Gary Johnson wins Libertarian Party nomination

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.
Agreed. I voted for Perot and it cost GHW Bush the election against Clinton. Still, if the Republicans or Democrats want votes, they need to run better candidates.
The US government should do nothing to restrict my right to trade with foreign governments and businesses, what is unclear about that to you?
When did I say it was unclear? I said it was stupid. The government is involved with my business along with everyone else's. I have to follow rules, regulations, licensing, permits, taxes, etc. That's how it works in reality.

That obviously flies against the principles in your bunker but anarchy isn't for all of us.

All you're arguing is we have no freedom other than what government decides to give us. My right to life, liberty and PROPERTY according to the Constitution cannot be restricted without due process of law. My business is my property. That's what all those "rules, regulations, licencing, permits" do, restrict my property rights without due process of law.

At least you enjoy being a slave though:
I recognize the necessity of having a government. It's too big and needs to be scaled back but we still need it because people cannot be trusted. Permits mean people don't have a deck installed then the whole family dies as it crashes to the ground. You've taken a very extreme view but you are pissing in the wind and attacking windmills. Only a small minority will ever agree with you. You remind me of the Constitutionalists that argue with cops that they don't even need a driver's license.

My wanting government to not restrict my use of my own property reminds you of people who want shit for free. That's just completely fucking stupid.

I consistently argue AGAINST positive rights pointing out they are an oxymoron. A positive right by definition infringes on someone else's rights. I believe in negative rights only, I oppose positive rights completely. They are entirely different things
I didn't say anything about you wanting shit for free or the government granting rights so the stupid is all yours.

Of course you did, the roads are paid for by taxpayers. Wanting free access to that is wanting someone else to pay my bills. That's completely different than me wanting to keep your and Trump's greedy fingers off my property
Libertarians on Sunday selected former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as their party's presidential nominee, at their party convention in Orlando, Florida.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Austin Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote.
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian presidential nomination at party convention -

The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

Who cares? This clown is going nowhere
When I don't care about something I have never once felt the need to comment about it.
You want government to decide what trade we can and can't do, how is that misrepresenting your view? You're giving government more power.

And using the term "smart" with "government" is, wow, let's go with "unrealistic"
That isn't what I said, nor have I heard Trump say it. Deciding what to trade and how to trade are not synonomous. Sorry that you can't grasp it.

So he's just going to ask nicely and not restrict trade if he doesn't get his way? We know that's not true, he's saying he's going to put punitive tariffs on companies that try to leave and restrict the ability of companies to operate efficiently by moving jobs overseas when it makes economic sense for them to do that.

Clearly you are giving government the power to restrict our choices, and that's exactly what Trump says he will do
And your solution is...? He will need congress to enact any trade deals, taxes, tariffs, etc. Government is already involved in trade, it's a fact. I don't see a better solution from anyone, including you.

The US government should do nothing to restrict my right to trade with foreign governments and businesses, what is unclear about that to you?
When did I say it was unclear? I said it was stupid. The government is involved with my business along with everyone else's. I have to follow rules, regulations, licensing, permits, taxes, etc. That's how it works in reality.

That obviously flies against the principles in your bunker but anarchy isn't for all of us.
So is there anything government cannot tell you to do? I mean, if your argument is you already have to follow rules so what's a few more then is there any limit to what they can regulate?
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Yep. It was cool. Just like in 1992 when I voted for Perot who cost HW the election
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Yep. It was cool. Just like in 1992 when I voted for Perot who cost HW the election
Proud of yourself then?
I like Johnson, but why is he running for President? He has zero chance of winning.
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Yep. It was cool. Just like in 1992 when I voted for Perot who cost HW the election
Proud of yourself then?

