Concerns over what may happen during a second Trump presidency are founded in the first.

Pure nonsense.
All you have to do is look at how Canadians and Australians don't have rights. They have privileges. Want to protest in Canada? You better hope the government is ok with your cause. Otherwise, they'll get your bank to withhold your money or they might even go after your kids or pets. Want to not be vaxxed in Australia? Well, you gotta stay locked up in your house or potentially go to a camp (back during COVID).

Look at Europe. Say something offensive on Twitter in the UK? Well, you might have the cops at your door to give you a fine (or worse). In Germany, you can even go to jail over citing crime stats on migrants, because it's "hate speech."

To be fair though, our government did throw Doug Mackey in prison over memes. The government tried to pretend it was about "election interference" but didn't apply the same scrutiny to other people doing similar things for Biden's side (even people with more followers on Twitter). So, I'm not saying we're that free either.

Having gun rights still keep our government a little less oppressive though, because their stooges know that they might get shot if they go too far.
The real concern is what would disasters befall America if Potato were to get re-installed as our President.
I think the right approach is to pass an Amendment. The only other way is to overturn Citizens United, but I don't think that will happen, even if the Court becomes left leaning.
Passing an amendment in this political climate is impossible. Besides, Repubs like the corruption brought about by dark money contributions. Campaign finance reform was part of HR-1 that House Dems passed years ago. Naturally, passage in the Senate was blocked by Repubs, specifically McTurtle.
The real concern is what would disasters befall America if Potato were to get re-installed as our President.
By reinstalled you mean re-elected. If that were to happen Americans would have saved themselves from 4 years of chaotic, incompetent, autocratic, anti-constitutional rule from the Orange Rapist.
By reinstalled you mean re-elected.

Not necessarily.
If that were to happen Americans would have saved themselves from 4 years of chaotic, incompetent, autocratic, anti-constitutional rule from the Orange Rapist.

Nah. But they would get four more continuing years of incoherent, incompetent and belligerent dementia from the libtarded fascist pedo-inclined criminal who loathes the Constitution.
I'm referring to the collusion between industry and government. As defined by Mussolini, the government and industry work hand in hand in a fascism. Some refer to this colloquially as corporatism.

It is true that fascism generally has a nationalistic component, but much of the world in general really does fit the economic side of fascism. Maybe you could say we aren't socially fascist, however.
Actually corporatism is the technical name for the economic system. Indeed many countries have corporatist systems, to a greater or lesser degree. However it's not simply government and business working hand in hand. What happens is that labor and capital are organized into entities called corporations (these have nothing to do with what we would think of as corporations). Essentially all workers are unionized so these unions and the capitalists come to agreements about wages, labor conditions, etc. The government only steps in to adjudicate disputes when labor and capital can't come to an agreement. It's essentially a privatization of the regulatory state.
Don't like the power lobbyists have? Write your congressman. It would be a better use of your time rather than splashing pablum about fascism all over the board.
Writing your Congresscritter is useless. If you really want to effect political change you have to buy your Congresscritter.
President Trump abused the powers of his high office through the following means:
(1) Directing the White House to defy a lawful subpoena by withholding the production of documents sought therein by the Committees.
(2) Directing other Executive Branch agencies and offices to defy lawful subpoenas and withhold the production of documents and records from the Committees—in response to which the Department of State, Office of Management and Budget, Department of Energy, and Department of Defense refused to produce a single document or record.

To be honest, Trump violated so many laws and norms during his reign of terror I had forgotten how he stonewalled Congress in its efforts to get documentary and testimonial information regarding impeachment #1. So when Don's supporters shrug off warnings of him being a threat to democracy we need only to remind them he already was one.

I've seen a few posts from MAGAists complaining the Biden admin is withholding some documents requested by House Repubs in their corruption witch hunt. How would you folks feel if Joe just uniformly refused to hand over anything?
Actually corporatism is the technical name for the economic system. Indeed many countries have corporatist systems, to a greater or lesser degree. However it's not simply government and business working hand in hand. What happens is that labor and capital are organized into entities called corporations (these have nothing to do with what we would think of as corporations). Essentially all workers are unionized so these unions and the capitalists come to agreements about wages, labor conditions, etc. The government only steps in to adjudicate disputes when labor and capital can't come to an agreement. It's essentially a privatization of the regulatory state.
If the Party is active at all as a negotiator, facilitator, or bully to adjudicate issues between business and labor, then that is fascism. It is not a privatization but a politicalization of the regulatory state.
President Trump abused the powers of his high office.... To be honest, Trump violated so many laws and norms during his reign of terror I had forgotten how he stonewalled Congress in its efforts to get documentary and testimonial information regarding impeachment #1.How would you folks feel if Joe just uniformly refused to hand over anything?
Like trump has done on numerous occasions. Biden wouldn't stoop that low.
To be honest, Trump violated so many laws and norms during his reign of terror I had forgotten how he stonewalled Congress in its efforts to get documentary and testimonial information regarding impeachment #1. So when Don's supporters shrug off warnings of him being a threat to democracy we need only to remind them he already was one.
Trump supporters also refuse to understand the fact that democracy is far more than just voting.

Democracy is respecting the rule of law, which Trump has contempt for; democracy is abiding by the will of the people as expressed by Congress, which Trump ignores; and democracy is acknowledging the limits the Constitution places on power, which Trump defies – all of which and more renders Trump a threat to democracy and unfit to hold any public office.
Please post a link to the story reporting Biden informing all agencies of government to refuse to cooperate with congressional investigations. It should be easy.
You mean like ignoring literally every request made from Congress to get records from NARA, the White House, the DOJ, the FBI, Homeland Security and the IRS concerning Joe Bidens corruption scheme?
Passing an amendment in this political climate is impossible. Besides, Repubs like the corruption brought about by dark money contributions. Campaign finance reform was part of HR-1 that House Dems passed years ago. Naturally, passage in the Senate was blocked by Repubs, specifically McTurtle.
A more honest assessment is that plenty of Dems also like dark money. You can see the financial connections in things like insider trading as well, which Unusual Whales has done a lot of good work on.
Enhanced gun control legislation does not translate to "losing gun rights." It translates to greater public safety.
Except it doesn't. There is no correlation between stricter gun laws and greater safety in the US. Chicago and DC have very strict gun laws but have plenty of homicides by gun, for example.

People like to trot out countries like Japan or the UK when it comes to safety from strict gun laws, but the reality is that many of these countries either have a less violent culture in general (like Japan) or they have lots of violence from other weapons (like the UK's knife crime).

And still other countries have strict gun laws but have a lot of gun violence regardless (like Mexico and Brazil).

The problem isn't guns. In this country, it's mental health issues and cultural issues that cause violence. Even if you could somehow take away all of the guns from the American public (which is a fantasy for sure), you'd still have to deal with tons of violence by other weapons and just fists and feet.

Of course, none of this is relevant anyway, because the 2nd Amendment clearly is about the people defending themselves from the government itself, not citizens from each other, so no matter how violent we might be, the greatest threat to the people is the government having a monopoly on violence and guns. "Enhanced gun control" is just a way for government to selectively disarm the public in accordance with political whims. The Mulford Act was a good example of this, which admittedly, the NRA supported. That particular law was a clear example of why the NRA isn't as pro-gun as people often assume and that some Republicans are not as pro-gun as they often pretend to be. Reagan passed this, and then later passed the FOPA, which was another violation of gun rights.

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