Gas price average dips to $3.75 today. Down from $3.87 high in August.

Since I have been bashing Joe Biden for increasing gas prices this year, I have to remain consistent and give him credit for lowering it 13 cents. The guy is a bad president with dementia but I give him credit when it’s due.
I give Joe credit where credit due, too. Joe is a horrible president, the WORST, has dementia on his best days and has raised gas prices by over a dollar from when he started, once by over TWO dollars and more, now back down to only a dollar more. 12¢ less of an INCREASE isn't any savings, you math-impaired jackal.

I invite my felon conservatives
You must mean your felon democraps.

who correctly blame him for increased gas prices to admit that he just lowered gas prices 13 cents in a period of a month and a half.
Joe had nothing to do with it. The cost of everythiong else has only gone up in the same period. Why would I celebrate that treasonous A-Hole saving me a mere 12¢ when he is already into me for an additional $7,000 a year in inflated COL???! Moron.
Since I have been bashing Joe Biden for increasing gas prices this year, I have to remain consistent and give him credit for lowering it 13 cents. The guy is a bad president with dementia but I give him credit when it’s due.

I invite my felon conservatives who correctly blame him for increased gas prices to admit that he just lowered gas prices 13 cents in a period of a month and a half.
$3.11 at CircleK station here in Norton Ohio.
No Californians here? Still over $6 a gallon here. This is what you get with total Democrat rule.

Explain this:

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Where people actually live and work in The Peoples republic of Silicon Valley it is $5-$550 for the cheap stuff. was 1/2 that under Trump.

You got that right: Up in Silicon Valley area....
USA gas average for regular is $3.77. Down 2 cents from yesterday. Nevada regular is $5 and Ca. regular is $5.87. The post seems to be a feeble attempt to give Brandon credit.
No Californians here? Still over $6 a gallon here. This is what you get with total Democrat rule.
California is not a national average. If you want to cherry-pick, I can find a state where gasoline is the cheapest. Do you wanna play that game?

By the way, you lied about the average being over six dollars in California. It’s $5.88 as we speak.
Lowest gas state in the US no fair.
No Kidding? Tennessee lowest in nation? That's cool! I have no idea why we would be lowest in the nation. We aren't exactly a producer or anything.
Since I have been bashing Joe Biden for increasing gas prices this year, I have to remain consistent and give him credit for lowering it 13 cents. The guy is a bad president with dementia but I give him credit when it’s due.

I invite my felon conservatives who correctly blame him for increased gas prices to admit that he just lowered gas prices 13 cents in a period of a month and a half.
It's close to double that where I am; the highest I've ever seen.

Thanks Democrats! :)

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