That's what I'm saying, yes. HW was a horrible President who deserved to lose, I'm glad I helped him do it
Gary Johnson | LFDA - Live Free or Die Alliance

Should the NSA continue its bulk data collection programs for U.S. citizens? AGAINST

Should the federal government expand background checks for firearms sales? AGAINST

Should NH keep the death penalty? AGAINST

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana? FOR

How should the U.S. combat the Islamic State?
"ISIS is collecting an estimated $1 million per day in profits from oil sales. That buys a lot of terror. Reducing or stopping that flow of money will do more to stop ISIS than bombing a training camp here or there, and the United States – along with our allies – must get serious about turning off the ISIS oil spigot. While ISIS is receiving support from sympathic individuals and organizations in the region, even the governments of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are taking concrete steps to cut off ISIS’s daily oil windfall. The U.S. must do the same. The finances and transactions of ISIS and their brethren must be disrupted.

"ISIS’s recruitment and attacks are being executed largely via cyberspace. There will be no invasion that can be repelled with missiles or warships. Rather, they will enlist, plan, finance and coordinate with believers who are already here to conduct their murderous campaign. Paris was just the latest example. We must deploy our formidable technological might to join the battle in cyberspace – and win.

"And while invasions and doomed-to-fail attempts at imposing Western democratic values on unwilling peoples will not work, reviving and supporting strategic partnerships with those who are fighting ISIS in Syria and elsewhere just makes sense. The U.S. must assume a stronger, more committed role to galvanize and lead an alliance based on those partnerships that will first contain and ultimately neuter ISIS."

How should the U.S. approach Iraq?
I opposed the Iraq War. ... Putting tens of thousands of American troops on the ground in Iraq or, especially, Syria, won’t work."

Should NH lower the drinking age? FOR

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age? FOR

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security? FOR

Should the federal government lower the corporate tax rate? FOR

Should the federal government raise the minimum wage? AGAINST

Should the federal government institute a flat income tax for all income brackets while eliminating many deductions?
"Governor Johnson advocates the elimination of tax subsidies, the double taxation embodied in business income taxes, and ultimately, the replacement of all income and payroll taxes with a single consumption tax that will allow every American and every business to determine their tax burden by making their own spending decisions."

Should the federal government repeal the Dodd-Frank financial regulations? FOR

Should NH continue the business tax credit for scholarships to private, parochial, and home schools? FOR

Should the government do more to combat climate change, for example by restricting emissions, taxing carbon, or providing incentives to develop clean energy? AGAINST

Should the government pursue more opportunities to produce fossil fuels? FOR

Should the federal government repeal the Affordable Care Act/”Obamacare” entirely and start again? FOR
"Repeal ObamaCare, as well as the failed Medicare prescription drug benefit."

Should NH limit access to abortion?
"I support women’s rights to choose up until viability of the fetus. I’ve supported the notion of parental notification. I’ve supported counseling and I’ve supported the notion that public funds not be used for abortions. But I don’t want for a second to pretend that I have a better idea of how a woman should choose when it comes to this situation. Fundamentally this is a choice that a woman should have."

Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood? FOR

Should businesses that provide insurance be required to cover contraception? AGAINST

Should there be a path to citizenship for some illegal/undocumented immigrants? FOR

Should NH repeal same-sex marriage?
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Yep. It was cool. Just like in 1992 when I voted for Perot who cost HW the election
Proud of yourself then?

That's what I'm saying, yes. HW was a horrible President who deserved to lose, I'm glad I helped him do it
He was hardly "horrible" and certainly better than the man you helped elect.
The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

This attitude is exactly why the LP loses. Too many of you demand purity. Gary Johnson is a fine candidate for the LP and the most libertarian candidate running of anybody in this election including those who have already dropped out. Our country didn't go down this path of destruction overnight. It's been a slow process and if it's even possible to get it back on track, which I doubt, frankly, it will be a slow process back. Rome wasn't built in a day. Johnson has a lot more name recognition now. Both he and his running mate have been former governors. There is a better chance he could get included in the debates this year and have an impact. I just saw a poll over the weekend showing him polling at 18% among Millennials and another poll showing him trailing Clinton by only 6% among independent voters.

But hey, he doesn't 100% meet your definition of what a libertarian should be so fuck him and let the party stay irrelevant for another 50 years and really stick it to them cuz that's progress baby!
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Yep. It was cool. Just like in 1992 when I voted for Perot who cost HW the election
Proud of yourself then?

