Gaetz Bombshell!

Oh goodness - Buh Bye Mattie! :bye1:
17????? same age as Clintons closet whore....
So what?...if she were 12 the age Biden likes them then you would have something....

You have no proof against Mr. Clinton or Mr. Biden. The sheer level of unbelievable bull shit you spew...ease until you have proof. Mr. Biden was in residence after surgery and no evidence of any wrong doing by Clinton was ever found. You people are fucking sick
I have all the proof I need...Joe and slick willie are disgusting men....and they both look down on women and minorities...history tells us that....too bad libs are too entranced with them to see it....

Great, have them investigated and charged...

In the mean time the Gaetz investigation is going ahead...

You know you can't get off a crime by just pointing at other people...
I'm guessing that Gaetz is starting to get pretty nervous right about now. And, from what I've read in the news, he's gonna be in some pretty deep do-do soon.
Wiki says the Daily Beast is categorized as a "high end tabloid"


The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast is a liberal website run by far-left anti-Tea Party activist John Avlon.[1] Founded by liberal media figure Tina Brown, the website has become infamous for its history of false reporting. On January 30, 2015, The Daily Beast declared that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had decided to run for the U.S. presidency in 2016. The website was left humiliated less than two hours later when Governor Romney announced that he had decided to not run for the presidency.[2] On February 27, 2015, The Daily Beast claimed that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state's universities. The next day, that claim was proven to be a lie and as a result the website retracted the claim, although the author of the claim refused to apologize.[3] In the immediate aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, The Daily Beast falsely identified the brother of one of the terrorists as one of the perpetrators.[4]
The executive editor of the website, Noah Shachtman, has claimed that anyone who stays at a hotel owned by Donald Trump or visits a resort owned by Trump is "supporting racism & neo-fascism."[5]

Source ^ ConservoPedia :lol:
Ah, so Hossfly is just a fucking liar.
Rambunctious said:
... Clintons...
Desperate attempts at diversions aside, it's difficult to deny Gaetz's claim that he is the "Trumpiest Congressman"

What a class act!

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Wiki says the Daily Beast is categorized as a "high end tabloid"


The Daily Beast

The Daily Beast is a liberal website run by far-left anti-Tea Party activist John Avlon.[1] Founded by liberal media figure Tina Brown, the website has become infamous for its history of false reporting. On January 30, 2015, The Daily Beast declared that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney had decided to run for the U.S. presidency in 2016. The website was left humiliated less than two hours later when Governor Romney announced that he had decided to not run for the presidency.[2] On February 27, 2015, The Daily Beast claimed that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker's budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state's universities. The next day, that claim was proven to be a lie and as a result the website retracted the claim, although the author of the claim refused to apologize.[3] In the immediate aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist attack, The Daily Beast falsely identified the brother of one of the terrorists as one of the perpetrators.[4]
The executive editor of the website, Noah Shachtman, has claimed that anyone who stays at a hotel owned by Donald Trump or visits a resort owned by Trump is "supporting racism & neo-fascism."[5]

Source ^ ConservoPedia :lol:
Ah, so Hossfly is just a fucking liar.



Stone quickly sought to dampen expectations surrounding “the whole pardon circus.”

“This is treacherous territory with a lot of different players such as Jared and Giuliani playing a hand,” Stone wrote, presumably referring to Trump adviser Jared Kushner and the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. “I have two things I’m trying to get done. Sit tight.”

On Dec. 21, Greenberg told Stone that government investigators were pressing him to cooperate. “The FBI, DOJ, Secret Service and a bunch of people from DC have repeatedly made attempts to meet with my [sic] lately. I have declined. But they are definitely ramping up pressure.”

“They want me to flip,” he continued. “They have made offers which I’ve declined. I even fired my lawyers this week because they tried to convince me to cooperate and that a pardon was impossible.”

Greenberg then revealed to Stone that his former lawyers were aware of the “whole story” regarding Matt Gaetz’s role.

“My lawyers that I fired, know the whole story about MG’s involvement. They know he paid me to pay the girls and that he and I both had sex with the girl who was underage. So naturally they think that is my golden ticket,” Greenberg wrote.

“And while I have not had any communication with MG, he absolutely has to know that the sex charge they hit me with would be what they would hit him with,” Greenberg continued.

