Gasp!!! I don't like Trump's arrogance, bragging,obnoxiousness,etc...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
yup... those of you on this board are right now gasping. OK... catch your breath and breathe.

The headline is true...

I am also like Trump SELFISH.

I though love America. Americans. Capitalism. And above all my son and his family. My relatives and their families and I want them "SELFISHLY" to have a better life than the direction we were going BEFORE TRUMP!

I also firmly believe like this article points out, what I after 60+ years in the business world have experienced.

Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders
By “best leaders,” I’m talking mainly about people who consistently show the ability to get things done—the ability to sell others on an idea, the ability to take them in new directions, the ability to talk their way out of a jam, the ability to come back from a setback, and so on.
When will we admit it? Effective leaders are less like Santa Claus handing out gifts, less like Mother Teresa blessing sick people, and more like Kobe Bryant coolly sticking a dagger into the heart of an opponent as he drops a three-point buzzer beater to win a tight game.
Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders

And Trump is doing THAT for sure!

The facts support he is the best leader for our times.
1) More jobs than people to fill them.
2) Greater emphasis on law and order
3) Making American trade deals FAIR.
4) Providing incentives for companies to stay or come back to the USA.

All of the above facts are supported by this web page:
700 examples of pay raises, charitable donations, special bonuses, 401(k) match hikes, business expansions, benefit increases, and utility rate reductions attributed to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act List of Tax Reform Good News (27).pdf
Donald J. Trump, The Disrupter-in-Chief


A political outsider. A man with a totally different view of how government should work. Someone who won’t tolerate laziness or political bias in the government workforce. And someone who ignore all the “accepted ways” that have gotten us into the situation we are today.

Here’s this author’s assessment:

I’m often asked why the Trump era is so messy, so acrimonious. One obvious (and well- analyzed) reason is the extreme disappointment — frustration — anger felt by the American Left, especially by those who readily identify with the “resistance.”

Indeed, the daily vitriol directed at the president is high octane, relentless. But the remainder of my answer is more rhetorical in nature: “What part of ‘disrupter’ did you expect to be pleasant?”

This response focuses on an often-neglected point: Disrupters are often uninvited, unappreciated guests. They have little respect for tradition. They revel in upsetting the apple cart, personal feelings be damned.

But it’s not just “feelings” in their crosshairs — it’s also assumptions and accepted premises, the traditional rules of the road valued by establishments everywhere.

And what has/does he disrupt?



North Korea



And, unlisted by the author – Draining the swamp.

More about this @ So Which Part of 'Disrupter-in-Chief' Did You Expect to Play Nice?
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
There is a difference between an asshole and being a "bad person". Who could forget those bad people like Caligula, Nero, King John, and Ivan the Terrible who are now associated with greatness? Or those other bad people of business who went on greatness like Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, and Bernard Ebbers.

No bad people make bad leaders. Trump is no exception.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''

So making sure that THESE statements aren't fulfilled IS crazy?
Trump WOULD NEVER EVER NOR would almost ALL Americans, (except bat crazy people like you!) make statements like these that were destructive and NOT helpful.
Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 9.27.17 AM.png
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
"Bat sh*t crazy goals".
Jobs for everyone.
Tariffs that are fair and reasonable.
Members of NATO putting toward mutual protection what they promised. When they entered NATO.
North Korea not threatening the U.S. and others.
Those in government jobs that fail not being kept because they can not be fired.
Backing away from all out nuclear war with Russia.
Trying to bring up wages by removing those who work for undersub par wages.
Removing those who work part time and rely on government benefits.
Trying to get more people off welfare and into the tax paying workforce.
Trying to increase benefits for our military and our veterans.
Wanting only those that can contribute to society and not be a drain to immigrate legally.
Not wanting someone sneaking across the border to be abusing a child or using them as a bargaining chip then discarding them to fend for themselves.
Wanting laws to apply to everyone not just to those not in government.
Wanting a balanced budget.
Tell me which one you would pick as your bat sh*t crazy idea.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:
That's true, yet one mystery remains.

What do you and your tribe need to achieve your "bat sh*t crazy goals"? let me guess... every last ounce of liberty and private property that isn't already controlled by your partisan masters?

I have to give you folks some credit though; you're awfully generous when it comes to giving away other peoples stuff.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
Do you know what hypocrisy is?

