Gates Attacks Musk Mars Mission, Should Focus On Mass Vaxx/Population Reduction Schemes

He's a leftist team player. Ever since he got involved in the pharmaceutical industry is when.
Im hearing all of this but I am not convinced. The same people told me that Mrs Obama was a man and that Trump won in 2020.
How can I believe this ?
I'll start believing these depopulation fan boys when they start leading by example. Till then... I kinda agree with them. Well... The part they dont have the stones to say out loud. Life for me, would be a lot better with large swaths of others gone, leaving me to enjoy what remains.
That worldview is sociopathic, and of course ruthless.... I would prefer to reignite the concept of "family," complete with fathers and mothers, setting limits, and nurturing, your worldview seems the antithesis of such....
He isnt very good at it is he ?
Well He's killed you, you just don't know it, sometime between right this minute and 2025 you're quite likely to expire, how many death jabs have you enthusiastically had shot into body, four, five, more??? Mask up fascist, and happy trails.... :banana:
Im hearing all of this but I am not convinced. The same people told me that Mrs Obama was a man and that Trump won in 2020.
How can I believe this ?
Have you considered the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, what it is and does and the lawsuit pending with the Indian government over the ruination of 45,000+ lives in the past via his dodgy vaccines?

Vaccines For Bill Gates Are A Strategic Philanthropy That Gives Him Dictatorial Control Over Global Health Policy
That worldview is sociopathic, and of course ruthless.... I would prefer to reignite the concept of "family," complete with fathers and mothers, setting limits, and nurturing, your worldview seems the antithesis of such....

Well He's killed you, you just don't know it, sometime between right this minute and 2025 you're quite likely to expire, how many death jabs have you enthusiastically had shot into body, four, five, more??? Mask up fascist, and happy trails.... :banana:
You are well down the rabbit hole now. Is gates jewish ?
The guy who owns that site seems to be crazy.
Why, is it because he has connected many dots, reports on Gates's connections to other organisations that he has influence over and that MSM won't cover any of the latter and paint Gates as a saint rather than a villain?
Most Americans would very much like to see Bill Gates dead, he is one of the most sinister and evil psychopaths ever spawned by man, if indeed he was spawned by man!

Im not sure we have the evidence to make such a claim. Sure there are a bunch of theories about the sinister things Bill Gates is up to, but i havent seen any proof yet. Certainly not enough proof to support your OP. He has made some bone head statements for sure, but he has without a doubt saved more lives than any person who ever lived by curing malaria in Africa.

I loved James Corbett's funny stuff about him. Told the story about going to the store for ice cream one night and holding up a long line of pissed off people while he searched for his 50¢ off coupon.

I had an old boyfriend who was in the same high school as him, who laughed and told stories a lot about how psychotically pissed off Billy would get about not being able to get laid. Everybody hated him in high school.

He had the last laugh.
curing malaria in Africa
He has not CURED malaria, ANYWHERE. Malaria still exists in Sub Saharan Africa--Nigeria and Congo. Gates provided the area with prophylactic solutions--same as the US does when they send the military into areas where MOSQUITOES spread malaria.
Why, is it because he has connected many dots, reports on Gates's connections to other organisations that he has influence over and that MSM won't cover any of the latter and paint Gates as a saint rather than a villain?
He is the same type who tells me that Michelle is a man.
He has not CURED malaria, ANYWHERE. Malaria still exists in Sub Saharan Africa--Nigeria and Congo. Gates provided the area with prophylactic solutions--same as the US does when they send the military into areas where MOSQUITOES spread malaria.
He cured people who had malaria. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people.
Yeah, he wasn't partaking in any of the Lolitas that were on Epstein's island on any of his many trips there. Want to buy a bridge?
^ This seems likely. I cant imagine why he would take so many trips without the sex stuff being involved. Of course no one has shown any evidence that Bill Gates fucked kids, so until then i am not going to act like he did.

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