A distressed Greenberg told Stone that he felt “abandoned" by his allies, but emphasized that Gaetz—who was “like a son” to the president of the United States—could save him: “One conversation with POTUS and he can get this done and it all goes away.”

Greenberg said that while he had discussed pardons with Gaetz’s lawyer, he had not heard a reply and would “have to do what’s best for me and my family” after Trump left office.

“You think MG is going to come visit me in prison?” he said, then proposed the $250,000 bitcoin deposit.

Stone replied that he had considered those points, but “cannot push too hard because of the nonsense surrounding pardons.”

As Trump neared his final days in office, he signaled an intent to issue a wave of pardons, and reports at the time suggested legal reprieve could be had for the right price. Stone communicated with Greenberg about his efforts to navigate the heavy traffic of pardon-seekers.

Today is the day. We will know by the end of the day. I think you sent me some document but it disappeared. I hope you are prepared to wire me $250,000 because I am feeling confident.
— Message from Roger Stone to Joel Greenberg
On Dec. 23, Trump pardoned Stone for the crimes from his 2019 conviction. The next day, on Christmas Eve, Stone acknowledged to Greenberg that he was having difficulty with the Gaetz dimension.

“It is hard for me to understand why MG would do nothing[.] Yes he is potentially damaged if the matter goes forward,” Stone wrote. The three men—Greenberg, Stone, and Gaetz—all shared a friendship dating back several years, and Stone apparently couldn’t figure out why Gaetz wouldn’t help Greenberg get a pardon.

But on the morning of Jan. 13, Greenberg received this text from Stone: “Today is the day. We will know by the end of the day. I think you sent me some document but it disappeared. I hope you are prepared to wire me $250,000 because I am feeling confident.”

There was only a week left in the Trump presidency. It’s unclear if money was ever exchanged, but Greenberg offered to pay extra if Stone could, in fact, get him a pardon.“If you can get this done today I’ll add another 50k,” Greenberg texted Stone.

In a subsequent message, Stone wrote that White House lawyer Pat Cipollone had taken Greenberg’s name out of the list of hundreds of people who might be pardoned. Cipollone didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment Thursday, but according to three people familiar with the matter, Greenberg’s name repeatedly made it to the Trump White House for a presidential pardon. The Daily Beast was shown an image of one such list, and Greenberg’s name and a favorable mini-profile were indeed included.

Administration officials swiftly shot down Greenberg’s application, however, and several senior White House officials at the time said they were not even aware that Stone was involved in a behind-the-scenes maneuvering.

But as Stone explained it in a Jan. 30 text—a full 10 days after Trump left office—Gaetz was partly to blame.

“What I don’t understand is why MJ would not help me at all and actually told me not to help you which I tried to do anyway. In the end it would not have mattered. Cipollone killed everything we wanted to get done and that includes stuff MG wanted,” Stone wrote, immediately clarifying that “MJ” was a typo and that he meant “MG.”

“Ok. He actually said not to help me? Wow,” Greenberg replied.

“If you repeat it you’re really going to hurt me,” Stone warned.

“I won’t Roger. I don’t and haven’t talked to him. I won’t,” Greenberg said.

I made no formal or informal effort in regard to a pardon for Mr. Greenberg... I never requested or received a penny from Mr. Greenberg
— Roger Stone to The Daily Beast
Stone acknowledged Thursday night that there may be “copies of correspondence between me and Mr. Greenberg,” but he questioned whether they were complete, unedited, or accurate.

“I made no formal or informal effort in regard to a pardon for Mr. Greenberg,” Stone said. “I recall requesting a document explaining his prosecution The [sic] details of which I was unfamiliar with.”

“I never requested or received a penny from Mr. Greenberg,” he added. “I recall him offering to retain me and I declined. To be clear I did advocate pardons for a number of people who I had [sic] been unfairly treated by the justice system and was compensated by no one for doing so.”

“Urge you to be very careful,” Stone said at the end of his text. “I will take any appropriate legal action in the event that you publish anything that is false or defamatory. Sounds to me like you have been presented some kind of cut and paste record.”
Time for (R) to step up and dismiss this sexual predator

but of course they don’t have the balls to do the right thing.

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