Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Wingnuts can't handle it when Democrats use Republican tactics.

Liberals like you use these statements in lieu of an argument. This is a classic deflection. Tell me how it is right to govern based on emotion, and I will tell you how much you don't belong behind the reins of our government.

You don't see the irony of complaining that liberals are "based on emotion" in a thread calling a congresswoman who was shot in the head a "scumbag" simply because they disagree with her politically?
Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Wingnuts can't handle it when Democrats use Republican tactics.

Liberals like you use these statements in lieu of an argument. This is a classic deflection. Tell me how it is right to govern based on emotion, and I will tell you how much you don't belong behind the reins of our government.

You don't see the irony of complaining that liberals are "based on emotion" in a thread calling a congresswoman who was shot in the head a "scumbag" simply because they disagree with her politically?
she isn't a scumbag. Those who use her are
What is it that Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly want that NRA gun nutters find so offensive?

people like you are the GUN NUTTERS

Yes, I am a responsible gun nutter - but not an NRA NaziCon gun nutter. I'm a hunter and cherish my guns - but I strongly believe in reasonable gun control - like UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.

well you are either a LIAR or a MORON

1) how do you ENFORCE universal BGCs

2) the people pushing them want complete REGISTRATION

3) they want to criminalize people who don't do them so as to strip them of gun rights

4) anyone who understands criminals know they won't obey and there is no way to enforce it

5) the brady bill-passed in 1993 and requiring those who engage in INTERSTATE commerce (hence federal jurisdiction) to conduct BGC-has NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED as preventing any crime


1) that has no dance of decreasing crime

2) is an excuse for more gun laws

are you merely stupid or are you dishonest?

or do you want to FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING even if it doesn't help

so your choices are-You are stupid or you are dishonest

which one is it?

Yeah, I know, you keep telling us you're some kind of legal genius and universal background checks can never work. Well, what about speed limits, cops, and courts - they don't catch all the speeders but they sure help to makes our roads safer.

So, we just say the hell with any gun controls and open up the highways to "use at your own risk"...
Leave Gabs alone she was shot

yes we know you are a disgusting pile of shit who will insult a woman who was shot in the head.
This is why nobody respects you
I respect her. she's much smarter than you silly dullards on the left
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
What is it that Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly want that NRA gun nutters find so offensive?

people like you are the GUN NUTTERS

Yes, I am a responsible gun nutter - but not an NRA NaziCon gun nutter. I'm a hunter and cherish my guns - but I strongly believe in reasonable gun control - like UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS.

well you are either a LIAR or a MORON

1) how do you ENFORCE universal BGCs

2) the people pushing them want complete REGISTRATION

3) they want to criminalize people who don't do them so as to strip them of gun rights

4) anyone who understands criminals know they won't obey and there is no way to enforce it

5) the brady bill-passed in 1993 and requiring those who engage in INTERSTATE commerce (hence federal jurisdiction) to conduct BGC-has NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED as preventing any crime


1) that has no dance of decreasing crime

2) is an excuse for more gun laws

are you merely stupid or are you dishonest?

or do you want to FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE DONE SOMETHING even if it doesn't help

so your choices are-You are stupid or you are dishonest

which one is it?

Yeah, I know, you keep telling us you're some kind of legal genius and universal background checks can never work. Well, what about speed limits, cops, and courts - they don't catch all the speeders but they sure help to makes our roads safer.

So, we just say the hell with any gun controls and open up the highways to "use at your own risk"...

we have 20 years of evidence

tell us how you enforce UBGC

and what do you want to do when people who have no records don't conduct one

and do you know that if a criminal owns or possesses a gun the supreme court has ruled you cannot charge him with a failure to admit to that?
Hey MORON. the GUY who shot her is getting a life sentence

why should the rest of us have our rights restricted?

Closing the barn door after the horse has left

She doesn't want anyone else to have to go through what she went through

ONly a moron thinks that someone willing to kill a judge or a congressman is going to be deterred by a gun law
The guy was fucking nuts and conservatives do everything they can to ensure he had unrestricted access to the weapons of his choice
We've actually suggested many times an effective way of keeping gun related violence down is to keep left wing people from gun access. If all democrats were disarmed we wouldn't have any shootings.
Wow....what a profound observation

You come up with that one yourself?
I've never heard of stating the obvious as profound, not like it takes any thinking outside the box to come to that conclusion. You simply see what happens time and time again and you have your answer. No 100 million dollar government funded research grant needed.
Leave Gabs alone she was shot

yes we know you are a disgusting pile of shit who will insult a woman who was shot in the head.
This is why nobody respects you
I respect her. she's much smarter than you silly dullards on the left
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured
Leave Gabs alone she was shot

yes we know you are a disgusting pile of shit who will insult a woman who was shot in the head.
This is why nobody respects you
I respect her. she's much smarter than you silly dullards on the left
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured

what I get is you are an intellectual cripple whose idiotic blanket statement got shredded
Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Wingnuts can't handle it when Democrats use Republican tactics.

we laugh when Dems trot out their current disabled pet and try to use her to rape our rights

Yeah, you're the same vile assholes who called Jim Brady Reagan's favorite vegetable.

I said that? Sarah brady is the scumbag. Not her husband

so take your vile asshole bit and stuff it where most of your posts come from
I don't have respect for her and I don't care what she says, wants or wishes for

she's a user and will use anything to slime someone else if it can help the PARTY. she's just like any other sleazy Democrat/progressive
Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Wingnuts can't handle it when Democrats use Republican tactics.

Liberals like you use these statements in lieu of an argument. This is a classic deflection. Tell me how it is right to govern based on emotion, and I will tell you how much you don't belong behind the reins of our government.

You don't see the irony of complaining that liberals are "based on emotion" in a thread calling a congresswoman who was shot in the head a "scumbag" simply because they disagree with her politically?

Do I agree with the title? No. Do I agree with Giffords using her PAC to run vile attack ads against her opponents in support of her fellow Democratic candidates? Most certainly not. Do you not see the irony that Giffords is using her tragedy for political reasons? Try not to deflect from the discussion. I never said I agreed with calling her a scumbag, but her behavior is deplorable. I don't just simply disagree with her, I disagree with her for numerous reasons, none of which include my thinking she is a 'slimewad.'

Somehow she is a poster child for the gun control contingent. Tell me, do you agree with what she did? Even those who endorsed her that her ads were a low blow. I believe those ads will backfire on her. I disagree with her actions; the tactics she employed. She is a hypocrite who wants 'sensible' gun control regulations, yet doesn't care if her husband buys an assault rifle or if she herself is a gun owner. She uses emotion as a tool. Emotion and law making do not go together.

I'm sorry she got shot in the head, I was shocked and appalled the day the news broke. But that was over three years ago. She has demonstrated this year she has no impaired cognitive functions from that day, since she knows how to throw mud with the best of them. You really must evaluate who you are defending before you start lecturing me.
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The NRA NaziCons don't want Gabby to become the new replacement for the deceased James Brady - so they are trying to kill her off politically as quickly as possible.
The NRA NaziCons don't want Gabby to become the new replacement for the deceased James Brady - so they are trying to kill her off politically as quickly as possible.
Nazis were gun banners-and you have the nerve to call people who support individual rights "Nazis"? you are far closer to a Nazi than any of the pro rights advocates

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