Gas prices hit 7-year high- Thank you Mr President!

you think it might be due to transportation costs from the terminal/refinery. Damn some people are so slow when it comes to this, less trans costs equals less pricing at the pump. Gas prices are less the closer you are to the pipeline running up the eastern states
Mean while your dumb ass is telling me I am not paying what I am paying. Yet I am paying exactly what I said I was paying. So not a liar as you suggested. I really don't give two shits what they pay in California or New York. Not my circus not my monkey. I do spend some time every now and then in California but spend most that time on some one else's boat. Their fuel not mine so again does not effect me much That is the beauty of a captains license. Get paid to play with someone else's boat and get to burn their fuel not mine. Soon to have pilot license and again will play with someone else's toys and get paid for it. Lol.
Trump lied. The US has never been energy independent. We consume 20 million bpd and produce about 10 million bpd.
Lied eh ? So Trump is able to speak about the reports that he was receiving as President, and those reports from the energy sector was all lies eh ??? Sounds to me like you are attempting to speak for the energy sector under Trump, and make claims about it, so can you back those claims up ? Let's find out who is truly lying here.
Mean while your dumb ass is telling me I am not paying what I am paying. Yet I am paying exactly what I said I was paying. So not a liar as you suggested. I really don't give two shits what they pay in California or New York. Not my circus not my monkey. I do spend some time every now and then in California but spend most that time on some one else's boat. Their fuel not mine so again does not effect me much That is the beauty of a captains license. Get paid to play with someone else's boat and get to burn their fuel not mine. Soon to have pilot license and again will play with someone else's toys and get paid for it. Lol.
From a collectivist ? You best not let your collectivist brethren here you spouting off like that or they will kick your ace to the curb. ROTFLMBO.
Lied eh ? So Trump is able to speak about the reports that he was receiving as President, and those reports from the energy sector was all lies eh ??? Sounds to me like you are attempting to speak for the energy sector under Trump, and make claims about it, so can you back those claims up ? Let's find out who is truly lying here.
Trump didn't listen to anyone... And he was seeking advice from snake oil salesmen who bolstered his ignorance.
Trump didn't listen to anyone... And he was seeking advice from snake oil salesmen who bolstered his ignorance.
What a crock of it.... Anyone that hears you spout such non-sense is laughing their aces off at your lame attempt at trashing Trump with your TDS terminal condition... ROTFLMBO.
What a crock of it.... Anyone that hears you spout such non-sense is laughing their aces off at your lame attempt at trashing Trump with your TDS terminal condition... ROTFLMBO.
His staffers complained from the beginning that he wouldn't read or sit for briefings. He already knew everything.
His staffers complained from the beginning that he wouldn't read or sit for briefings. He already knew everything.
The man was a billionaire, and had years of experience, so it didn't take much for him to understand something, but if a staffer wanted favoritism, then they may have gotten their little fweeings hurted.
How many times are you people going to parrot this myth? As long as we are importing oil we are not energy independent.

Plus all oil is sold on a global market, it does not matter where it is produced.

There is a reason that Trump threatened OPEC and Russia into cutting oil production in 2020.
Again, look up the meaning of "net exporter" moron.
The man was a billionaire, and had years of experience, so it didn't take much for him to understand something, but if a staffer wanted favoritism, then they may have gotten their little fweeings hurted.

So, when he said he knew more than anyone on the planet on more than 100 topics you actually believed him!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
I accept your surrender
You're a moron--proven time and again. You keep spouting the same bullshit even when you are slapped with irrefutable facts. Considering an idiot source and ignoring it is far from surrender but you haven't got enough common sense to understand it. Now run along troll.
You're a moron--proven time and again. You keep spouting the same bullshit even when you are slapped with irrefutable facts. Considering an idiot source and ignoring it is far from surrender but you haven't got enough common sense to understand it. Now run along troll.

You do not need to surrender more than once, it gets embarrassing for you when you do it multiple times.

Let me give you small little hint, if others control the price of oil, we are never going to be energy independent.
So, when he said he knew more than anyone on the planet on more than 100 topics you actually believed him!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You being offended by him, uhhh actually shows that you feared him saying such things as if he was literal in his words, but everyone knows how Trump loved joke around, and therefore drive you leftist out of your minds, and yes you prove that it had worked once again... ROTFLMBO..
You being offended by him, uhhh actually shows that you feared him saying such things as if he was literal in his words, but everyone knows how Trump loved joke around, and therefore drive you leftist out of your minds, and yes you prove that it had worked once again... ROTFLMBO..

Other than his infidelity, I am not offended by him at all.

But I get a kick out of people like you that believed him when he said those things.

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