GAME CHANGER: Trump to counter Democrats’ ‘ballot harvesting’ with his own

No, but there were states that did mass mail outs,

Mailed ballots.....were mailed to registered voters in 9 states in 2020.
In five of those states the ONLY way to vote is via a mail-in ballot, and that has been ever thus for years.

Some states mailed out applications for receiving a ballot by registered voters.

No state...that I have read about.....did mass mailings of ballots or applications to 'Occupant' or simply to all addressees in a Zip Code. All mailings for both went to registered voters at their address of record.

I'm quite OK with mailing out applications or even ballots to registered voters. After all we mail out Social Security checks.
What does a his have to do with keeping black voters from voting? Did desantis say he was going to target black voters with his pay for vote scheme?

You know damned well that blacks are more likely to be incarcerated, and less likely to be able to settle court costs. This was the most blatant voter suppression scheme in history, and DeSatan did it out in the open.

I mean, are you really not interested in making sure all voters are legally eligible? I did a post awhile back that showed some of the voter registration laws in some states…and how full of holes those procedures are.

Again, only 66% of eligible voters vote... We really want MORE people voting, not less.

You guys have been making this voter fraud claim since 2000, and every year, you have an investigation, and every year, you only come up with a few isolated cases of good faith mistakes, at best. Nobody is out there trying to steal your vote.

What they are doing is voting when you make it easier for them to do so, and when the GOP does crazy stuff like screw up a pandemic response or try to turn half the country into unwilling breeding machines.

trying to make sure every voter is legally eligible is not a poll tax or a literacy test.

But we both know that isn't the goal here. The goal is to keep "those people" from voting.

Really? You want to go there? Show me a rich democrat who hasn’t taken advantage of the exact same system, the exact same tax breaks, loopholes, and other deductions that anyone in the right has. Are they also screwing the working class? The left always likes to complain about those evil rich right wing bastards…while they’re tucking their billions away in a bank somewhere….probably offshore.

It isn't about the tax codes. It's about rolling back worker's rights, busting unions, tort reform. You look at the three groups that the right wing really, really hates- Unions, Lawyers and Government Officials. Anyone who might make the playing field between the working class and the investor class more even.

How are the right screwing anyone? Because some corporations got some tax cuts? You mean those people who provide jobs for the millions of Americans?

Ya know what though…I really do hope the left gets their wish. I really hope you all get like a complete and totally bulletproof majority in the house, the senate, and get the white house too, so that you can, unimpeded , have the opportunity to pass any legislation you want….because I’m curious to see what will happen…my guess is nothing..because you had an opportunity before, and didn’t do anything.

When did we have that? The closest was the first two years of Obama, where we had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate on paper, but in reality, we had Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) pretty much doing what Manchin does now, blocking any real progress. Which is why instead of a Public Option, we ended up with ACA, which was really RomneyCare writ large. Lieberjew was fine with the taxpayers subsidizing universal health care in the Zionist Entity, just not for America.

However, I hope you all don’t balk…I hope you pass those tax increases….and do it good…none of this 15% silliness. Go for that 40% corporate tax, and the 90% tax on billionaires or whatever….then watch as those people try to shift their money offshore ….or just move their headquarters out of the country altogether, and they leave all those communities they are in, and they shut down businesses across the country, and all those jobs dry up, as people overseas start enjoying their newfound employment. I really hope you get these things.

Then we prosecute them for income tax evasion. Also, where are they going to go, most of the rest of the industrialized world makes the rich pay their fair share. It's why you almost never hear of Japanese or German billionaires.

Which makes you wonder…if liberals are so generous and giddy for the government to take more of their money…why don’t they just write checks to Uncle Sam? I mean…when’s the last time Zuckerberg said “I have too much money, and the government needs more…so I’m going to write a 10 billion dollar check to the government….I think never would be that answer.
No reason why they should. Which doesn't mean that we shouldn't MAKE them pay their fair share. Certainly better than borrowing money forever and ever.
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No, but there were states that did mass mail outs, and the left wants that system for the whole country…which means, yes, there would be hundreds of millions of ballots floating around.