You continuously side with the pigs. Those who hate Christianity. Those who deliberately flaunt godless behavior as they giggle away.

They are also very wealthy.

Your righteousness should surpass hypocrisy.

Unless you are denying the godlessness. Do you feel homosexual marriage is recognized by the Lord? Do you feel men are women if they feel like they are? Do you believe women should be able to abort their babies in the 3rd trimester if their lives are not in danger?

Cause that is the platform you defend every single day.
yup... those of you on this board are right now gasping. OK... catch your breath and breathe.

The headline is true...

I am also like Trump SELFISH.

I though love America. Americans. Capitalism. And above all my son and his family. My relatives and their families and I want them "SELFISHLY" to have a better life than the direction we were going BEFORE TRUMP!

I also firmly believe like this article points out, what I after 60+ years in the business world have experienced.

Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders
By “best leaders,” I’m talking mainly about people who consistently show the ability to get things done—the ability to sell others on an idea, the ability to take them in new directions, the ability to talk their way out of a jam, the ability to come back from a setback, and so on.
When will we admit it? Effective leaders are less like Santa Claus handing out gifts, less like Mother Teresa blessing sick people, and more like Kobe Bryant coolly sticking a dagger into the heart of an opponent as he drops a three-point buzzer beater to win a tight game.
Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders

And Trump is doing THAT for sure!

The facts support he is the best leader for our times.
1) More jobs than people to fill them.
2) Greater emphasis on law and order
3) Making American trade deals FAIR.
4) Providing incentives for companies to stay or come back to the USA.

All of the above facts are supported by this web page:
700 examples of pay raises, charitable donations, special bonuses, 401(k) match hikes, business expansions, benefit increases, and utility rate reductions attributed to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act List of Tax Reform Good News (27).pdf
U mean that he doesn't have to be a saint to make a phenomenal president? U mean that at a critical juncture in our nation's trajectory he might be the perfect fit, at the perfect time? U mean that his perceived 'virtuosity' might not be much of a factor when it comes to economic ideology, international relations, geopolitical wranglings...?

Ok.. now it's coming back to me from the, not so distant, hazy annals of my recollection... "Bill Clinton's indiscretions not impacting his Presidential brilliance"... lol
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How do we know these trade deals are good for America although the original Nafta was horrible. Only time will tell but I now know trump's a guy that spends most of his time watching fox news, tweeting, and playing golf, and he's not nearly as intelligent as he says he is. I posted a utube video here where Trump and his kids couldn't even do a simple math problem that my 14 year old grandson did almost instantly. And of course, look at all his bankruptcies. Some great business man he is. With a big economy like ours, it may take years to find out the results of what he's doing. I think if companies are revving up manufacturing, it's probably because of his war on the environment and the EPA. Companies know they won't get harassed when they pollute or break any laws under Trump.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
Do you know what hypocrisy is?

You continuously side with the pigs. Those who hate Christianity. Those who deliberately flaunt godless behavior as they giggle away.

They are also very wealthy.

Your righteousness should surpass hypocrisy.

Unless you are denying the godlessness. Do you feel homosexual marriage is recognized by the Lord? Do you feel men are women if they feel like they are? Do you believe women should be able to abort their babies in the 3rd trimester if their lives are not in danger?

Cause that is the platform you defend every single day.

I've seen enough of your posts to know that if there is a God like the one in the bible, he wouldn't know you either. Judge lest ye be judged and all that good stuff. You oughta read the bible. You wouldn't want to know you either.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
Do you know what hypocrisy is?

You continuously side with the pigs. Those who hate Christianity. Those who deliberately flaunt godless behavior as they giggle away.

They are also very wealthy.

Your righteousness should surpass hypocrisy.

Unless you are denying the godlessness. Do you feel homosexual marriage is recognized by the Lord? Do you feel men are women if they feel like they are? Do you believe women should be able to abort their babies in the 3rd trimester if their lives are not in danger?

Cause that is the platform you defend every single day.

