Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

...this woman was shot by an asshole from your side of the fence.

I was under the impression this guy is mentally ill, he hated America, he detested the flag, and nearly all of the reading material and CD movies the cops found in his bedroom were of a decidedly anarchist or left-wing bent (he loved his Michael Moore movies). We're talking about the same guy aren't we?
Conservatives roll in the mud in attacking an American hero

Dear Lefties,

Please stop with the equation of victimhood and heroism. Surviving cancer or dealing with the aftermath of a gunshot doesn't make one a hero. Heroism arises from one's actions, one's bravery, like storming a machine gun nest, running into a burning building to save a person, running into the street to pull a victim shot by a sniper and in so doing risking one's life. Being hit by machine gun fire, being burned in a building fire or being hit by a sniper don't count as heroism.

Thanks ever so much.

Love, Rikurzhen.
you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

You certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues.

This thread is about Gabby Giffords...not Mitt Romney.

Why didn't you bring that up to the poster who derailed the thread by mentioning Mitt Romney first?

Protip: It wasn't Plasmaball.

Or do you only play the "let's get strictly back on this exceedingly narrow topic" game when your side is losing?

Actually, I smashed PBs argument into oblivion, as I did yours. You play the 'get back on topic' card when you're losing.
...this woman was shot by an asshole from your side of the fence.

I was under the impression this guy is mentally ill, he hated America, he detested the flag, and nearly all of the reading material and CD movies the cops found in his bedroom were of a decidedly anarchist or left-wing bent (he loved his Michael Moore movies). We're talking about the same guy aren't we?

Depends on who you ask.

Ask a low info RW and he'll tell you the shooter was Barack Obama's kid brother who was also not born in Hawaii.
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

You may as well give it up. They're hot on the trail of a pile of lies and they're gonna keep piling it higher and higher until it has no resemblance to the truth.
Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

You may as well give it up. They're hot on the trail of a pile of lies and they're gonna keep piling it higher and higher until it has no resemblance to the truth.

That is funny coming from the board's top piler of bullshit
Obama's daughters have armed bodyguards to attend school yet they don't want your child to have armed officers to watch over your public schools. Did you ever wonder about the hypocrisy of those who don't believe in guns? The Giffords, Feinsteins, Kennedy's of the world are not fooling anyone.

Barack Obama's daughters are the children of the president of the United States.

Go Gabby!. Give those NRA NaziCons hell.

Her husband made the list for Seven liberal hypocrites on this news article because he purchased an assault weapon for the Gifford household. Hypocrites? I think so. Read up, Lakhota.

7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - Page full#
7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns
John Hawkins | Mar 23, 2013

Once again -- this is dishonest.

Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabby Giffords and an outspoken advocate for new gun control measures, had in recent interviews said he was buying the rifle to showcase what he said are unobtrusive background checks.

Kelly: Gun loophole makes no sense

Doug MacKinlay, owner of Diamondback Police Supply, said it was Kelly's statements that caused him to stop the sale.

"I determined that it was in my company's best interest to terminate this transaction prior to his returning to my store to complete the Federal Form 4473 and NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) required of Mr. Kelly before he could take possession of this firearm," MacKinlay posted on the Tuscon store's Facebook page Monday. <<
(story here) -- try using an actual news source instead of Dimbart.

You may as well give it up. They're hot on the trail of a pile of lies and they're gonna keep piling it higher and higher until it has no resemblance to the truth.

That is funny coming from the board's top piler of bullshit

wow, now we have been DIVIDED by a fence. too bad they couldn't put on of those on our borders eh?
man oh man the histrionics of these people. talk about who the REACTIONAIRES ARE
...this woman was shot by an asshole from your side of the fence.

I was under the impression this guy is mentally ill, he hated America, he detested the flag, and nearly all of the reading material and CD movies the cops found in his bedroom were of a decidedly anarchist or left-wing bent (he loved his Michael Moore movies). We're talking about the same guy aren't we?

Depends on who you ask.

Ask a low info RW and he'll tell you the shooter was Barack Obama's kid brother who was also not born in Hawaii.

Ohhhhh. OK. Well, thanks for that.
that doesn't make her a hero SFB. that makes her a victim

people don't spit on her but assholes think her fraudulent claims should not be challenged

she's a took of her husband.

A woman who nearly had her brains blown out is a fraud for wanting sensible gun controls

Do you guys ever get tired of looking like idiots?

As a liberal you insult the intelligence of normal people every time you speak, but does this grave offense against dignity warrant you being denied the right to speak?

I didn't do anything to Gabbie Giffords, so why do you feel it proper to strip me of my rights? Should you have your free speech rights stripped from you when Obama says something stupid?
she's a typical progressive/Democrat who uses her injuries to beat people over the head with. and when she came out and blamed Sarah Palin that right there was the last respect or care I had about her

she's a slimy leftie/dem/commie



Link where Giffords "blames" $arah for anything at all.
Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
Like when Bush used the Sept 11 attacks to invade Iraq?

Well yabut, Iraq flew planes into the WTC.

Just ask any RW, including $arah.
Wonder if you dorks read where they pulled the adds because they were taking license with the truth.

Why would you do that ?

ads.....we are not doing math here.
Ok they pulled the ads. So what

Pulling ads means the assertions they made were lies. People will outright lie to voters to get into office. Everyone does it. It isn't rocket science.

you dont know the reason the ads were pulled. That could be a reason, it could be another...People leave up ads with lies in them as well.

Sort of like Obama did accusing Romney of giving people cancer? Yeah, funny how you don't point that out.

Your response suggested you didn't care why the ads were pulled. "So what" you said. You are full of double standards, PB.
sort of like Mittens accusing jeep of moving over to china fully and somehow that was obama's fault.Even though they never moved.

More like so what, your opinion does not make fact, show me why they where pulled.

Not really, since it wasn't a lie.

"Public expressed collective outrage"? That's essentially wishcasting on the part of PolitiFact, nor are they accurately representing what Mitt Romney said in the ad. In fact, here's PolitiFact'soriginal "fact check" on the matter:
[Mitt Romney] Says Barack Obama "sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China" at the cost of American jobs.
Ok. Now here's what theReuters reported earlier this week:

Fiat (FIA.MI) and its U.S. unit Chrysler expect to roll out at least 100,000 Jeeps in China when production starts in 2014 as they seek to catch up with rivals in the world's biggest car market. ...
"We expect production of around 100,000 Jeeps per year which is expandable to 200,000," [Chrysler CEO Sergio] Marchionne, who is also CEO of Chrysler, said on the sidelines of a conference, adding production could start in 18 months.
So, yes, it's confirmed that Jeep will be producing cars in China.According to theToledo Bladelast November:
Currently, Jeeps sell in more than 120 countries around the world, including China. They're nearly all built in factories in the United States.

By expanding Jeep production to China, instead of increasing Jeep production in the U.S., it's safe to say Jeep (or more properly, Fiat, which now owns Chrysler) is choosing to create more jobs overseas instead of in America where taxpayers bailed the company out.

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