Garland's DOJ asks court to keep Trump Mar-a-Lago search affidavit sealed

It's so obvious what's going on, and you thinking that the American people can't see it uhhhh is certainly obvious that you would defend the devil himself come judgement day.
Saving America from a fascist boob. That’s what the people will think and go down in the history books. Count on it!
The withdrawal was well thought out and Biden fucked it up royally. Seriously I doubt he could have fucked it up worse if he was intentionally trying to. I bet he'd fail at fucking it up worse if he was trying to from sheer incompetence.
It's what happens when the nation gets caught up in playing dirty partisan politics when choosing a leader. The Democrat's love fooling their base while attacking everyday average working class income's to pay for it all. Talk about breaking the lock off of the tool shed, and emptying it out with no desire to restock it. That's the Democrat's for ya.

Hopefully this nation is prepared to stop any steal in our elections this time. Hopefully.

We need to have buckets of dye with the colors red and blue. Dip our thumbs, and press our fingerprint onto our ballot.
Saving America from a fascist boob. That’s what the people will think and go down in the history books. Count on it!
If you can convince your people of that right onward, then have at it whilst the rest of us try to make it back out of your dark world.
So name one, pls.
He can't, because just like he said "he hasn't been charged yet" and if they try it after seeing how pathetic they've been trying to do it over the year's now, then they will seal their fate, and be labeled the Anti-American party forever.........

After 4+year's of helping American's while the Democrat's did nothing but fight Trump's policies of America first, instead of helping it's heard, Trump still remains victorious because the American people are smarter than the Democrat's understood about them.

The Democrat's depending on world think instead of American think has got this country where it is today ... Remember they were and still are the party of slavery, where as the only thing they've done is move the cotton fields abroad so that the American's here couldn't see the slave labor practices that were involved in manufacturing their products that are being sent back here under old American brand labeling. It fooled us for quite a while, and the folks that died during the civil war are rolling in their graves because of seeing that the ideology of slave labor practices lived on long after their passing.
It's so obvious what's going on, and you thinking that the American people can't see it uhhhh is certainly obvious that you would defend the devil himself come judgement day.
You're wrong! I would never defend Donald J Trump come judgement day!
"to protect the integrity of an ongoing law enforcement investigation that implicates national security."

What part of national security do you object to?
Or to hide the fact of a political witch hunt with no valid reason and to hide their own illegal actions, again.
That's just stupid.
It is all on surveillance footage.
No one searched Melania's lingerie.
These kind of claims just show how WEAK any defenses of Trump are.
Would that be the footage that the FBI wanted the cameras turned off so no one could watch what they were doing?

Nothing fishy about their actions to one such as you who is filled with so much hate.
More Trump Cult bullshit. Forget ever seeing that. It would give away how his prosecution will proceed giving him a chance to refine his lies.
Would that be in response to how the democrats take all the time they need to refine their lies?
What's the fear of releasing it ? It doesn't compromise any on going investigation. That's total bull crap and you know it.

Every American under the constitution in America is afforded the immediate right to face their accuser's whether on the street during a law enforcement action and again in the court room afterwards.

To hide anything is evidence of the corruption of our law enforcement by political forces. Asking to turn off the security camera system was another red flag in the operation. The waiting period was yet another red flag suggesting politics were involved. Then when doing the history of the FBI during the run up to the 2016 election and afterwards, there were alledged findings of corruption in agents like Comey, Page and Strzok who leaked and covered up information creating narratives that were happily adopted by the MSM for political purposes. Sad situation.
The agents involved in this thing are Strzok's crew.

Scroll down the link, there is a chart, with statutes listed, that continues the next 4 pages.
Isn't that funny how no crimes are alleged before 2016?

That doesn't strike you as odd at all?
You're wrong! I would never defend Donald J Trump come judgement day!
Won't have to, because you will stand in judgement yourself come judgement day, and woe unto you on that day for supporting the Democrat's.
Would that be the footage that the FBI wanted the cameras turned off so no one could watch what they were doing?

Nothing fishy about their actions to one such as you who is filled with so much hate.
The camera's we're mysteriously turned off on Epstein also. Hmmmm.
And Biden's Whitehouse is the Titanic... I can hear the music playing as she slips beneath the waves come 2022. But then again the way these McConnell Republicans have been in the past, heck they'll be there with the life boat's trying to help as they take on to much weight and begin sinking themselves also. They are either that stupid to rescue their policies or the Demo-gods have the goods on them. It's one or the other.
This is Biden's Katrina.

Scroll down the link, there is a chart, with statutes listed, that continues the next 4 pages.
Those would be statutes which they claim may be applicable to him and which he possibly maybe could have broken. Allegedly.

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