rich people getting richer while poor people have gotten poorer.
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And the Federal Governments Costs which seem to be a subsidy for Franchise Owners and Major Corporations.

"The fast-food industry is one of the nation’s largest employers of low and minimum wage workers. According to one group, often the industry workers' pay is not enough and many turn to government programs for assistance.


Fast-Food Chains Costing Taxpayers the Most Money - Yahoo Finance

BTW, this thread is not for the willfully ignorant, cognitive dissonance is a potential risk to the WI who cogitate.

This thread is a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy. Explain your logic for this one. How is it you deem it acceptable that the federal government can be expected to subsidize the costs of an element of society that sits on their ass an does absolutely nothing. doesn't work, doesn't pay taxes, doesn't contribute to society in any way. but as soon as it goes to pay for a level up who is actually working but not making enough to make ends meet, you all of a sudden have a problem with that?
Professional welfare recipients generally vote Democrat.

That's why he supports a permanent entitlement class.

Thanks for sharing.
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.

I didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts and see if we can determine a pattern of social policy which leads directly to the rich getting richer and the rest of us falling far behind.

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws

Think if you can or will how taken collectively these facts (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

There were no facts posted there. COme back when you understand what a "fact" is.

An actual fact is that Obama's policies have resulted in rich people getting richer while poor people have gotten poorer.

Thanks for sharing
I didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts and see if we can determine a pattern of social policy which leads directly to the rich getting richer and the rest of us falling far behind.

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws

Think if you can or will how taken collectively these facts (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

There were no facts posted there. COme back when you understand what a "fact" is.

An actual fact is that Obama's policies have resulted in rich people getting richer while poor people have gotten poorer.

Thanks for sharing

Translation: I got my azz kicked and have nothing to refute it with.

Thanks for playing.
I'm of the opinion that minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue.

“A merchant may sell many things, but a worker usually only has one job, which supplies not only his livelihood but often much of his sense of identity. An unsold commodity is a nuisance, an unemployed worker a tragedy.”

Link: Is Labor a Commodity? | Vox Nova

“I have never understood why it is 'greed' to want to keep the money you've earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

-- Thomas Sowell
...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
...why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.
...didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts... facts posted there...
Ah, that explains why I didn't see any facts either. Probably not a good idea to waste time looking for what this has to do with min. wages...
There were no facts posted there. COme back when you understand what a "fact" is.

An actual fact is that Obama's policies have resulted in rich people getting richer while poor people have gotten poorer.

Thanks for sharing

Translation: I got my azz kicked and have nothing to refute it with.

Thanks for playing.

No Rabbi, I won't play stupid games with you. We both know you're a highly partisan liar and not bright enough to take the fact that these movements - and I left out the war on women and on public education - all lead to a large, poorly trained and uneducated labor force easily exploited by the Koch Brothers, et al.

They are a means to an end, the end being our nations proud history as a democratic republic and its transformation into a Plutocracy.
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...minimum wage laws are necessary, given human nature. We are experiencing a time when labor has become only a commodity and greed a virtue...
Let's first understand that all a min. wage. law does is outlaw the hiring of low quality labor. Change human nature and a new MWL would still make it illegal to hire low value labor.

Also, please describe why you consider market prices for labor greed, but not market prices for say, corn.

I didn't comport the "market price" for labor and greed. In context, I simply reported what seems to me to be a set of facts. Let's look at a set of facts and see if we can determine a pattern of social policy which leads directly to the rich getting richer and the rest of us falling far behind.

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws

Think if you can or will how taken collectively these facts (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.
Remind me again...which particular The Man is keeping you down?
This thread is a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy. Explain your logic for this one. How is it you deem it acceptable that the federal government can be expected to subsidize the costs of an element of society that sits on their ass an does absolutely nothing. doesn't work, doesn't pay taxes, doesn't contribute to society in any way. but as soon as it goes to pay for a level up who is actually working but not making enough to make ends meet, you all of a sudden have a problem with that?
Professional welfare recipients generally vote Democrat.

That's why he supports a permanent entitlement class.

Thanks for sharing.

I guess you CAN'T explain the dichotomy Spoonman pointed out.

Not at all surprising, really.
Thanks for sharing

Translation: I got my azz kicked and have nothing to refute it with.

Thanks for playing.

No Rabbi, I won't play stupid games with you. We both know you're a highly partisan liar and not bright enough to take the fact that these movements - and I left out the war on women and on public education - all lead to a large, poorly trained and educated labor force easily exploited by the Koch Brothers, et al.

They are a means to an end, the end being our nations proud history as a democratic republic and its transformation into a Plutocracy.
I'm sorry but posting phrases isn't the same as arguing. I realize you suffer from a poor education and are probably not too bright. But if you're going to run with the big dogs you need the muscle. All you've got is the poop.
Thanks for sharing

Translation: I got my azz kicked and have nothing to refute it with.

Thanks for playing.

No Rabbi, I won't play stupid games with you. We both know you're a highly partisan liar and not bright enough to take the fact that these movements - and I left out the war on women and on public education - all lead to a large, poorly trained and educated labor force easily exploited by the Koch Brothers, et al.

They are a means to an end, the end being our nations proud history as a democratic republic and its transformation into a Plutocracy.
You need to explain why Obama's policies like Obamacare raising insurance rates for everyone who doesn't qualify for free money from those earning too much to get it, his desire to raise energy prices, and his wasting taxpayer dollars on failed green energy companies owned by big Dem Party donors is good for America.

Prediction: All I'll get is "Thanks for sharing."
Translation: I got my azz kicked and have nothing to refute it with.

Thanks for playing.

No Rabbi, I won't play stupid games with you. We both know you're a highly partisan liar and not bright enough to take the fact that these movements - and I left out the war on women and on public education - all lead to a large, poorly trained and educated labor force easily exploited by the Koch Brothers, et al.

They are a means to an end, the end being our nations proud history as a democratic republic and its transformation into a Plutocracy.
You need to explain why Obama's policies like Obamacare raising insurance rates for everyone who doesn't qualify for free money from those earning too much to get it, his desire to raise energy prices, and his wasting taxpayer dollars on failed green energy companies owned by big Dem Party donors is good for America.

Prediction: All I'll get is "Thanks for sharing."
Either that or it was Bush's fault. Or the GOP was even worse.
None of which is an argument.
I see two of the proud and loud members of the echo chamber want to play tag-team. Good for them, I hope warrior doesn't get jealous of Rabbi giving Daveboy attention.

Back then to the facts I posted, not withstanding the two moron's efforts to play a game of semantics:

The Right to Life Movement
The 'Fair Tax'
The Reduction or Elimination of Entitlements (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA)
The USSC Decision in CU v. FEC
The Effort to Suppress the Vote
The Anti-Union Movement
The Right to Work Movement
The Effort to Deny Workers Collective Bargaining
The Effort to Reduce a Women's Opportunity to Secure Contraceptives
The Effort to Eliminate Minimum Wage Laws, and
The War on Women
The War on Public Education

Think if you can or will how taken collectively the fact that these movements (dispute them if you are able) march our nation further into the abyss of an Oligarchy of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.
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