Games of Gods. Plot of the USA, Russia and China.


Apr 9, 2014
Russia, the USA and China signed the confidential contract that they will design the future of all mankind.

With the permission of Gods and intelligence services of Inhuman civilizations Russia, the USA and China acquired the right to conduct negotiations with Representatives of Inhuman civilizations.

Communication happens telepathic.

Other countries of the world are deprived of opportunity to design the future.

I one of participants of this project. I am a designer of future mankind.

In brief the political system of the Universe looks so:
On the scale of the Universe and above rules the intelligence service establishes Nibiru, on the scale of Galatiki - God Aton, on the scale of Solar system - God Ra.

I was an agent of Nibiru, the agent of God Aton and the agent of God Ra
In English there are no correct words to describe as the universe is arranged.

In Russian there are proper words.

Instead of the missing word I will use the words "big Universe"

The big Universe consists of Steps. We live at the Step of Points. Points consist of the Universes.

At this Step there are about 20 Points. This Point consists approximately of 4 Universes.

In the far closed confidential Universe there are spaceships the size approximately about the Moon. On a surface of these spaceships there are temples in which Monks work. These Monks are not people.

In total in this closed confidential Universe exists more than 5000 temples.

In each temple grow up the Big Universe.

This Big Universe is grown up by Monks who are externally similar to Elephants, They are more exact are similar to Lord Ganesh.

These Gods Elephants are Great yogas.
Between the different big Universes there is a competitive fight.

For example the Pharaoh Ekhnaton was the close relative of Monks from other temple.

Dinosaurs too were descendants of Monks from other temple.

The supreme spiritual and moral imperative of any state of mankind to serve this Big Universe.

It means it is necessary to serve Life and Spirituality.
The big Universe is a living being who has a source. The source of the Big Universe is similar to a plant stalk.

The big Universe can evolve and then there are new Steps, and can degrade and then Life inside perishes.

Source of the Big Universe it is necessary to treat constantly.

There are huge space interstellar unions in this Universe which conduct activity on a planet Earth.

There are the unions under names: Sirius, Cats, the Jewish union, Agarta, Fascists.

Aliens can live as an organic form of life, and as an inorganic form of Life.

in Solar system and even at mother Earth Aliens live and work .

People of mankind live in isolation in the special reserve therefore information on Aliens from people hide.

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