Which still have to be verified by being linked to a registered voter.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, The Census Bureau has been operating this way for decades. Yet no one is claiming Census fraud. (In fact, 30% of Census questionaires never get mailed back in, which is why they have to send out enumerators.) The IRS operates this way. We expect people to mail their tax returns back in and millions of people do. Yet not only do we not hear your side whining about "Tax Fraud", you actually shit yourselves when Biden wants to hire more employees to process the ones we get properly.

So please don't tell me that you making voters jump through hoops to vote is about "Voter fraud", it's about keeping "those people" from voting.
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Mailed ballots.....were mailed to registered voters in 9 states in 2020.
In five of those states the ONLY way to vote is via a mail-in ballot, and that has been ever thus for years.

Some states mailed out applications for receiving a ballot by registered voters.

No state...that I have read about.....did mass mailings of ballots or applications to 'Occupant' or simply to all addressees in a Zip Code. All mailings for both went to registered voters at their address of record.

I'm quite OK with mailing out applications or even ballots to registered voters. After all we mail out Social Security checks.
Sure, they did a mass mail out to every registered voter in those states, I get it. My point is, the left wants to use that system for the whole country. Just mail out….200 million ballots? I don’t know, how many ever registered voters there are…and, they don’t want states to be able to purge voter roles, so, they have no idea if they are mailing a ballot to someone who has died, or moved to another address…or another state. What about mail theft?

I just think having hundreds of millions of ballots just randomly being mailed to people across the country is a bad idea.
My point is, the left wants to use that system for the whole country. Just mail out….200 million ballots? I don’t know, how many ever registered voters there are…and, they don’t want states to be able to purge voter roles, so, they have no idea if they are mailing a ballot to someone who has died, or moved to another address…or another state. What about mail theft?........I just think having hundreds of millions of ballots just randomly being mailed to people across the country is a bad idea.
I think such fears are ChickenLittle-ism.
The sky is NOT falling.

1. There are no "randomly mailed" ballots or applications. One must be a registered voter already to qualify for receiving a ballot.
2. As far as 'people who have moved or died'.... Well, do what we do for mailing Social Security checks, tax return checks, government employee checks, ag payments, or any form of government paper checks.
3. 'they don't want voter polls purged'....ummm? Where? And if you do have an incident or a jurisdiction that has voiced widespread? how big are the rolls in that jurisdiction? Or is is just a small aperture local official expressing a narrow opinion?

Seven states have been sending "ballots" to all registered voters, and have done so for some time. In several of those states it is the ONLY way one can vote. But the seven are: Utah, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, Nevada, California, Oregon.

Some states during the Covid crisis mailed "applications" for a ballot to registered voters.

No state, as far as I can find, 'mass mailed' ballots or applications to 'Occupant' or to all boxholders in a Zip Code. Mailings were to 'registered voters'.


I will agree with the poster earlier in the thread who asserted our governance should make voting as easy as is safely possible. If the 7 states above have experienced minimal ballot or voting "fraud".....then perhaps, they can be the model for the nation.

If one is a citizen of the United States and is eligible to vote in all other criteria.....then it is incumbent upon our governance to reduce barriers, and encourage all to cast their ballot.

How else can American democracy truly represent the 'voice-of-the-people'?......unless we encourage the people to make their voice known?
Sure I read it, and it's the same bullshit Trump always spews.

Yes, I do recall the endless fireside chats in which President Trump would impart the importance of meticulously studying varying state election laws as to ascertain the best approach to achieving optimal voter turnout on a state by state basis.

I mean, I love the guy - but come on. You didn't read it. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

Before Trump, I wondered how Hitler ever could have happened.
I don't wonder that anymore.

Wow. You are one severely brain damaged little monkey.
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I just think having hundreds of millions of ballots just randomly being mailed to people across the country is a bad idea.

But the government ALREADY does that with tax forms and census forms! And it works out just fine. Taxes get paid, people get counted.

Oh, HELL yes!

Fight dirt with dirt!

