GAO rules Trump broke the law

Why do you keep avoiding answering? Was the aid delivered within the parameters of the law or not? If you think not, prove it.

Actually it wasn’t. Not all the money was delivered because of the delay imposed by Trump.

To my knowledge all the funds were obligated, do you have a current link that says otherwise?

It was in the testimony in the House hearings.



The public hearings.
you have it backwards,,,in the public hearings is was proven there was no QPQ,,,

do try and keep up,,,
The GAO found that the administration broke the Impoundment Control Act — a 1974 law that provides a mechanism for the executive branch to request that Congress reconsider a funding decision that’s been signed into law.

“This bombshell legal opinion from the independent Government Accountability Office demonstrates, without a doubt, that the Trump administration illegally withheld security assistance from Ukraine” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who requested GAO write the report in December.

The GAO report was widely expected to stay away from the specific House impeachment charges. House lawmakers impeached Trump on two counts, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Lawmakers alleged that the president abused the power of his office in withholding the money as leverage to pressure Zelensky into publicly announcing investigations that would undermine a political rival, and then obstructed the investigation into those actions.

Another Nothing-Burger: OMB Director Blasts GAO Following Outrageous Opinion on President Trump’s Aid to Ukraine

The GAO also accused Barack Obama of breaking the law back in 2014 for swapping 5 Gitmo terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl — but there was no impeachment.

Obama released five deadly Gitmo terrorists for traitor Bergdahl.

The Director pushed back at this political stunt accusing the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of a flawed interpretation of the law.

OMB Director Russ Vought pushed back on the GAO opinion.

Director Vought: This GAO opinion comes from the same people who said we couldn’t keep National Parks open during the shutdown. Recently GAO flipped its position twice in the last few months. We wouldn’t be surprised if they reverse again. Regardless, the Admin complied with the law at every step
You are actually pushing the opinion of the clowns who support barryicades? Really?


Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the the impeachment assertion Trump broke laws.
So the Democratic controlled “House General Accounting Office” says Trump committed a crime. Ridiculous. Nowhere do they shave a law violation in the Articles. Complete disgrace to the United States of America.
Hey shit for brains, DOD was given a list of anti-corruption reforms for Ukraine to put in place before the $391 M ($250 M & & $141 M) would be released. The funds were OKed by DOD, but the Orange One ordered OMB to hold them up for policy reasons which is NOT permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.

Just today, GAO came out with a bulletin directly related to this cockup by POTUS Bone Spurs. GAO stated, "Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law."

And finally, you obviously haven't educated yourself about the contents of the Articles of Impeachment presented to the Senate for the trial to begin next Tuesday at 1 P.M. Take a look at Article 1 and you'll see the Narcissist-in-Chief is getting his tit in a ringer for that unlawful conduct;
You really should know what the fuck you're talking about before you start to spew that far right horseshit and make yourself look so fucking stupid, Tex.

So tell the class what date the aid was supposed to be released. Come on commie, show the class how smart you are, give us the EXACT DATE the law says the aid was to be released. Quote the LAW.

Why do you keep repeating this immaterial question?

If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.
Then why didn't Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to crack down on corruption?
Can they impeach me for asking The Moderators to crack down on your moral, ethical corruption and you constant trolling?
Why don't you ask them, Stumpy?
You just got Proven that you are a LIAR, again.
Impeach your own damn self.
Again, outted as the Pathological Liar and Troll that you are.
Impeach yo self, Fool!
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the the impeachment assertion Trump broke laws.
So the Democratic controlled “House General Accounting Office” says Trump committed a crime. Ridiculous. Nowhere do they shave a law violation in the Articles. Complete disgrace to the United States of America.

Someone should get one of those pens and shove it up Pelosi's ass.
This is the lefts star him get his ass handed to him......LOL

Now it'''s........the GAO saying he did it.......

Why do you keep repeating this immaterial question?

If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.
That's his job. Why aren't you impeaching him for holding up Foreign Aid to places like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

In fact, no where does it say in The Articles The President Violated Any Actual REAL LAW.

Can you show me what law was violated when he released the funds before the deadline?

Can you site US Code and point out where The Impeachment Inquiry was able to prove he violated that Portion of US Code?

No violations of US Code appear in The Articles, and that is why everyone is calling it Hoax Articles, or FAKE BOOBS.
The GAO disagrees with you. Shake your cane at them.

The GAO is an arm of congress and routinely sides with them. They have no enforcement power.

Who said that they had enforcement power, rightard??
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Then why didn't Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to crack down on corruption?
He did...Hunter had to quit his gig...or haven't you heard...
Hunter no longer works for Burisma. :eusa_doh:
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Only if the law said he could.

Congress determines where the money is spent. If Congress said to sent Ukraine money, then he sends the money or goes back to congress.

We don't vote for the FBI, CIA either so we should ignore them too?
Did the Ukraine get their money or not?...did they get it within the time line?...YES to both questions...
Yes, Impeached Trump released the money after a whistleblower outed him.
So tell the class what date the aid was supposed to be released. Come on commie, show the class how smart you are, give us the EXACT DATE the law says the aid was to be released. Quote the LAW.

Why do you keep repeating this immaterial question?

If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?

