Garma festival: Turnbull, Shorten criticised for 'empty platitudes' over Indigenous recognition


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The former chairwoman of the Referendum Council says she is "distressed" and "deflated" by the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader's "disrespectful" behaviour at the Garma festival in Arnhem Land.

"They will do anything and everything except talk to us," Pat Anderson said.

Ms Anderson, a prominent academic, led the Referendum Council which consulted widely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on constitutional change.

Last month, the council delivered its report recommending a referendum be held to establish a First Nations assembly to advise the Federal Parliament.

At a convention in May, 250 leaders released the Uluru Statement from the Heart calling for a referendum and, ultimately, a Makarrata — a Yolngu word for a treaty.
Turnbull, Shorten criticised for 'empty platitudes' over Indigenous recognition

Nothing moving very quickly here.

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