Gallup: Biden 1 Point Ahead of Trumps Approval

The majority of congress think he’s a traitor…idiot. Not being found guilty is a formality because there needs to be 2/3 majority. Still most of congress knows he’s a traitor. That’s why, he will NEVER serve in elected public office again. It dies the matter what you say about Biden. He can beat Trump ten times over.

You can spin it any way you want, chucklehead, he was not guilty...
Your mother is calling. Dinner is ready sonny. Get your fat ass off the computer and Fix News and join the real world.

Hey, my Mom's a great cook; lives about three miles from me.

And, if you'll notice, I was gone most of the day. See, I have an actual life. You, on the other hand, onl exist on the internet. It's where you're comfortable and where you think you matter...
Lowest for Brandon.
So far.
And Trump had the media fabricating lies about Russia while Brandon has the media spinning lies for him.

Gives you an idea of how fake the polls are.
Gives you an idea of how fake the polls are.

"In a direct inverse relation to Biden’s failure is the strong buyers’ remorse we predicted months ago in a meeting with President Trump.

Seventy percent of the Republican primary voters want President Trump to run again.

Eighty-one percent of Republican primary voters say if he runs again they will support President Trump. Only 15% would oppose.

Then in a hypothetically crowded field of 14 possible candidates President Trump dominates with 53% of the vote and in a distant second place Ron Desantis gets 13% and Mike Pence 9%."
Most devastating for the Democrats is that President Trump now decimates the Biden coalition.

  • President Trump defeats Joe Biden 49% to 44%.
  • President Trump defeats Kamala Harris 51% to 40%
  • President Trump defeats Hillary Clinton 51% to 41%.
In contrast to Joe Biden’s policy failures, the issues propel President Trump."

Can Biden Turn His Poll Decline Around?

After one year in office and his rehearsed and scripted reset press conference, will President Biden find a political bottom and turn his public opinion decline around? This is the fundamental question for the Biden Democrats for 2022.

"...the issues propel President Trump."
You can spin it any way you want, chucklehead, he was not guilty...
I impeachment trials are not trials of guilt, they are trials of removal. You don’t seem to know the difference.
so more then half of the congress found him subject to removal. We all know he’s a traitor.That’s not debatable. On national TV he chose to ask for help from foriegn countries to get elected and sided with Putin v our own intel agencies.
I impeachment trials are not trials of guilt, they are trials of removal. You don’t seem to know the difference.
so more then half of the congress found him subject to removal. We all know he’s a traitor.That’s not debatable. On national TV he chose to ask for help from foriegn countries to get elected and sided with Putin v our own intel agencies.

I'll give you credit: Just as soon as I think you're about as stupid as a human can be, you raise the bar and prove me wrong.

It doesn't matter that more than half the congress wanted to remove him from office. They fell short of the required number. So, given that, he is not guilty. Period. He cannot be removed.

An impeachment is nothing more than an indictment. If someone is charged with murder and only 10 people vote in favor of a "guilty" verdict, guess what? He's not guilty.

Your whining about him being a traitor and Putin and such is almost as meaningless as you are...
We do family dinners on Sundays.

Don't you have anyone who loves you enough to want to have dinner with you once a week?

How sad for you. You're to be pitied...
You can claim any thing on the internet. You think I believe anything from someone who supported the biggest fraud and liar to ever hold office ? Nope.
You can claim any thing on the internet. You think I believe anything from someone who supported the biggest fraud and liar to ever hold office ? Nope.

Yeah, that "weekly family dinner" is a pretty wild claim, huh?


Do you think I care what some pinhead, pillow-biter on the internet has to say? Nope.
Yeah, that "weekly family dinner" is a pretty wild claim, huh?


Do you think I care what some pinhead, pillow-biter on the internet has to say? Nope.
Another example of an internet tough guy. I’m sure “ douchebag” is common language around your family dinner table while you call everyone who believes in science, universal healthcare and free elections “ fucking idiots.” Amazing family values. You must be speaking for all of them right ?
Another example of an internet tough guy. I’m sure “ douchebag” is common language around your family dinner table while you call everyone who believes in science, universal healthcare and free elections “ fucking idiots.” Amazing family values. You must be speaking for all of them right ?

No, unlike cocksucking liberals, I speak only for myself.

Let's dissect your idocy:

Another example of an internet tough guy.

Yet another example of how delicate and fragile you are that you're too emotionally unstable to handle someone disagreeing with you. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm attacking you. Smart people know this. Evidently, you do not...

I’m sure “ douchebag” is common language around your family dinner table while you call everyone who believes in science, universal healthcare and free elections “ fucking idiots.

Not at all. But it's appropriate when deal with some mouth-breathing scumbag like you...

Amazing family values. You must be speaking for all of them right ?

Tread lightly, boy. We don't speak ill of families here. Perhaps you need to learn the rules here...
Another shared moment around a conservative dinner table. Wow.

Nope, just an accurate description of the typical American liberal.

Like you, for example.

Now, I'm going to go meet some friends before dinner. Rib roast tonight; something your food stamps won't allow you to enjoy, but maybe I'll take pictures...

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