Gas was high throughout trump admin.

So it sounds like we agree that gas prices w/ Trump were lower than w/ the previous and the following administrations?

Now as to the idea that the period from Jan 2017 to Jan. 2021 was a recession w/ people out of work...
Gas prices began to go up during the Trump admin.
Gas prices began to go up during the Trump admin.
Hey, ofcourse we can find some extreme dip in all the static, but we also have to see that the price was lower in Jan. '21 than in Jan. 17. A decrease in price. In contrast, the price was lower in Jan. 09 than in Jan. 17 (an increase in price), and we all know what gas prices are doing now.

Sure, we can also agree that the president of the U.S. does not have the final say about what gas prices will be and there's more involved here than just politics. At the same time we've got to see that canceling oil leases and shutting down pipeline construction will have its affect --so much so that oil independence is no longer our situation.
The old, foil helmet thing is wearing. Maybe if you opened a book, did a little reading ? Nah, keep makin* up shit.
Oh, do you have a different method that you believe gives you mind reading powers?
Oh, do you have a different method that you believe gives you mind reading powers?
Don’t need them. There are 3400 accredited universities, a plethora of govt agencies and a wealth of recognized corporate research facilities that publish the correct info for free. That you have to go to Fix News is a condemnation of your intellect, not mine. Now, tell us which university, major corps and govt. sources you use.
Laughable. Major news companies don’t get together and call everyone a fagot who is smarter then them. Cause I know I’m better informed then you, dumb ass.
You : didn't know Crimea happened under Obama, didn't know Gas was going up pre Russia/Ukraine, didn't know 5 reasons why Russia went in Ukraine, didn't know who Victoria Nuland is and you honestly say your better informed that I am 😂

Please don't stop joke man this is great comedy
Hey, ofcourse we can find some extreme dip in all the static, but we also have to see that the price was lower in Jan. '21 than in Jan. 17. A decrease in price. In contrast, the price was lower in Jan. 09 than in Jan. 17 (an increase in price), and we all know what gas prices are doing now.

Sure, we can also agree that the president of the U.S. does not have the final say about what gas prices will be and there's more involved here than just politics. At the same time we've got to see that canceling oil leases and shutting down pipeline construction will have its affect --so much so that oil independence is no longer our situation.

At the time Keystone was stopped, it was only 8 percent complete. In order for it to be operational (100 percent built), would have taken another 5 years from the time it was stopped. In other words, another 2 to 3 years from now, which means that even if construction on Keystone had continued, it wouldn't have done anything for our current situation, and would take at least another 2 years from now to have any benefit. You guys gotta quit with the Keystone talk, it doesn't, and wouldn't have done anything to alleviate the current situation.
Don’t need them. There are 3400 accredited universities, a plethora of govt agencies and a wealth of recognized corporate research facilities that publish the correct info for free. That you have to go to Fix News is a condemnation of your intellect, not mine. Now, tell us which university, major corps and govt. sources you use.
Interesting. What is this Fix News of which you speak? I've heard of FOX News (but don't watch it), there may be a Fax News, though it's outdated technology, but what's Fix News? And no, your mind reading abilities are not working at all.
If gas prices were high during the Trump Administration, and they are roughly twice as high now, then they are obviously much worse under Brandon. And Brandon is the one currently serving as the figurehead President.
And that is the point. "But, but, but, TRUMP!" is irrelevant. Quid Pro is in office and the economy is his responsibility.
Interesting. What is this Fix News of which you speak? I've heard of FOX News (but don't watch it), there may be a Fax News, though it's outdated technology, but what's Fix News? And no, your mind reading abilities are not working at all.
Fix News says it all.
And that is the point. "But, but, but, TRUMP!" is irrelevant. Quid Pro is in office and the economy is his responsibility.
Covid arriving here and was Trumps responsibility. The market crash was Trump s responsibility, the recession was Trump responsibility. And yes, for nine months prior to Biden being sworn in, the price of gas rose 45% under Trump. Two Impeachments were under Trump. Also, he’s one of the biggest losers. Lost the house, the senate and the presidency by a landslide according to his own description.
You : didn't know Crimea happened under Obama, didn't know Gas was going up pre Russia/Ukraine, didn't know 5 reasons why Russia went in Ukraine, didn't know who Victoria Nuland is and you honestly say your better informed that I am 😂

Please don't stop joke man this is great comedy
You’re dumb ass didn’t know it was still happening under Trump, and is still happening now. WTF, you think an occupation settles everything ? Suppose you think once Germany took over France and most of Europe , there was nothing anyone else should do about it. Geesus, it’s foolish people like you that think we should give away free countries to any dictator

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