Republican Congressman Says Matt Gaetz Paid 'Minors to Have Sex With Him'

The “story” is a claim made by some dipshit.

Therefore, in your estimation, it “must be” true.

You’re a fucking clunk.
The Pee Pee Tapes will see the light of day sooner or later.

trump naked melania crotch.jpg
We all remember "Lock her up"
Pre-election "Lock her up" became post-election "I don't want to hurt her." Pre-election "Build the Wall" became post-election "Release Democrats from prison and restore their right to vote." Pre-election "I'll be the most 2nd Amendment President ever" became post-election "Take away their guns without due process." It's astounding that any Republican supports him and every Democrat hates him.

That's from his own party!!

Add that to what McCarthy has said about him and it looks like he's gonna have a short rest of his career.

The headline is confusing, Gaetz paid money for "him" to have sex with minors? Who is the "him"?

But then the US political system has so little oversight, people get away with this sort of stuff.
The headline is confusing, Gaetz paid money for "him" to have sex with minors? Who is the "him"?

But then the US political system has so little oversight, people get away with this sort of stuff.
There's a link there for clarification.
D.C. if Gaetz is guilty of this then is really a Caligula type existence. Then again, we live in in an accusation of impropriety according to levels of morals now. So, if a Republican was a pedophile, he is a vile evil piece of shit as compared to a Progressive Socialist as he is more accepting of social agendas. In the end, the real victims would be the children.
Biden's DOJ investigated this story and declined to being any charges.

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