Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed

The polls are wrong way more often then they are why do we even pay any attention to them?....even the way a question is phrased can determine the its worded and time of day when the call is made...or where the poll is conducted...what part of the country and where in the city can change a poll drastically...the pollsters know all of this and if they have a biased opinion the poll will reflect that....
If over 50% of American voters wanted Trump impeached Pelosi would hold a vote in congress...the poll is not true...not even close...if the swamp impeached Trump they would have hell to pay for it and they know that CNN Gallup poll is not even worthy of being added to the paper roll next to your toilet....

Well, GALLUP did the same poll for Nixon. When it got to 58%, Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment and removal by congress. Trump's at 52% now, not far from Nixon's 58%.
Nixon did something very wrong and tried to cover it up....I will give you a shot at what I've been asking all day without even an attempted answer from any of you libs...
What law did Trump break?...what has he done to be impeached...everyone says he harmed national security....HOW? to give it a try?....

Donald Trump temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles in order to try and get the Ukrainian government to dig dirt up on a political opponent. It is against the Federal Election Commission to solicit the aid of a foreign government in winning an election. So Trump broke a federal law and blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles that were important to Ukraine's security which impacts Europe's and the United States security. So there you have it, Federal law broken and U.S. national security put at risk, all because Trump wanted dirt on BIDEN to use against him in the coming election.

That is FAR worse than anything Johnson, Nixon, or Clinton did.
The polls are wrong way more often then they are why do we even pay any attention to them?....even the way a question is phrased can determine the its worded and time of day when the call is made...or where the poll is conducted...what part of the country and where in the city can change a poll drastically...the pollsters know all of this and if they have a biased opinion the poll will reflect that....
If over 50% of American voters wanted Trump impeached Pelosi would hold a vote in congress...the poll is not true...not even close...if the swamp impeached Trump they would have hell to pay for it and they know that CNN Gallup poll is not even worthy of being added to the paper roll next to your toilet....

Well, GALLUP did the same poll for Nixon. When it got to 58%, Nixon resigned rather than face impeachment and removal by congress. Trump's at 52% now, not far from Nixon's 58%.
Nixon did something very wrong and tried to cover it up....I will give you a shot at what I've been asking all day without even an attempted answer from any of you libs...
What law did Trump break?...what has he done to be impeached...everyone says he harmed national security....HOW? to give it a try?....

Donald Trump temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles in order to try and get the Ukrainian government to dig dirt up on a political opponent. It is against the Federal Election Commission to solicit the aid of a foreign government in winning an election. So Trump broke a federal law and blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles that were important to Ukraine's security which impacts Europe's and the United States security. So there you have it, Federal law broken and U.S. national security put at risk, all because Trump wanted dirt on BIDEN to use against him in the coming election.

That is FAR worse than anything Johnson, Nixon, or Clinton did.
Everyone directly involved including the Ukrainian President says you are full of why do you hold onto a lie?....
His base does not even support him after his cut and run in Syria. His "Christian" supporters are pissed because Christian Kurds are being slaughtered by Turkish Forces.

45 sold out of Kurdish Allies, allowed a U.S. Army Base in Syria to be surrendered to Russia AND U.S. Forces have no means of escape because roads have been cut Turkish Forces.

Our N.A.T.O. Ally Turkey is shelling U.S. Forces.

And Cons are cheering this.

It was 63 million voters who voted for him to get us out of that endless war.
Gallup Finds 52% of Americans Want trump Impeached and Removed


Gallup Polls show:

75% of people believe in the paranormal

25% of Americans don't know from what country America gained its independence

20% of people still believe the sun revolves around the earth

33% of Americans believe in ghosts

...Other polls show...

33% of people believe in flying saucers and 'little green men'

20% of people believe Big Foot is real

30% of people believe 9/11/01 didn't happen in 2001

30% of Americans believe the Pacific Ocean does not appear on a world map...because they could not find it.

100% of snowflakes believe paying for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda from a foreign spy is NOT criminal but attending a 10-minute meeting with a foreign lawyer and walking away without any information having changed hands is 'Treason'

100% of snowflakes believe attempting to destroy thousands of pages of subpoenaed, official government documents that had not been submitted for archival as 2 US Laws called for, destroying subpoenaed classified government communication devices in methods that violate numerous existing US laws, and attempting to wipe subpoenaed computer servers / hard drives to prevent the Federal Bureau of Investigation from obtaining them and the contents on them was / is NOT a crime.


8 of the Weirdest Gallup Polls
The 11 dumbest things that 30 percent of Americans believe | The Daily Dot
The polls are rigged by the way they are asked.
That's why they were so wrong in 2016
At some point the HoR has to call for impeachment. At some point delay becomes posturing. Congress need to do its job and not worry about 2020 backlash!
Our N.A.T.O. Ally Turkey is shelling U.S. Forces.

:bsflag: Immediately post a link showing Turkey is 'SHELLING U.S. FORCES', or admit you are an emotionally-manipulated lying POS!

Way to spin a report into a lie, snowflake:

Exclusive: Turkey attacks US special forces in Syria, apparently by mistake

Turkey / Turkish forces shelled KURDISH-POSITIONS, unaware that US Special Forces were in the area - but you can bet your ass they do now. When the shelling subsided the US Special Forces withdrew, and the Turkish govt / military was made aware of US forces in the area, at which point they denied deliberately targeting US troops. There were no U.S. injuries nor have U.S. personnel withdrawn from Kobani.