Trump has a lot more folks on the ground, with a whole lot more resolve than the weenie sycophants of the Vegetable Ratatouille In Chief.


Put 'em to WORK!

Biden doesn't need cult rallies, he is satisfied with the record 80 million + people that voted for him...
We’ll, don’t get me wrong here, I still don’t agree with mass mail out ballots. I think having hundreds of millions of ballots floating around the country is a disaster waiting to happen. I think absentee voting with a reason is fine, and should be limited.

I think ballot boxes should be municipal and not privately owned….no more zuckerboxes…they should be under uninterrupted 24 hour a day video surveillance, and even have 24 hour hour bi partisan guards.

But, I do agree that the left generally seems to do better at “get out the vote” campaigns.
ballot boxes that are gvt owned and positioned are just fine imo... if ya wanna add mandatory video, i suppose that could be done!

THERE WERE NO zuckerboxes that i am aware of.... none!

there were privately owned REPUBLICAN PARTY BALLOT DROP BOXES that were privately owned disguised as legitimate State/City drop boxes....

agree, there should be no privately owned ballot drop boxes!

i do not agree on limiting absentee ballot being available to all registered citizens when requested... i have used this method of voting for over two decades now, and it is the best thing since sliced bread!!! i love it! GETTING THE BALLOT WITH ALL THE CANDIDATES AND RACES and being able to in my leisure time research the candidates before voting, along with all the referendum questions that we the people can vote directly on, be able to research those, and all on one sheet of paper.... i dont have to worry about a snow storm or ice storm or work or vacations getting in the way of me voting....

it really is awesome to the nth degree imo....

on the other hand hubby only votes in person, come hell or high water on election day, he sees things like 4ft of snow, as his manly patriotic challenge, to make it to vote in person.... and wears his I VOTED pin or sticker very proudly, all day!!!

I usually give him my ballot to drop off at the voting place on election day. In Maine, family members can drop off ones ballot....

I THINK MASS MAILING TO ALL REGISTERED VOTERS IS A MISTAKE but like I said if the voter requests it to be mailed to them, and has a tracking coded to follow it and make certain it was received at the election precinct, it will be perfectly fine.

ballot boxes are no different than mail boxes, with even more security with video on them, than mail boxes.
You know damned well that blacks are more likely to be incarcerated, and less likely to be able to settle court costs. This was the most blatant voter suppression scheme in history, and DeSatan did it out in the open.

Again, only 66% of eligible voters vote... We really want MORE people voting, not less.

You guys have been making this voter fraud claim since 2000, and every year, you have an investigation, and every year, you only come up with a few isolated cases of good faith mistakes, at best. Nobody is out there trying to steal your vote.

What they are doing is voting when you make it easier for them to do so, and when the GOP does crazy stuff like screw up a pandemic response or try to turn half the country into unwilling breeding machines.

But we both know that isn't the goal here. The goal is to keep "those people" from voting.

It isn't about the tax codes. It's about rolling back worker's rights, busting unions, tort reform. You look at the three groups that the right wing really, really hates- Unions, Lawyers and Government Officials. Anyone who might make the playing field between the working class and the investor class more even.

When did we have that? The closest was the first two years of Obama, where we had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate on paper, but in reality, we had Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) pretty much doing what Manchin does now, blocking any real progress. Which is why instead of a Public Option, we ended up with ACA, which was really RomneyCare writ large. Lieberjew was fine with the taxpayers subsidizing universal health care in the Zionist Entity, just not for America.

Then we prosecute them for income tax evasion. Also, where are they going to go, most of the rest of the industrialized world makes the rich pay their fair share. It's why you almost never hear of Japanese or German billionaires.

No reason why they should. Which doesn't mean that we shouldn't MAKE them pay their fair share. Certainly better than borrowing money forever and ever.

You know damned well that blacks are more likely to be incarcerated, and less likely to be able to settle court costs. This was the most blatant voter suppression scheme in history, and DeSatan did it out in the open.

That doesn’t mean he did it for the purpose of suppressing anyone’s vote. You know, some people just believe felons and ex felons don’t have the right to vote. That doesn’t mean his intentions are racially based, though the left loves for people to think that.

