Concerns over what may happen during a second Trump presidency are founded in the first.

Actually corporatism is the technical name for the economic system. Indeed many countries have corporatist systems, to a greater or lesser degree. However it's not simply government and business working hand in hand. What happens is that labor and capital are organized into entities called corporations (these have nothing to do with what we would think of as corporations). Essentially all workers are unionized so these unions and the capitalists come to agreements about wages, labor conditions, etc. The government only steps in to adjudicate disputes when labor and capital can't come to an agreement. It's essentially a privatization of the regulatory state.
True. And Salazar, for example, referred to his system as corporatism. The Estado Novo was very similar to fascism and operated as you described.

Either way, one of the reasons I'm against fascism is because it results in a lot of corruption. I'm not saying capitalism is free of corruption either, and socialism probably has more corruption than both of these. Communism definitely does.
Which Your Precious Framers Did Not Want You to Have
uh... what? You do realize that, in the earliest years of the Republic, private citizens owned warships. The government literally commissioned privateers to help with fighting wars and defending certain areas.

If anything, the Founders supported the equivalent of letting citizens have missiles. Cannons are similar in that regard.
Gun-Grabbing Jewish-American Media Influenced the Gaza-Area Israelis to Disarm Themselves

You have to realize that the Neo-Communists believe that criminal gangs are part of the public. For the gangstas' own safety, their victims need to be disarmed, or at least threatened with prosecution if they fight back.
Trump supporters also refuse to understand the fact that democracy is far more than just voting.

Democracy is respecting the rule of law, which Trump has contempt for; democracy is abiding by the will of the people as expressed by Congress, which Trump ignores; and democracy is acknowledging the limits the Constitution places on power, which Trump defies – all of which and more renders Trump a threat to democracy and unfit to hold any public office.
Yes Trumps incredible power plays,
go against his personal wants and the MAGA POWER PLAYERS will discredit you.

from vice presidents to Senators. Winning at all costs over any effort towards TRUTH or honesty,
How about some interest in the welfare of your average American??? What does ANY billionaire know about us?

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