US Military Special Ops forces have worked closely with the Kurds in the field, have fought side-by-side with them, and hate the idea of leaving them behind as we withdraw from Syria. I would bet just about anything that the Spec Ops guys are 'slow-rolling' / taking their own sweet time in carrying out the President's orders to depart Syria, still providing some amount of protection to the Kurds as 'Human Shields'. They know - as the Turks do - if Turkish forces did shell / attack US troops the existing Rules of Engagement (ROE) allows for US military acts of self-defense are authorized, and the US would wipe the attacking unit out.

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump partially regretted ordering all US troops to pull out and seeing what's going on and ordered the Spec Ops guys not to hurry on the way out to buy diplomacy / the Kurds some time.

Exclusive: Turkey attacks US special forces in Syria, apparently by mistake
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

Now 52% support removing Trump.

The highest it ever got for NIXON was 58%. Bad news for Trump.

Yes it's very bad news for trump.

We haven't seen or heard all the evidence yet either. When more facts are exposed that number is only going to increase.
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

Quick...notify President Hilary....since they accurately predicted that she would be President...

Clinton Holds Clear Edge on Having Presidential Qualities

Presidential Election 2016: Key Indicators
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

Now 52% support removing Trump.

The highest it ever got for NIXON was 58%. Bad news for Trump.

Yes it's very bad news for trump.

We haven't seen or heard all the evidence yet either. When more facts are exposed that number is only going to increase.

The reason you haven't seen the evidence yet is because the democrats can't let you...if they do, they will expose the fact they have nothing...
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over.
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over.

A conservative's world is getting increasingly small. As the number of people they have to ignore is legion. Even Fox News is too liberal for them.

Anything said by any member of the media is ignored because they are 'enemies of the people'.

Anything said by anyone who isn't a republican has to be ignored because they're 'liberals'.

Anything said by a republican that doesn't ape every Trump talking point has to be ignored because they're 'establishment' and 'the swamp'.

Anything said by a former Trump official has to be ignored because they're 'disgruntled'

Anything said by a government official has to be ignored because they're 'deep state'

Even the national weather service has to be ignored.

I this point who is left? The sources of information that conservatives are 'allowed' to use consists of Trump's twitter feed and the DVD box set of the Apprentice.
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over. will........Trump's Boomerang is going to really hurt you ....
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over.

A conservative's world is getting increasingly small. As the number of people you have to ignore is legion. Even Fox News is too liberal for them.

Anything said by any member of the media or anyone who isn't a republican has to be ignored because they're 'liberals'.

Anything said by a republican that doesn't ape every Trump talking point has to be ignored because they're 'establishment' and 'the swamp'.

Anything said by a former Trump official has to be ignored because they're 'disgruntled'

Anything said by a government official has to be ignored because they're 'deep state'

Even the national weather service has to be ignored.

I this point who is left? The sources of information that conservatives are 'allowed' to use consists of Trump's twitter feed and the DVD box set of the Apprentice.

When the impeachment hoax backfires the same way the Russia Hoax, the Stormy Hoax, the Hookers peeing on the bed hoax backfired.....are you going to be really, really sad?
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over. will........Trump's Boomerang is going to really hurt you ....

Hurt me how?

Don't tell're one of those increasingly desperate conservatives who is doubling down on violent fantasies about 'marine deployments' 'coups', 'treason' and suppression of the constitution?
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over. will........Trump's Boomerang is going to really hurt you ....

Hurt me how?

Don't tell're one of those increasingly desperate conservatives who is doubling down on violent fantasies about 'marine deployments' 'coups', 'treason' and suppression of the constitution?

No, you dumb asshat.....I am a conservative who sees the truth.....the democrats were going to impeach Trump no matter what, as soon as they had 1 more than half in the House.......they wanted to wait till closer to the election, but the soon to be released Barr and Durham investigations forced their they have to do everything in secret...under double super secret probation, so that no one can see how fake this hoax is......if this was a real impeachment you dumb shit...they would be doing this after a vote and the Judiciary committee would run it....not the intelligence committee...

Are you really this f*****g stupid........?
This isn't good for trump and his supporters.

Last week it was fox that found 51% want trump impeached and removed from office.

Now gallup.

As time goes on and more evidence is uncovered, that number will only increase.

Congress Approval, Support for Impeaching Trump Both Up

They really aren't going to see this coming, are they?

No they aren't. They are so full of the lies and conspiracies in their fantasy bubble world that no truth will get through.

They are going to have a very rude awakening when all this is over. will........Trump's Boomerang is going to really hurt you ....

Hurt me how?

Don't tell're one of those increasingly desperate conservatives who is doubling down on violent fantasies about 'marine deployments' 'coups', 'treason' and suppression of the constitution?

No, you dumb asshat.....I am a conservative who sees the truth.....the democrats were going to impeach Trump no matter what, as soon as they had 1 more than half in the House.......they wanted to wait till closer to the election, but the soon to be released Barr and Durham investigations forced their they have to do everything in secret...under double super secret probation, so that no one can see how fake this hoax is......if this was a real impeachment you dumb shit...they would be doing this after a vote and the Judiciary committee would run it....not the intelligence committee...

Are you really this f*****g stupid........?

Who says that the Durham investigation is 'soon to be released'?

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