Garbage debate tactics exposed. Watch the video and consider the debates we have...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011

The youtuber nailed the debate analysis and made some great points. Made me think about a lot of the arguments I have on here.


The youtuber nailed the debate analysis and made some great points. Made me think about a lot of the arguments I have on here.


I'm liberal but I never have liked Maher's interview style. In truth, he's pretty bad at it. As to the content. Quite honestly I try to debate like Crenshaw, sourcing my assertions and challenge the ones I don't agree with facts usually sourced unless they are undisputable. I tend to not respond to personal attacks in favor of challenging the content. When I can't defend my position within these parameters I usually concede.

Truth be told it's something I see not enough on here or even at all. Usually, the people who respond use some kind of "garbage debate tactic,"as the clip states. This puts me at a disadvantage and frustrates me since I can't use the same tactics employed against me. And my ego has a problem with the thought that my adversary thinks he or she has "won" the debate.

On the other hand, my ego finds being honest more important than being right. Can you say the same would be my question?
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The youtuber nailed the debate analysis and made some great points. Made me think about a lot of the arguments I have on here.


That was great! Without even trying, he showcased just how a dishonest partisan like Mahar twists and distorts. And people that do that are also the same ones that do their best to silence whoever it is they are speaking with. Or at, more accurately.

The youtuber nailed the debate analysis and made some great points. Made me think about a lot of the arguments I have on here.


I'm liberal but I never have liked Maher's interview style. In truth, he's pretty bad at it. As to the content. Quite honestly I try to debate like Crenshaw, sourcing my assertions and challenge the ones I don't agree with facts usually sourced unless they are undisputable. I tend to not respond to personal attacks in favor of challenging the content. When I can't defend my position within these parameters I usually concede.

Truth be told it's something I see not enough on here or even at all. Usually, the people who respond use some kind of "garbage debate tactic,"as the clip states. This puts me at a disadvantage and frustrates me since I can't use the same tactics employed against me. And my ego has a problem with the thought that my adversary thinks he or she has "won" the debate.

On the other hand, my ego finds being honest more important than being right. Can you say the same would be my question?

I am always honest so yes I can say the same. Having said that I drop f bombs and insults regularly so in that aspect I fail miserably. I'm okay with that
Good debate can only happen when there's the real possibility of getting our noses broken ... something that doesn't happen over the internet ... I try to have honest back-and-forth and build on each other's arguments ... but it rarely happens ...

I once called another poster a "stupid motherfucker" seven times in each sentence I posted ... it was fun ... but the moderators hinted that it was a bit too spammy and I should try to limit this to only one per post ...
Good debate can only happen when there's the real possibility of getting our noses broken ... something that doesn't happen over the internet ... I try to have honest back-and-forth and build on each other's arguments ... but it rarely happens ...

I once called another poster a "stupid motherfucker" seven times in each sentence I posted ... it was fun ... but the moderators hinted that it was a bit too spammy and I should try to limit this to only one per post ...
I've had some good debates with Mac & Bode. It's rare but it happens. Ultimately I'm just here for entertainment most of the time. I seldom post profound things but on the rare occasion I do I try to keep in mind that others, like myself, are just here for the entertainment value.
I've had some good debates with Mac & Bode. It's rare but it happens. Ultimately I'm just here for entertainment most of the time. I seldom post profound things but on the rare occasion I do I try to keep in mind that others, like myself, are just here for the entertainment value.

I'm here as therapy ... I can act out here without breaking the law ... I'm a liberal ...

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