Gasp!!! I don't like Trump's arrogance, bragging,obnoxiousness,etc...

"Bill Clinton's indiscretions not impacting his Presidential brilliance"

The problems we are now facing with China began with Bill Clinton selling them access to our technology in return for campaign contributions.
The real problem with China is they are run by an autocrat and China is all too aware of our system. They are also aware of the globalists that comprise our deep state. They can always slow walk any deal that will not be done and wait till Trump is out.

The media, as they have always done, will report it in a way that of course favors the commies. We know that. We know their tactics all too well. We know for example how the report the Paris Accord. How the "fact checkers" slant stories.

We have Jasonfree for example claiming Trump's war on the environment. Yeah, of course it is. The biggest polluters in the world not even BOUND to the AGREEMENT that they of course AGREED TO. The only country of course BOUND TO IT was THIS COUNTRY. The world's favorite fucking punching bag.

I thought Jasonnfree was a logical thinker. Could have sworn I saw good stuff from him. Is it me?
"Bill Clinton's indiscretions not impacting his Presidential brilliance"

The problems we are now facing with China began with Bill Clinton selling them access to our technology in return for campaign contributions.

Further substantiation for that statement:

FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal
Ng was identified in a 1998 Senate report as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.
FBI Arrests Chinese Millionaire Once Tied to Clinton $$ Scandal

And I'm sure you know...
Bill Clinton, the country's most ardent booster of opening trade with China [thanks to Clinton's Chinese donations in exchange for missile information we have the FAMOUS
Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!], looks especially imprudent 10 years later. During a press conference on March 29, 2000, Clinton said that granting China permanent normal trade relations (PNTR), which allowed China to gain entry into the WTO, would be a great deal for America. "We do nothing," Clinton said. "They have to lower tariffs. They open up telecommunications for investment. They allow us to sell cars made in America in China at much lower tariffs. They allow us to put our own distributorships there. They allow us to put our own parts there. We don't have to transfer technology or do joint manufacturing in China any more. This a hundred-to-nothing deal for America when it comes to the economic consequences."

It was this same Gorelick Memo to protect Clinton/Chinese relationships.. that prevented the CIA from sharing with FBI information about the 9/11 attackers.

Jamie Gorelick, a former Clinton administration official who reportedly has made the Obama administration's short list to become the next director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was paid more than $26 million in total compensation as a top executive at Fannie Mae--before taxpayers had to bail out the mortgage giant.
There is a difference between an asshole and being a "bad person". Who could forget those bad people like Caligula, Nero, King John, and Ivan the Terrible who are now associated with greatness? Or those other bad people of business who went on greatness like Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff, and Bernard Ebbers.

No bad people make bad leaders. Trump is no exception.
There have been plenty of bad people who were great leaders. Take Martin Luther King, for example. He was a great leader, but not a great person in his personal life. He was a drunk, he cheated, he plagiarized, hired hookers, beat women, etc. Steve Jobs? Great leader, but a total asshole by all accounts.
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How do we know these trade deals are good for America although the original Nafta was horrible. Only time will tell but I now know trump's a guy that spends most of his time watching fox news, tweeting, and playing golf, and he's not nearly as intelligent as he says he is. I posted a utube video here where Trump and his kids couldn't even do a simple math problem that my 14 year old grandson did almost instantly. And of course, look at all his bankruptcies. Some great business man he is. With a big economy like ours, it may take years to find out the results of what he's doing. I think if companies are revving up manufacturing, it's probably because of his war on the environment and the EPA. Companies know they won't get harassed when they pollute or break any laws under Trump.
I don't even have to ask where you get your "facts" from in the MSM... lol
-ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Huffington Puffington Post, Mother Jones etc. Any of the print papers local or otherwise that you subscribe to or buy with your groceries. U sound just like my grandmother who limits herself to one partisanly fomented, ideological view point. I do hope that you recognize the difference between opinion journalism and (what used to be) relatively objective news. Fox News is not "news" just as the aforementioned networks are not "news". Today you can not get objective news, one must seek out both sides and extrapolate what immutable data there is as best one can... imho, lol

I agree with you about the biased MSM and the only reason you are including Fox though is BECAUSE they present both sides of the stories they appear BIASED.

I keep using the simple example of a Google search "Trump anti-immigrant". Results see below:

Do most people know Trump's married to an immigrant? Do most people know that 90+ million Americans like myself are either "legal immigrants" or have "legal immigrants" as
relatives and to LUMP us all in the same category as "anti-immigrant" is a BIASED news presentation technique.

So when you understand that the VAST VAST majority of the MSM hates people like me and the millions that support Trump's actions, we are becoming more and more
like this latest poll result indicates:
The AP cites a Pew Research Center report that two-thirds (66%) of Americans believe “fabricated news” is causing a “great deal of confusion” about basic facts, and a poll conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago found the percentage of Americans expressing a “great deal of confidence” in the press has fallen from 28 percent in 1976
to just 8 percent in 2016.
The Media Still Can't Figure Out Why They're Losing Credibility

I know that you are aware of this profound bias but wanted skeptics to see the facts that substantiate your comments!

Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 11.08.34 AM.png
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''

Uhm how was/is Trump lawless as POTUS?

He's broken every rule and regulation and government standard of ethics on the books...!!!

