Gabby Gifford resigns from Congress

1st blow...
California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -1216 reputation points from California Girl.
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California Girl

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Now to top it off, you're going to whine about a neg, which will just get you more negs.:lol:

ETA: I have a general rule to only neg after getting a neg, but your little game of intimidation by listing the neggers is very tempting to make me break my rule...hey, you could neg me first.:thup: :D

I actually think he is trying to use this as a rep fest for himself. Should be interesting to watch his rep count... it was at 199 now 200.
Don't post straight up lies and you won't usually get negged. Of course in your case you also post racist shit.
Gabby Giffords is one class act.

I wish people who are whack job left wingers would stop using the maniacle moment of an insane individual who hated Giffords long before Palin was ever on the scene to shove it to gun owners who have every right in the American Nation to own a gun.

It is beyond disgusting. Now that said.

God speed to Gabby and to her wonderful husband and I pray daily for her remarkable recovery.

She is a shining light in a very dark world. I love you Gabby. God bless. Every breath you take.

Gabby Giffords is one class act.

I wish people who are whack job left wingers would stop using the maniacle moment of an insane individual who hated Giffords long before Palin was ever on the scene to shove it to gun owners who have every right in the American Nation to own a gun.

It is beyond disgusting. Now that said.

God speed to Gabby and to her wonderful husband and I pray daily for her remarkable recovery.

She is a shining light in a very dark world. I love you Gabby. God bless. Every breath you take.


Try this one out

You're an IDIOT. Even with half of her brain dead, Giffords still has you beat by 50 or 60 IQ points.

Putrid losers like you are part of the PROBLEM with this country.

I would like to apologize to all of the IDIOTS in the world, for calling you one of them.

You'll get what you deserve in the end (maybe literally).
Step right up and take a bow Sarah Palin...mission accomplished.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to Step Down from Congress - ABC News


What in the world does Sarah Palin have to do with this? :cuckoo:

Regardless of what you RWers think, Sarah and Gabby will FOREVER be linked.



The media doesn't make up the vomit that spews endlessly from these people's filthy mouths...

[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords about Sarah Palin's violent rhetoric and the Tea Party threats and attacks - YouTube[/ame]

I will not apologize for speaking the truth.

Deal with it!
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I guess we should have a second thread on this. Once for decent people to commend her and one for you fucking morons to lie your little asses off and pretend it was the evil TEA Partiers. God knows, you appear not to need evidence for anything else, so why would this be any different?

^^^ Decent Americans thread.

I'll leave this one for partisan assholes to lie in.

Looking at this, it seems you are the partisan one here.

Asshole indeed.
Step right up and take a bow Sarah Palin...mission accomplished.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to Step Down from Congress - ABC News


What in the world does Sarah Palin have to do with this? :cuckoo:

Regardless of what you RWers think, Sarah and Gabby will FOREVER be linked.



The media doesn't make up the vomit that spews endlessly from these people's filthy mouths...

[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords about Sarah Palin's violent rhetoric and the Tea Party threats and attacks - YouTube[/ame]

I will not apologize for speaking the truth.

Deal with it!

They can't deal with it. They are scared shitless Obama will win again. That would mean White Jesus has forsaken them. Hahaha.
Step right up and take a bow Sarah Palin...mission accomplished.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to Step Down from Congress - ABC News


5th hurt soul...

RetiredGySgt said:
Hi, you have received -287 reputation points from RetiredGySgt.
Reputation was given for this post.

You are a racist moron.


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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MarcATL again.
He 'sensationalized' a quote from Sarah Palin... she did use the words 'don't retreat, reload'... but clearly explained that she was referring to the 'ammunition' of words, debate, discussion - not guns. There remains absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the shooter, Loughner, had any connection to, or had read any speeches of, or supported, or anything else... the TEA Party. In fact, the only evidence of anything - and it is hinky at best - connects him to the far left, not the far right. But that doesn't stop Polk from lying... and it would be cool for you to call him out on it.... now that you know what he meant.

Yep, Polk needs a kick in the butt, too!

I thought TheDoctor was kinda passive-aggressive as well. :dunno:

I wasn't trying to be, and I apologize if I came off that way. This isn't the only message board I'm a member of, and some posters on some other boards have responded to this with significantly less class than posters here. I was being sincere.

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