Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

Wingnuts can't handle it when Democrats use Republican tactics.

Liberals like you use these statements in lieu of an argument. This is a classic deflection. Tell me how it is right to govern based on emotion, and I will tell you how much you don't belong behind the reins of our government.

You don't see the irony of complaining that liberals are "based on emotion" in a thread calling a congresswoman who was shot in the head a "scumbag" simply because they disagree with her politically?

You say "Pay our teachers more" and I say "Don't pay our teachers more." We're having a political disagreement.

You say " Deny women the right to free speech" and I say "Don't deny women the right to free speech." This has transcended politics. Now you're attacking human rights. Women upset with you for your attack on them are not being emotional, they have a rational basis for despising you.

Last week, the moderate Arizona Republic, the state’s largest newspaper, slammed an advertisement put out by Giffords’s group, Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC, even mentioning Giffords by name. The spot, which accused a Republican congressional candidate in Arizona of murder because she is content with existing firearms regulations, was “base and vile,” the Republic concluded, and it “exploits a family’s tragedy to score cheap political points.” Pulling no punches, the paper went on to charge that the offering represented a “nasty piece of work,” offered voters little more than “demagoguery in heart-rending tones,” and served as a prime example of a victim’s “[waving] the bloody shirt” in lieu of making an argument. The ad, editors suggested, “bounces off” its target and “sticks to Gabby Giffords.” So negative was the response that, having gained national condemnation, the advertisement was taken off the air. . . . .

Her recent broadside against Martha McSally, too, played fast and loose with the truth. In the (now pulled) commercial, Giffords’s team accuses the candidate of failing to care about women who have been stalked and of objecting to laws that make it tough for stalkers to get guns — both of which charges, it turns out, are false. McSally, the Arizona Republic reports, has not only been a victim of stalking herself, but she supports all the existing laws that make it tough for convicted stalkers to obtain firearms. Oops.​

Moreover, this drama is playing out against this backdrop:

Firearms-related homicides declined 39 percent between 1993 and 2011, the report said, while nonfatal firearms crimes fell 69 percent during that period.
The population has grown, so too have the number of firearms in the population and gun-related homicides have dropped. So what's the urgency? Matters have actually improved while gun-control laws have been relaxed.
Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
Like when Bush used the Sept 11 attacks to invade Iraq?

Are we talking about 9/11? Please, take your trutherism somewhere else.
Can anyone explain the reason I need to respect Giffords? It surely isn't anything she had done before she was shot and it sure as hell isn't anything she has done since so where is this unquestioning respect for her supposed to come from? Is there actual respect that was earned at some point in her life other than the moment she took a bullet to the head? She was an idiot before she was shot and still is. There's no reason to respect her for any of that.
She hasn't done a damn thing to earn our respect but go around trying to step on our rights even more

she and the hubby can go to hell for all I care or continue soaking you all for money
Why would anyone call Gabby Giffords a slimewad?
It shows how sick the gun nuts are

Attacking a woman who took a bullet to the head and wants to stop it from happening to someone else
They can attack palin and her FAMILY but but but how dare you all attack that poor poor gun control freak couple:boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:
We can't stop all speeders - so why should we bother having speed limits?

speeding laws apply to those who engage in behavior that is risky

UBGCs don't apply to the people most likely to use a gun illegally

and you can enforce speeding laws

and speeding laws are not a stalking horse to say ban cars
Why would anyone call Gabby Giffords a slimewad?
It shows how sick the gun nuts are

Attacking a woman who took a bullet to the head and wants to stop it from happening to someone else

A young girl, an activist, comes onto Oprah's show and tells a sad story. She says "I'm here today to tell you that my mom listened to some of her friends, radical lesbian feminists, who said she was being oppressed by marriage. My mom took their sermon to heart, packed up us kids and left my dad. He was devastated. Then she sued him for divorce and utterly ruined him. Then she wouldn't allow him to see his own children. In his grief and despair he killed himself."

"I'm here today to start a movement to stop what happened to my dad from happening to anyone else. We need to work to strip from women the right to divorce their husbands and destroy their families."

Do you see how wanting to stop a bad thing happening to someone else runs into problems when the means to stopping the bad thing is to strip people of their rights?
yes we know you are a disgusting pile of shit who will insult a woman who was shot in the head.
This is why nobody respects you
I respect her. she's much smarter than you silly dullards on the left
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured

what I get is you are an intellectual cripple whose idiotic blanket statement got shredded
you didnt get it
I respect her. she's much smarter than you silly dullards on the left
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured

what I get is you are an intellectual cripple whose idiotic blanket statement got shredded
you didnt get it

you didn't make it
again nobody respects her
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured

what I get is you are an intellectual cripple whose idiotic blanket statement got shredded
you didnt get it

you didn't make it
still not getting it
you don't understand logic do you

when you say NOBODY that means every single person

I respect her

you lose
you dont get it..i figured

what I get is you are an intellectual cripple whose idiotic blanket statement got shredded
you didnt get it

you didn't make it
still not getting it

still not making any sense SFB
You're right hater dupes- the insane should have the right to buy assault weapons with 100 round clips at

well too bad for you it's none of your all's biz whacks. A lot of people don't feel abortions should be legal . so damnit all to hell you fascist on the left love to control and DICTATE what others do with all your dramatics, let them try to ban abortion we'll see who the real hater dupes are
You're right hater dupes- the insane should have the right to buy assault weapons with 100 round clips at
And your front woman is a complete idiot before she was shot having the power to effect our Constitution after she had half her brain blown out?
Amazing how Republicans will turn against an American patriot who took a bullet for her country

Right, like they asked her if she would before it happened. Reagan took a bullet for his country. I don't recall any libturds waxing sanctimoniously about what a hero he was then.

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