Again, only 66% of eligible voters vote... We really want MORE people voting, not less.

I agree, more people should vote, legally.

You guys have been making this voter fraud claim since 2000, and every year, you have an investigation, and every year, you only come up with a few isolated cases of good faith mistakes, at best. Nobody is out there trying to steal your vote.

So, there’s no reason to make sure the system is buttoned up? Also, how do we know if it’s only a small amount of illegal voting? With a lot of the lax voter registration procedures that states have, how do we know for sure it’s not more than what is reported? If an illegal shows up in California, and gets a drivers license, then, by mistake, gets swept up in the automatic motor voter registration, he shows up to the polls as a valid legal voter. He doesn’t get counted in the fraudulent voter totals in that case. Now, I can’t say for sure that happens, but we can’t also rule it out.

But we both know that isn't the goal here. The goal is to keep "those people" from voting.

No, we don’t know that. You think that, but voter ID is about making sure every vote is a legal vote.

It isn't about the tax codes. It's about rolling back worker's rights, busting unions, tort reform. You look at the three groups that the right wing really, really hates- Unions, Lawyers and Government Officials. Anyone who might make the playing field between the working class and the investor class more even.

What workers right me are they trying to roll back?

As far as unions go, there are those who believe unions do more harm than good.

I thought everyone hated lawyers equally lol.

And yes, the right does generally dislike government officials…and an over bloated government in general.

When did we have that? The closest was the first two years of Obama, where we had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate on paper, but in reality, we had Joe Lieberjew (D-Israel) pretty much doing what Manchin does now, blocking any real progress. Which is why instead of a Public Option, we ended up with ACA, which was really RomneyCare writ large. Lieberjew was fine with the taxpayers subsidizing universal health care in the Zionist Entity, just not for America.

Yes, the first 2 years of Obama. Are you saying that Pelosi couldn’t have put the screws to Lieberman? Also, more recently, Biden passed 15% minimum corporate tax…without any republican votes. Why didn’t he go for 40%? Make them corporations pay up!

Lieberjew was fine with the taxpayers subsidizing universal health care in the Zionist Entity, just not for America.

Careful, your anti semitism is showing…

Then we prosecute them for income tax evasion. Also, where are they going to go, most of the rest of the industrialized world makes the rich pay their fair share. It's why you almost never hear of Japanese or German billionaires.

Ahh, so pay up or go to prison? I’m sure there is some country out there that would give them a break to have them move there. Beyond that , they can downsize and produce less product to lower profits to be under the margin. If you are going to tax them extra heavy for profits above a certain point, at some post it becomes more financially sound to just produce less, rather than just give all the extra money to the government.

Again, I want to see this, your “billionaires tax”, where you confiscate 90% or whatever above a certain point…I want to see these liberal billionaires suddenly become republicans..

But, I hope you all get that chance. I’m curious if all those left wing billionaires will happily part with their fortunes for the democrat party.

No reason why they should. Which doesn't mean that we shouldn't MAKE them pay their fair share. Certainly better than borrowing money forever and ever.

Absolutely they should! All these leftists who say the rich don’t pay their fair share, the rich among them should be giving substantial portions of their wealth to the government. If they support a 90% tax above x million, then they should be already doing it. But they don’t, and the billionaires tax will never pass, because lefty rich people like to keep their money too….
Which still have to be verified by being linked to a registered voter.

Sweet evil Jesus, man, The Census Bureau has been operating this way for decades. Yet no one is claiming Census fraud. (In fact, 30% of Census questionaires never get mailed back in, which is why they have to send out enumerators.) The IRS operates this way. We expect people to mail their tax returns back in and millions of people do. Yet not only do we not hear your side whining about "Tax Fraud", you actually shit yourselves when Biden wants to hire more employees to process the ones we get properly.

So please don't tell me that you making voters jump through hoops to vote is about "Voter fraud", it's about keeping "those people" from voting.
No, it’s not. And several states have lax voter registration requirements, and some states have motor voter, and illegals can get a drivers license. So, you believe that ineligible people don’t slip through the cracks? You think california is going to police those that do?
I think such fears are ChickenLittle-ism.
The sky is NOT falling.

