Game of Thrones Season 6 Predictions

Catelyn Stark wakes up and finds Ned alive soaking in a bathing tub, and realizes she dreamed the whole thing.

She actually isn't dead in the books and is very creepy.

Catelyn Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

I know - Stoneheart. I'm glad they left that thread out of the series.
Yeah it's weird and has all the signs of pointing to another pointless subplot that won't amount to anything.

The book series should have had far fewer POV characters. GRRM could have used a proper editor.
Maybe, but his millions and millions of dollars will likely convince him otherwise :laugh:
Catelyn Stark wakes up and finds Ned alive soaking in a bathing tub, and realizes she dreamed the whole thing.

She actually isn't dead in the books and is very creepy.

Catelyn Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

I know - Stoneheart. I'm glad they left that thread out of the series.

I am not b/c she kills Frays left and right. Also lots of other people. lol. Vengeance personified.
Oh yeaaaah! Forgot about that. I wonder if the Frays have just been completely written out of the TV series.

They are leaving out all of the Fray's comeuppance in the show. No Lord Manderly either. Boo!
The dragons breath fire onto a field of cows, two of the Dothraki come across the burned cows and take a bite. They realize it's the best thing they ever tasted and open a chain of restaurants: 2 guys and 3 dragons. Eventually, as the dragons start to die off they are replaced by a Dothraki, after a while they become 5 Guys
The Borg Collective land in Westeros. They fully assimilate the Westerosi population and then quite efficiently annihilate the White Walkers and their Army of the Dead.

The End.

Resistance is futile!
Bran realizes that he is "connected to everyone" while being a Tree. He uses his Warg power to takeover a beta wildling boy and invents Face-Scroll. Using his network of Ravens, he enslaves the Westerosi people into mindlessly sending scrolls about their pet cats and bowls of breakfast gruel to complete strangers.
Catelyn Stark wakes up and finds Ned alive soaking in a bathing tub, and realizes she dreamed the whole thing.

She actually isn't dead in the books and is very creepy.

Catelyn Stark - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

I know - Stoneheart. I'm glad they left that thread out of the series.

I am not b/c she kills Frays left and right. Also lots of other people. lol. Vengeance personified.
Oh yeaaaah! Forgot about that. I wonder if the Frays have just been completely written out of the TV series.

The Freys close themselves off for several years to wait out the winter. During this time, they conduct more inbreeding experiments, resulting in their ultimate achievement: Al Gore.
(1) Jon Snowe is revived by the Red Witch and he enlists a few Wildlings and the Giant to snuff out the mutineers . Some of the Wildlings become Knights of the Watch loyal to the Jon Snowe.

(2) The Dothraki that encounters Danny becomes another army in her quest for Westros. They head to the West to invade Westros.

(3) The Drago the Dragon flies Danny to Meereen. She leads him into the dungeon and he scares the other two into submission and Danny now has 3 loyal dragons again.

(4) Tyrion and Varys rule well in Danny's absences and create a calm and stable Meereen. Danny is extremely impressed makes Tyrion her hand and Varys a prime advisor. They prepare for the March on King's Landing.

(5) Varys forge an alliance between Danny and the Martels and Tyrion with Tyrells. Danny invades Westros and Kings Landing with Dothraki Legion, Unsully, Daario's men, an army of freed slaves from Meereen and her dragons. Martell and Tyrells attack also. Danny takes Kings landing. To show herself as a merciful leader she does not execute Jaime, Tomen or any of the Lanisters other than Cersei.

(6) Theon and Sansa plan to escape to Vale, however, Ramsay is hunting them. Ramsay captures them and executes Theon. Sansa is about to be disfigured, when Brienne arrives and kills Ramsay and his men.

(7) Sansa arrives at Vale and tells Littlefinger what happened. He fakes his anger and disgust, but knew it would happen. He planned it. This is enough for the Knights of the Vale to be enraged and enough to united the Northern Bannerman still loyal to the Starks to rise up against the Boltons. Littlefinger defeats the Boltons and takes the North. Littlefingers utilizes his relationship with Varys to get Danny to make him Lord of the North.

(8) Prior to Danny's arrival, Cersei and the Mountain set off and slaughter the High Sparrow and his men. She tortures and executes the women who harassed her, the high sparrow and her former lover cousin.

(9) Arya learns to master her other senses. Her sight returns as it was only a test. She continues her training, but never gives up her plans for revenge. She eventually leaves the faceless men as a great assassin with many faces knocking each person off her list one by one starting with the Frey.

(10) All seems good in Westros, with a fair and just leader in Danny, peace between the families, the Wildling invasions ending etc. Then undead army makes it's way to the Wall. The Wildlings heed to the call to arms. They fight honorably, but the undead army over-whelms them. Jon Snowe escapes. Season 6 ends on the cliff hanger. Winter is here. The war with the undead previewed in the very first scene of season 1 has begun.

Season 7 is the ultimate battle between the living and the undead.
Lol I don't give a fuck!!


Thanks GRR for being a douche bag!

I'm not interested in what happens to any of them.

Go fuck a dwarf
I've been watching Game of Thrones for two or three seasons and I don't have the slightest idea of who is who, or what is what, or why. But I have a clear impression that the writer(s) of this entertaining fantasy are employing the technique of unpredictable surprise to preserve (reader and) viewer interest.

Everything that happens is a complete surprise and something that no one could or would anticipate and very often is a disappointing piss-off. So now I watch each episode expecting the least expected occurrence to occur -- and it usually does.
Did anyone see Kit on Jimmy Fallon last night? Gracious! Yum.


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