That's what I'm saying, yes. HW was a horrible President who deserved to lose, I'm glad I helped him do it

Bubba Clinton was better??????????? explain
The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

This attitude is exactly why the LP loses. Too many of you demand purity. Gary Johnson is a fine candidate for the LP and the most libertarian candidate running of anybody in this election including those who have already dropped out. Our country didn't go down this path of destruction overnight. It's been a slow process and if it's even possible to get it back on track, which I doubt, frankly, it will be a slow process back. Rome wasn't built in a day. Johnson has a lot more name recognition now. Both he and his running mate have been former governors. There is a better chance he could get included in the debates this year and have an impact. I just saw a poll over the weekend showing him polling at 18% among Millennials and another poll showing him trailing Clinton by only 6% among independent voters.

But hey, he doesn't 100% meet your definition of what a libertarian should be so fuck him and let the party stay irrelevant for another 50 years and really stick it to them cuz that's progress baby!
This has been addressed in the thread. I'm not looking for purity, but I am looking for a libertarian. Libertarians don't want to keep Gitmo open, don't want to engage in "humanitarian" wars, don't want to ban burqas, don't want to use the government to enforce "equality," and so on and so forth. No, he doesn't meet 100% of my definition of what a libertarian should be, but if he can barely even hit 10% why would I bother considering him just because he claims to be a libertarian?
The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

This attitude is exactly why the LP loses. Too many of you demand purity. Gary Johnson is a fine candidate for the LP and the most libertarian candidate running of anybody in this election including those who have already dropped out. Our country didn't go down this path of destruction overnight. It's been a slow process and if it's even possible to get it back on track, which I doubt, frankly, it will be a slow process back. Rome wasn't built in a day. Johnson has a lot more name recognition now. Both he and his running mate have been former governors. There is a better chance he could get included in the debates this year and have an impact. I just saw a poll over the weekend showing him polling at 18% among Millennials and another poll showing him trailing Clinton by only 6% among independent voters.

But hey, he doesn't 100% meet your definition of what a libertarian should be so fuck him and let the party stay irrelevant for another 50 years and really stick it to them cuz that's progress baby!
This has been addressed in the thread. I'm not looking for purity, but I am looking for a libertarian. Libertarians don't want to keep Gitmo open, don't want to engage in "humanitarian" wars, don't want to ban burqas, don't want to use the government to enforce "equality," and so on and so forth. No, he doesn't meet 100% of my definition of what a libertarian should be, but if he can barely even hit 10% why would I bother considering him just because he claims to be a libertarian?

If you want to waste your vote, go right ahead, no one really cares.
The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

This attitude is exactly why the LP loses. Too many of you demand purity. Gary Johnson is a fine candidate for the LP and the most libertarian candidate running of anybody in this election including those who have already dropped out. Our country didn't go down this path of destruction overnight. It's been a slow process and if it's even possible to get it back on track, which I doubt, frankly, it will be a slow process back. Rome wasn't built in a day. Johnson has a lot more name recognition now. Both he and his running mate have been former governors. There is a better chance he could get included in the debates this year and have an impact. I just saw a poll over the weekend showing him polling at 18% among Millennials and another poll showing him trailing Clinton by only 6% among independent voters.

But hey, he doesn't 100% meet your definition of what a libertarian should be so fuck him and let the party stay irrelevant for another 50 years and really stick it to them cuz that's progress baby!
This has been addressed in the thread. I'm not looking for purity, but I am looking for a libertarian. Libertarians don't want to keep Gitmo open, don't want to engage in "humanitarian" wars, don't want to ban burqas, don't want to use the government to enforce "equality," and so on and so forth. No, he doesn't meet 100% of my definition of what a libertarian should be, but if he can barely even hit 10% why would I bother considering him just because he claims to be a libertarian?

If you want to waste your vote, go right ahead, no one really cares.
The only way I could waste my vote this year is if I actually bothered to do so, which I won't.

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