Gaetz Submits Hunter's Laptop To Congressional Record, introduces “Spook Who Cried Wolf Resolution” to Strip Security Clearances from Intel Officials

Just more of the same CIA Deep State Lies that said Russian Collusion was real they used to attempt to rig the 2016 election like they rigged the 2020 Election.

The CIA lied about Hunter Biden's Laptop.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump."
Veteran CIA Agent John Sipher

No, that is an editorial from the Atlanta Jewish Times when the Kenyan was Cocksucker in Chief.

Kinda makes you think Low IQ Joe may be really Jewish??

Would the Chosen really trust a non-Jew with their second US Presidential assassination?
The CIA agent who lied about Hunter Biden's LAPTOP said the following so perhaps you should ask him what is on it.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump."
Veteran CIA Agent John Sipher

You thought you had some Pizza didn't you?
TFG is a POS
You're missing the point but this time it's worth helping you understand. Biden, his son, and America are all guilty as hell, but here comes the facts that have gone over your head:

America's national security and it's propaganda efforts regarding the Ukraine are about to be compromised by Gaitz, unless the CIA clamps down on what is revealed.

So your GOP is divided on those who are aware of national security on warmongering being contained as top secret intelligence, vs. those who are blissfully unaware of the national security requirements.

Gaitz must be stifled at least on the more sensitive facts.

If he refused, he would have to be eliminated for the sake of America's national best interests.
I missed where this has anything to do with the absolute political bullshit by 55 intelligence officers which amounts to fucking treason.
I missed where this has anything to do with the absolute political bullshit by 55 intelligence officers which amounts to fucking treason.
100 years ago the people that pulled the bullshit they did during The Trump Administration with Comey, Strozk, Paige, Ohr, McCabe, Pelosi, Biden, Clinton, Clapper, Brennan would have been put on trial and charged with Treason. Now they get plush jobs at CNN, or as Lobbyists or get book advances for telling their lies.
Is there an actual laptop? Where is the actual laptop? Do we have a chain of custody from Biden to where it is now that would be sustained in a criminal trial?
100 years ago the people that pulled the bullshit they did during The Trump Administration with Comey, Strozk, Paige, Ohr, McCabe, Pelosi, Biden, Clinton, Clapper, Brennan would have been put on trial and charged with Treason. Now they get plush jobs at CNN, or as Lobbyists or get book advances for telling their lies.

If we notice any of those are Jews, would that piss you off??
Is there an actual laptop? Where is the actual laptop? Do we have a chain of custody from Biden to where it is now that would be sustained in a criminal trial?
John Sipher a Veteran CIA Agent said it exists, and said that during the 2020 election that The CIA, FBI and DOJ lied about Hunter Biden's laptop and called it Russian Disinformation. The laptop does exist.

When asked about why they lied about it, here was his reply:

“I took special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump."
Veteran CIA Agent John Sipher

So there you go, The Deep State (CIA, FBI, DOJ) interfered in the 2020 Election just like they did in the 2016 Election, and also went so far as to participate in COUP attempts against President Trump's Administration with false claims of "Russian Collusion" they absolutely knew were false.

This is how corrupt our government has become.
Why do you hate Jews?
Do you hate Jesus Christ, God, The Son of God?
Do you hate Israel?
Do you hate America?

So, to notice someone is Jewish is to hate all Jews...

And to have an IQ under 5 is to still be clueless about 911 and many other things like the USS Liberty...


Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

I missed where this has anything to do with the absolute political bullshit by 55 intelligence officers which amounts to fucking treason.
No, that which you miss is the fact that it's treason that is in America's best interests.

We should be quite confident that the more sensitive facts will be contained by Gaitz after he is schooled on what can be permissable for the public to know and what isn't.

You're not 'getting' it Boots. Maybe some others will?
So, to notice someone is Jewish is to hate all Jews...

And to have an IQ under 5 is to still be clueless about 911 and many other things like the USS Liberty...


Israeli pilot to IDF war room: This is an American ship. Do you still want us to attack?

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Yes, follow orders.

Israeli pilot to IDF war room: But sir, it’s an American ship - I can see the flag!

IDF war room to Israeli pilot: Never mind; hit it.

Hitler said all the same things you are saying now.

DemNazis same as Them Nazis.
So the FBI has official custody? What did the search warrant say? Who is the prosecutor investigating, and for what?
No, that which you miss is the fact that it's treason that is in America's best interests.

We should be quite confident that the more sensitive facts will be contained by Gaitz after he is schooled on what can be permissable for the public to know and what isn't.

You're not 'getting' it Boots. Maybe some others will?
Gaetz will be made to recant or he will meet with an unfortunate accident. That's what happens if you challenge The Deep State. Or they will politically and financially destroy him, but he won't get away Scott free if he does not back down and bow down to the Evil running this nation.

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