If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.
That's his job. Why aren't you impeaching him for holding up Foreign Aid to places like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

In fact, no where does it say in The Articles The President Violated Any Actual REAL LAW.

Can you show me what law was violated when he released the funds before the deadline?

Can you site US Code and point out where The Impeachment Inquiry was able to prove he violated that Portion of US Code?

No violations of US Code appear in The Articles, and that is why everyone is calling it Hoax Articles, or FAKE BOOBS.
The GAO disagrees with you. Shake your cane at them.

The GAO is an arm of congress and routinely sides with them. They have no enforcement power.

Who said that they had enforcement power, rightard??

That means they have no authority to issue a legal opinion. That's not their function, they are basically numbers crunchers for congress.

Why do you keep repeating this immaterial question?

If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?



Just how fucking insane are you, con?

You said Impeached Trump didn't hold up the funds and I pointed out how his own administration confessed they did.

You're brain-dead to call that, "deflection." :cuckoo:

His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.
That's his job. Why aren't you impeaching him for holding up Foreign Aid to places like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

In fact, no where does it say in The Articles The President Violated Any Actual REAL LAW.

Can you show me what law was violated when he released the funds before the deadline?

Can you site US Code and point out where The Impeachment Inquiry was able to prove he violated that Portion of US Code?

No violations of US Code appear in The Articles, and that is why everyone is calling it Hoax Articles, or FAKE BOOBS.
The GAO disagrees with you. Shake your cane at them.

The GAO is an arm of congress and routinely sides with them. They have no enforcement power.

Who said that they had enforcement power, rightard??

That means they have no authority to issue a legal opinion. That's not their function, they are basically numbers crunchers for congress.

As with every administration prior to Impeached Trump, they render their opinion. Who said otherwise?
If you can't say what date the aid was supposed to be released you can't claim it was delivered late. So tell us what date the law said it was to be released. Or you could just admit it wasn't late, because there was no date certain in the law and STFU.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?



Just how fucking insane are you, con?

You said Impeached Trump didn't hold up the funds and I pointed out how his own administration confessed they did.

You're brain-dead to call that, "deflection." :cuckoo:

it was delivered within the parameters of the law. That means there was no violation. Commie propaganda notwithstanding.

That's his job. Why aren't you impeaching him for holding up Foreign Aid to places like Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

In fact, no where does it say in The Articles The President Violated Any Actual REAL LAW.

Can you show me what law was violated when he released the funds before the deadline?

Can you site US Code and point out where The Impeachment Inquiry was able to prove he violated that Portion of US Code?

No violations of US Code appear in The Articles, and that is why everyone is calling it Hoax Articles, or FAKE BOOBS.
The GAO disagrees with you. Shake your cane at them.

The GAO is an arm of congress and routinely sides with them. They have no enforcement power.

Who said that they had enforcement power, rightard??

That means they have no authority to issue a legal opinion. That's not their function, they are basically numbers crunchers for congress.

As with every administration prior to Impeached Trump, they render their opinion. Who said otherwise?

Their opinion and $7.50 will get you a cup of coffee Starbucks.


His administration admitted he held the money up. You fluffers just can't seem to fluff enough.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?



Just how fucking insane are you, con?

You said Impeached Trump didn't hold up the funds and I pointed out how his own administration confessed they did.

You're brain-dead to call that, "deflection." :cuckoo:

it was delivered within the parameters of the law. That means there was no violation. Commie propaganda notwithstanding.

Dumbfuck, his own administration confessed he held up the funds.

What you commies fail to understand is a delay because a new admin took power in Ukraine, doesn't equal a late delivery, it was delivered within the parameters of the law. If you think it wasn't, prove it.

They said they held the money up because they wanted Zelensky to fulfill Impeached Trump's "favor" to look into the DNC server.

Why do all you commies deflect instead of answering a simple question? Does the truth scare you that much?



Just how fucking insane are you, con?

You said Impeached Trump didn't hold up the funds and I pointed out how his own administration confessed they did.

You're brain-dead to call that, "deflection." :cuckoo:

it was delivered within the parameters of the law. That means there was no violation. Commie propaganda notwithstanding.

Dumbfuck, his own administration confessed he held up the funds.


And, it was still delivered within the parameters of the law. So there was no violation.

So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Only if the law said he could.

Congress determines where the money is spent. If Congress said to sent Ukraine money, then he sends the money or goes back to congress.

We don't vote for the FBI, CIA either so we should ignore them too?
Did the Ukraine get their money or not?...did they get it within the time line?...YES to both questions...
Yes, Impeached Trump released the money after a whistleblower outed him.
So then you must agree the whistle blower jumped the gun....he didn't wait...I guess you could say he was enthusiastically gung ho to get the whistle blowing....give it up...everyone knows what happened...the weakest impeachment charges in history....shame on you and your sick and beaten political party....
So being president is now illegal?....its up to the commander and chief to determine if our tax dollars we send to other nations will be used in a non corrupt fashion....OMB?...don't make us one votes for the OMB....
Then why didn't Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to crack down on corruption?
He did...Hunter had to quit his gig...or haven't you heard...
Hunter no longer works for Burisma. :eusa_doh:
I guess he has something to feel guilty over...

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