Game of Thrones (HBO)

Ollie, I know I bought it in hardback last year, but I have not heard when in paperback.

Haunt the Barnes and Noble site, and bet you can find out.
My wife and son watched and loved it.

Over the past few days they rented the first season for me. Cranked up Season 1, episode 1 and fell asleep on it 5 times in a row. Was ready to give up. HBO did a retrospective to introduce Season II and I was like "Holy Fuck! That's what's ahead in Season 1?!?!"

And I'm hooked.

And I'm reading the book too

Book > Show
Hey all, I'm brand new to the board. I just wanted to say hello. I spent most of last summer reading the books and, like another poster, I downloaded Book 5 to my Kindle the day it came out. I love both the series and the books. While Season 2 isn't explicitly following the books, I'm still entranced with the Season. I DVR'd Season 1 and I'm doing the same for Season 2. It's amazing how much you miss when you rewatch the episodes.
Book 5 feature another addition to the Stark Clan

[ame=]John Starks Dunks On The Chicago Bulls - YouTube[/ame]

son is just plodding thru book 4......i wont give him book 5 till he gives me 4....i dont think lace is gonna do book one...she just cant get into is banging out book 2
Game Of Thrones -- Season 2 Episode 4 -- Garden Of Bones [RECAP]

What a great episode. Tyrion proves EVERY episode he is by far the best character. His cunning and courage are great. The way he played his little cousin into a spy, brillant. The way he handled Joffery was magnificient.

Joffery is evil little man! He planned to BEAT a poor defenseless girl, because he is too big a fool to rule and command his army! Then the poor whore. She was summoned to get banged by the little prick, but instead he had one whore beat the other (probably to death). Sick little fuck, can't wait until he gets his!

I like the Daenerys character. She holds herself out well.

The ending was just disgusting and I didn't know what to make off it!

Amen to another great episode!
Hey all, I'm brand new to the board. I just wanted to say hello. I spent most of last summer reading the books and, like another poster, I downloaded Book 5 to my Kindle the day it came out. I love both the series and the books. While Season 2 isn't explicitly following the books, I'm still entranced with the Season. I DVR'd Season 1 and I'm doing the same for Season 2. It's amazing how much you miss when you rewatch the episodes.
I tuned in to Game Of Thrones somewhere in the middle and it was so confusing to me I became aggravated with it. I was criticized by so many for reporting my disappointment with the series I DVR'd the entire first season when HBO ran it back-to-back and watched it over a weekend.

You're right about needing to pay attention to every tiny aspect of the intricate plot and diversity of the characters. I now look forward to every episode and I've developed a profound and intense hatred for Geoffrey. I want to see him bound and very slowly boiled. (And I'm starting to like the little guy.)
I have read all the books, each at least twice. The story line falters a bit in Books Four and Five because so many characters exist. Focus on Daenerys and Tywin, when they are available. The mirror stories of the twin sparkles at time. However, even more than Tywin, Arya Stark is the one who captures my attention most.

ps: I want a dire wolf for Christmas!
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I have read all the books, each at least twice. The story line falters a bit in Books Four and Five because so many characters exist. Focus on Daenerys and Tywin, when they are available. The mirror stories of the twins sparkles at time. However, even more than Tywin, Arya Stark is the one who captures my attention most.

ps: I want a dire wolf for Christmas!

We mostly agree I too have read the 1st 4 books twice, Those three I think will be the ones to focus on, though Jon Snow still seems to have some interest and Bran Stark could also be a surprise........
I'm guessing Bran will eventually inherit Winterfell...he is the dark horse in all this - and Rickon too....

I'm also guessing Danyres will eventually rule the whole kingdom again....that's my guess

However, Martin does have a penchant for killing off characaters I like....
I'm guessing Bran will eventually inherit Winterfell...he is the dark horse in all this - and Rickon too....

I'm also guessing Danyres will eventually rule the whole kingdom again....that's my guess

However, Martin does have a penchant for killing off characaters I like....

I don't see Daenerys ruling the kingdom, just the South. With some upcoming events, you'll start to see the Lannisters gaining military allies. Eventually, I think the Starks will join with Daenerys to overthrow the Iron Throne, giving her King's Landing and keeping Winterfell for themselves. I think her dragons will be paramount in the people's surviving the white walkers and the impending winter.
i'm more wondering if Martin has signed some sort of deal with HBO that makes him write faster. At his current rate of output I reckon the next book will be ready just as season 6 goes into production (as long as it still rates). But I doubt HBO will have the patience to wait five years for the last book - and therefore the last series - to be publishesd

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