I've seen enough of your posts to know that if there is a God like the one in the bible, he wouldn't know you either. Judge lest ye be judged and all that good stuff. You oughta read the bible. You wouldn't want to know you either.
How do we know these trade deals are good for America although the original Nafta was horrible. Only time will tell but I now know trump's a guy that spends most of his time watching fox news, tweeting, and playing golf, and he's not nearly as intelligent as he says he is. I posted a utube video here where Trump and his kids couldn't even do a simple math problem that my 14 year old grandson did almost instantly. And of course, look at all his bankruptcies. Some great business man he is. With a big economy like ours, it may take years to find out the results of what he's doing. I think if companies are revving up manufacturing, it's probably because of his war on the environment and the EPA. Companies know they won't get harassed when they pollute or break any laws under Trump.
I don't even have to ask where you get your "facts" from in the MSM... lol
-ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Puffington Post, Mother Jones etc. Any of the print papers local or otherwise that you subscribe to or buy with your groceries. U sound just like my grandmother who limits herself to one partisanly fomented, ideological view point. I do hope that you recognize the difference between opinion journalism and (what used to be) relatively objective news. Fox News is not "news" just as the aforementioned networks are not "news". Today you can not get objective news, one must seek out both sides and extrapolate what immutable data there is as best one can... imho, lol
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''
Do you know what hypocrisy is?

You continuously side with the pigs. Those who hate Christianity. Those who deliberately flaunt godless behavior as they giggle away.

They are also very wealthy.

Your righteousness should surpass hypocrisy.

Unless you are denying the godlessness. Do you feel homosexual marriage is recognized by the Lord? Do you feel men are women if they feel like they are? Do you believe women should be able to abort their babies in the 3rd trimester if their lives are not in danger?

Cause that is the platform you defend every single day.

I've seen enough of your posts to know that if there is a God like the one in the bible, he wouldn't know you either. Judge lest ye be judged and all that good stuff. You oughta read the bible. You wouldn't want to know you either.
Never said I was a saint. I know I am going to hell. That is true.
How do we know these trade deals are good for America although the original Nafta was horrible. Only time will tell but I now know trump's a guy that spends most of his time watching fox news, tweeting, and playing golf, and he's not nearly as intelligent as he says he is. I posted a utube video here where Trump and his kids couldn't even do a simple math problem that my 14 year old grandson did almost instantly. And of course, look at all his bankruptcies. Some great business man he is. With a big economy like ours, it may take years to find out the results of what he's doing. I think if companies are revving up manufacturing, it's probably because of his war on the environment and the EPA. Companies know they won't get harassed when they pollute or break any laws under Trump.

How do you know how Trump spends his time? You are making assumptions.
And you know as far as his "intelligence"... I remember this statement from As Lee Iacocca ( in case you don't know developed the Ford Mustang) once said,
"I hire people brighter than me and get out of their way."
That's what Trump has done.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''

And my Mom told me "When you point at someone, three fingers point back at you"!
yup... those of you on this board are right now gasping. OK... catch your breath and breathe.

The headline is true...

I am also like Trump SELFISH.

I though love America. Americans. Capitalism. And above all my son and his family. My relatives and their families and I want them "SELFISHLY" to have a better life than the direction we were going BEFORE TRUMP!

I also firmly believe like this article points out, what I after 60+ years in the business world have experienced.

Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders
By “best leaders,” I’m talking mainly about people who consistently show the ability to get things done—the ability to sell others on an idea, the ability to take them in new directions, the ability to talk their way out of a jam, the ability to come back from a setback, and so on.
When will we admit it? Effective leaders are less like Santa Claus handing out gifts, less like Mother Teresa blessing sick people, and more like Kobe Bryant coolly sticking a dagger into the heart of an opponent as he drops a three-point buzzer beater to win a tight game.
Why Bad People Make The Best Leaders

And Trump is doing THAT for sure!

The facts support he is the best leader for our times.
1) More jobs than people to fill them.
2) Greater emphasis on law and order
3) Making American trade deals FAIR.
4) Providing incentives for companies to stay or come back to the USA.

All of the above facts are supported by this web page:
700 examples of pay raises, charitable donations, special bonuses, 401(k) match hikes, business expansions, benefit increases, and utility rate reductions attributed to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act List of Tax Reform Good News (27).pdf
Reminds me of a line from Breaking Bad when Jessie is talking about getting a Criminal Lawyer to get them out of trouble

I don’t mean we need a Criminal Lawyer, I mean we need a lawyer who is a criminal

Better Call Saul

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