Nepotism rules, not showing taxes, breaking daily the emolument clause of the constitution, hiding reports for the public view that were once released, using his pen on executive orders like there is no tomorrow...10 folding Obama's, ridding us of laws that Congress wrote on clean air, clean water, not divesting in his company, not putting investments in a blind trust, protocol for foreign meetings, leaving all of his advisors out of the loop, Kidnapping children from their parents with no intention of returning them while some are being sexually abused, pardoning people who do not meet the government standard that had been used for decades, bashing our allies and groveling before enemies, trash mouthing public citizens, using his bully pulpit to hurt businesses that he sees as his personal foes, allowing wife beaters to stay on his staff and crooks like Price and Pruitt on the job for months, Allowing staff that did not meet classified status see classified material, spending our money for him to go and visit his resorts on our tax dollar every darn weekend, putting himself and his personal needs, above what is best for our Nation etc etc etc

Not even the half of what he has done that break all government protocols and ethic norms and rules and law....
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''

Uhm how was/is Trump lawless as POTUS?

He's broken every rule and regulation and government standard of ethics on the books...!!!

Nepotism rules, not showing taxes, breaking daily the emolument clause of the constitution, hiding reports for the public view that were once released, using his pen on executive orders like there is no tomorrow...10 folding Obama's, ridding us of laws that Congress wrote on clean air, clean water, not divesting in his company, not putting investments in a blind trust, protocol for foreign meetings, leaving all of his advisors out of the loop, Kidnapping children from their parents with no intention of returning them while some are being sexually abused, pardoning people who do not meet the government standard that had been used for decades, bashing our allies and groveling before enemies, trash mouthing public citizens, using his bully pulpit to hurt businesses that he sees as his personal foes, allowing wife beaters to stay on his staff and crooks like Price and Pruitt on the job for months, Allowing staff that did not meet classified status see classified material, spending our money for him to go and visit his resorts on our tax dollar every darn weekend, putting himself and his personal needs, above what is best for our Nation etc etc etc

Not even the half of what he has done that break all government protocols and ethic norms and rules and law....
You gotta upset a few applecarts, break a few eggs, etc. to MAGA. So relax you’ll be fine and we’re sending a free case of KY Jelly for your seriously raw ass crack.
OF COURSE you need a man of lawlessness to achieve your bat sh*t crazy goals.... :rolleyes:

''the love of money is the root of all evil''

Uhm how was/is Trump lawless as POTUS?

He's broken every rule and regulation and government standard of ethics on the books...!!!

Nepotism rules, not showing taxes, breaking daily the emolument clause of the constitution, hiding reports for the public view that were once released, using his pen on executive orders like there is no tomorrow...10 folding Obama's, ridding us of laws that Congress wrote on clean air, clean water, not divesting in his company, not putting investments in a blind trust, protocol for foreign meetings, leaving all of his advisors out of the loop, Kidnapping children from their parents with no intention of returning them while some are being sexually abused, pardoning people who do not meet the government standard that had been used for decades, bashing our allies and groveling before enemies, trash mouthing public citizens, using his bully pulpit to hurt businesses that he sees as his personal foes, allowing wife beaters to stay on his staff and crooks like Price and Pruitt on the job for months, Allowing staff that did not meet classified status see classified material, spending our money for him to go and visit his resorts on our tax dollar every darn weekend, putting himself and his personal needs, above what is best for our Nation etc etc etc

Not even the half of what he has done that break all government protocols and ethic norms and rules and law....

I just have to "SMH"

Kidnapping children now? So the democrap underpoop went from asylum to now kidnapping children?
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

You mean Trump's magic wand?

Maybe in China, record manufacturing jobs gains here. RWer soon even you will have a job offer. Then what?
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Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.

Lowest black unemployment rate ever. Shall I go on?
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.
So the attached statements from Obama ... he never said them right?
The whole point of this topic was that it is "OK" that YOU don't personally like Trump to like what he is doing.
It's OK not to like his tweeting.
It's OK not to like his bragging.
It's OK.

As long as unemployment figures go down and the GDP goes up and businesses have this kind of confidence..

The Small Business Optimism Index posted its sixth highest reading in survey history for the month of June, at 107.2, down 0.6 from May. Since December 2016, the Index has averaged an unprecedented 105.4, well above the 45-year average of 98 and rivaling the all-time high of 108.0 in July 1983.

“Small business owners continue to report astounding optimism as they celebrate strong sales, the creation of jobs, and more profits,” said NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan. “The first six months of the year have been very good to small business thanks to tax cuts, regulatory reform, and policies that help them grow.
Small Business Economic Trends | NFIB
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.

Lowest black unemployment rate ever. Shall I go on?
Black unemployment has been going down for nine straight years
Stop acting like it is something Trump did
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.
So the attached statements from Obama ... he never said them right?
View attachment 209422
Are you capable of putting ANYTHING in context?
Why do we have to do it for you
Trump is not bad. Right now the rarest thing in America is becoming a guy without a job. Leftists are furious, who will vote for them and will they have to work now?
Trumps trade war is putting people out of business

Prove it. Where are your FACTS? I mean you make these wild ass comments and expect people to believe you??? PROVE IT!!!

you haven't stated a single fact in all of your thousands of posts. and facts don't matter to you and you don't believe them. so you probably shouldn't worry your little head about it.

Lowest black unemployment rate ever. Shall I go on?
It's been trending downwards for years....

What policies of Trump's helped the black UE Rate??? Great that there was a new low!
Black Unemployment Rate
It didn't bother anyone when Barry Hussein said "republicans can come aboard but they have to sit in the back of the bus"? The difference between Obama and Trump is that we had to endure arrogance and obnoxiousness with Barry but we got nothing in return.

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