Gang warfare against a president is a dangerous game.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
No functioning democracy would be complete without a free press. But that press must always be an outsider, never an insider. Some are fond of saying that the job of the press is to comfort the afflicted while afflicting the comfortable.

Every US president has had issues with the press and most accused it of being unfair or biased. But now the afflicted-comfortable are insiders in the press that have either forgotten the rules or have just decided to break them. They are playing a dangerous game as they resort to mob warfare against a president. Journalistic hypocrisy is never a good strategy particularly when it’s from a bandwagon that insults the intelligence of readers as the gang editorials of Aug. 16 clearly did.

Most newspapers make an effort to be balanced and will print opposing views but there is no evidence that these publications ever joined in a national group effort to hold President Obama accountable for his shabby treatment of journalists and rabid attacks on the freedom of the press. There’s too much available sourcing out there so these rioting editorial staffs can run but they cannot hide.

A quick trip to Breitbart reveals that Obama wire tapped James Rosen, a correspondent for Fox News and seized the phone records of reporters and editors of the Associated Press. Obama would go months without holding press conferences and when he did he used them for launching into long-winded talking points while he belittled and impugned the motives of reporters who asked tough questions.

Sharyl Attkinson, a former reporter for CBS made the mistake of aggressively questioning the debacles of Fast and Furious and Benghazi which got her investigated by the DOJ while her computer was hacked. Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, signed off on a warrant for James Rosen’s emails. Rosen was just doing his job as a reporter.

These are just a few examples. Do these papers believe their readers have forgotten Obama’s transgressions against a free press? Do these editorial staffs not realize they are hurling stones from a glass house?

A free press is for everyone and everyone is fair game. It is not just for those who live in a self-righteous insider’s ivory tower. Once the press comes in from the cold it is no longer free; it is owned by the masters it should be keeping honest.
Newspaper readership is already in a death spiral, alienating the part of population that can actually read will only hasten it. It's like having Pelosi, Waters and the Socialists at the forefront. Good! Do more of that!
Seriously worth reading

The Media's Anti-Trump Con Job

It started last week when The Boston Globe sent a letter to papers across the country encouraging them to join in publishing editorials “on August 16 on the dangers of the administration’s assault on the press.” Is this a brave act of resistance, beleaguered members of the newspaper guild joining together to say “I am Spartacus!” in defiance of tyranny? No chance.

This is the latest chapter in the press’ self-styled anti-Trump “resistance” narrative, in which a solid wall of journalists all say roughly the same thing about a convenient enemy to obscure more than two decades of the media’s own massive failures—financial and journalistic.
If the press wants to gain credibility they could start by remaining neutral and not supporting any candidates in the November elections.
That all feel treated unfairly by the press likely means they are doing their job. The blob doesn’t understand this. His supporters understand it even less which is saying quite a bit. The OP is exhibit A in that regard

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