1. There are no "randomly mailed" ballots or applications. One must be a registered voter already to qualify for receiving a ballot.
2. As far as 'people who have moved or died'.... Well, do what we do for mailing Social Security checks, tax return checks, government employee checks, ag payments, or any form of government paper checks.
3. 'they don't want voter polls purged'....ummm? Where? And if you do have an incident or a jurisdiction that has voiced widespread? how big are the rolls in that jurisdiction? Or is is just a small aperture local official expressing a narrow opinion?

Seven states have been sending "ballots" to all registered voters, and have done so for some time. In several of those states it is the ONLY way one can vote. But the seven are: Utah, Hawaii, Vermont, Washington, Nevada, California, Oregon.

Some states during the Covid crisis mailed "applications" for a ballot to registered voters.

No state, as far as I can find, 'mass mailed' ballots or applications to 'Occupant' or to all boxholders in a Zip Code. Mailings were to 'registered voters'.


I will agree with the poster earlier in the thread who asserted our governance should make voting as easy as is safely possible. If the 7 states above have experienced minimal ballot or voting "fraud".....then perhaps, they can be the model for the nation.

If one is a citizen of the United States and is eligible to vote in all other criteria.....then it is incumbent upon our governance to reduce barriers, and encourage all to cast their ballot.

How else can American democracy truly represent the 'voice-of-the-people'?......unless we encourage the people to make their voice known?
You are missing the point. Yes, right now, it small scale, but the left wants to take it national. I’ve already explained that there are holes in the voter registration system in several states, and some states have automatic voter registration via motor voter laws, combined with them allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses. Do we really think that there will be no failures in those situations?

As far as voter roll purges, you ask “where”? Come on, the left has been apoplectic about states doing voter roll purges. Every time it happens, the left starts claiming voter suppression, fraud etc…. You all want nationwide ballot mailings to registered voters, but don’t want to purge the rolls to make sure they are up to date and accurate.

I agree that all legal voters should be allowed to, and encouraged to vote, I just think that mailing out hundreds of millions of ballots is a bad idea. I’d rather them just make Election Day a national holiday, and you go out and vote, make sure there are ample places to vote so people don’t have to wait all day, and absentee voting should be done by request only, and if you have a legitimate need.

I don’t see how that’s a problem. They should put enough polling places so that you wouldn’t have ti wait for more than a certain amount of time, there should be redundancy made in case of problems, and you get a paid day off to go vote. Everyone has an ID to prove they are legally eligible to vote…there should be cookies, ice cream and beverages available for everyone…it could be like a party…a voter party!
But the government ALREADY does that with tax forms and census forms! And it works out just fine. Taxes get paid, people get counted.
yeah, and people cheat on their taxes and lie on the census too!

The difference is, you cheat on your taxes, it only affects you, you vote illegally, it affects everyone.
ballot boxes that are gvt owned and positioned are just fine imo... if ya wanna add mandatory video, i suppose that could be done!

THERE WERE NO zuckerboxes that i am aware of.... none!

there were privately owned REPUBLICAN PARTY BALLOT DROP BOXES that were privately owned disguised as legitimate State/City drop boxes....

agree, there should be no privately owned ballot drop boxes!

i do not agree on limiting absentee ballot being available to all registered citizens when requested... i have used this method of voting for over two decades now, and it is the best thing since sliced bread!!! i love it! GETTING THE BALLOT WITH ALL THE CANDIDATES AND RACES and being able to in my leisure time research the candidates before voting, along with all the referendum questions that we the people can vote directly on, be able to research those, and all on one sheet of paper.... i dont have to worry about a snow storm or ice storm or work or vacations getting in the way of me voting....

it really is awesome to the nth degree imo....

on the other hand hubby only votes in person, come hell or high water on election day, he sees things like 4ft of snow, as his manly patriotic challenge, to make it to vote in person.... and wears his I VOTED pin or sticker very proudly, all day!!!

I usually give him my ballot to drop off at the voting place on election day. In Maine, family members can drop off ones ballot....

I THINK MASS MAILING TO ALL REGISTERED VOTERS IS A MISTAKE but like I said if the voter requests it to be mailed to them, and has a tracking coded to follow it and make certain it was received at the election precinct, it will be perfectly fine.

ballot boxes are no different than mail boxes, with even more security with video on them, than mail boxes.
I’m not opposed to ballot boxes, but none privately owned, all must be funded by the sate government, all must be on video and have security 24 hours a day.

I understand that mail in ballots are easier, I really do, but I just foresee it being a problem when you have 200 million possible ballots floating around the mail system.
I’m not opposed to ballot boxes, but none privately owned, all must be funded by the sate government, all must be on video and have security 24 hours a day.

I understand that mail in ballots are easier, I really do, but I just foresee it being a problem when you have 200 million possible ballots floating around the mail system.
i think 6 states only have absentee ballot voting, 3 other states are getting ready to institute the same.

there is no means to vote in all those states, but by mail. one of those states has voted only by mail, for over 21 years, and has worked out all the kinks and put in all the security measures where fraud is not an issue, at all.

one key to it all by mail, is clean voter rolls, and tracking of ballots with voter on line visibility as well, from what i understand in some of the most developed states with this system...

mass mailing is done and can be done, and done safely.

but i am not suggesting every state does this or make it a federal law as such.

each state knows what is best for them.... (if only they were not partisans)

but for my State, especially for our citizens who live rural, like is hard to make it to the polling place on election day....many here work 40 miles each way, and with inclement weather that could take 2 hours each way... people also work two or three part time jobs, to make a living.... our real estate agent that we used to find our cottage, also worked for a sign shop as a customer service rep for Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and also in the summer, he had a small construction business.

what i am trying to say is that each state has their own needs and situations where they have determined like Maine, with only 1.3 million people in the largest state in New England.... setting up no excuse absentee/mail in voting as one means to vote, makes sense.

we still have to request a ballot, if we want one.... everyone knows everyone, there are only 750 people in my voting district, the town office, where ballots are mailed from, would think i had recently died, if i had not requested an absentee ballot..... no one is gonna steal my vote or pretend to be me, and get away with it....

and populated cities would need other additional safety measures....than small town maine.
You seem to have lots of "questions". If they were a real concern there ought to be evidence...testimony...witnesses to that.

There isn't

You can’t investigate the actions of everyone going door to door. That is the “beauty” of this as far as cheating goes. It can be quite widespread but there aren’t enough resources to figure it out.

Again, it can avoided all together, but Democrats aren’t interested.
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Again, why not bring back a poll tax and a literacy test while you are at it.
If you are putting up a hurdle to keep people from voting, you KNOW it's going to be selectively enforced.

No, it would not be selectively enforced. That is your inner racist talking to you again. Like I said, simply require a scanned copy of ID for EVERYBODY that votes. Problem solved, eccept in your wee little mind, you believe that it is black people that are unable to get IDs, not us poor “white trash” white folks. We somehow manage to cobble together enough money together to get an ID and hitch a ride to a voting station, since most of us don’t have access to mass transit out in the sticks.

Hey, guy, socialism is probably inevitable, because for most of us, Capitalism is a shit sandwich.

No, Capitalism doesn’t work as well for losers. It works extremely well for those of us who don’t have a chip on our shoulder and spend more time working than complaining.

Except you've been screaming about fraud for three years now, and you are missing that thing called proof.

There is proof, but we don’t have the resources to prove mass fraud by investigating every blue haired hippy that may have illegally rounded up votes around the poor blue areas of these swing states. Good strategy by the Democrats to spread the cheating in mass amongst its followers instead of just lump sum dumps.

, I knew that the 2020 Census was going to have problems, because of Covid making it impossible to send out enumerators to get the households that were missed and his fights over the unnecessary citizenship question slowed down preparations.

It just so happened that the states where they had these problems were blue, despite the vast majority of the states in the country being red? Yeah, that is a statistical improbability to say the least.

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