Gates Attacks Musk Mars Mission, Should Focus On Mass Vaxx/Population Reduction Schemes

If you go to the ONS site, you can clearly see that the deaths of the unvaccinated greatly exceeded the deaths of the vaccinated.

He cured people who had malaria. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people.
No he did not. You've fallen for more leftist lies. According to the National Institute of Health--
Currently, no licensed vaccine against malaria (or any parasitic disease that afflicts humans) exists.
No he did not. You've fallen for more leftist lies. According to the National Institute of Health--
Currently, no licensed vaccine against malaria (or any parasitic disease that afflicts humans) exists.
Perhaps Godboy meant polio.

Gates has come very close to eradicating polio.

If someone wanted to reduce the population of the world, they would not be in the vaccine business.

You people are seriously stupid.

No he did not. You've fallen for more leftist lies. According to the National Institute of Health--
Currently, no licensed vaccine against malaria (or any parasitic disease that afflicts humans) exists.
You are debating semantics. He saved hundreds of millions of lives. That is a fact.

Listen, i am not particularly fond of a lot of Bill's recent shit, but lets at least be honest about his history. He deserves a tremendous amount of credit for his humanitarian work.
If you go to the ONS site, you can clearly see that the deaths of the unvaccinated greatly exceeded the deaths of the vaccinated.
:auiqs.jpg: That may be, but is it real data or fudged data? I'd say it's fudged.

How about this? If 68.7% of the world's population is vaxxed that leaves 31.3% unvaxxed, 2020 was when the rollout of the injections began coming up to the 3rd year now and we still have people dying and having adverse effects, where are all the people coming from if the smaller % should have been depleted by now? It's from the vaccinated, they are the ones filling the body bags.
You are debating semantics. He saved hundreds of millions of lives. That is a fact.

Listen, i am not particularly fond of a lot of Bill's recent shit, but lets at least be honest about his history. He deserves a tremendous amount of credit for his humanitarian work.
We have to agree to disagree. Gates' efforts are what plays well in the media, nothing more. There are literally millions of people still suffering from malaria worldwide. The same technology exists today that existed sixty years ago in Vietnam. Avoid mosquitoes and take your malaria pill. My daughter used the same technology in 2007 when she studied in South Africa.
Gates is a moron. Wasn’t this fool supposed to have eradicated malaria by now? Instead it’s just the opposite.
Gates is a moron. Wasn’t this fool supposed to have eradicated malaria by now? Instead it’s just the opposite.
Polio. Gates has been working very hard to eradicate polio.

Now why would someone who wants to reduce the world's population be working to eradicate polio?

Because your conspiracy theory is total horseshit, that's why.
Polio. Gates has been working very hard to eradicate polio.

Now why would someone who wants to reduce the world's population be working to eradicate polio?

Because your conspiracy theory is total horseshit, that's why.
Hey dumbfuck, your hero was in Africa doling out MALARIA treatments you moron. Now piss drinker, you get to quote me saying Gates wants to reduce the world population. Oh wait, you’re full of shit as usual asshole.
Polio. Gates has been working very hard to eradicate polio.

Vaccine Crimes: India holds Bill Gates accountable

As Bill Gates faces a lawsuit for the illegal testing of tribal children in India, it appears that his crimes against humanity have finally caught up with him.
A recent report published by Health Impact News has reported that the Gates Foundation has found itself facing a pending lawsuit, due to an investigation that is being carried out by the Supreme Courts of India.

Sure he's a saint you MSM chugger muppet. Stupid fuck.
And vaccine nonsense aside....
Bill is right that going to space is somewhat of a wasted venture.

The engineering of getting into space has resulted in a LOT of innovation that has added huge amounts to our economy....but space itself has yielded nothing.

And Mars is yet another bad idea. Mars doesn't have any exploitable resources that we can't get here cheaper. Not to mention the radiation and foodstuffs necessary to make such a trip.
It would be a minimum of a four year trip! Much too long to be exposed to the radiation and dangers in space.
Im not sure we have the evidence to make such a claim. Sure there are a bunch of theories about the sinister things Bill Gates is up to, but i havent seen any proof yet. Certainly not enough proof to support your OP. He has made some bone head statements for sure, but he has without a doubt saved more lives than any person who ever lived by curing malaria in Africa.
You stupid fucking moron, dear God you fuckers are impossibly fucking stupid, Gates used his Polio vaxx to sterilize African kids via the WHO, of which he is the single largest donor! Then we have India, and do not come back here with any "Factcheck" lies from western media he effectively owns moron, he is the most murderous human being since Mao, and he is easily lumped in with Hitler and Stalin!, Oh what have we here,

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Most Americans would very much like to see Bill Gates dead, he is one of the most sinister and evil psychopaths ever spawned by man, if indeed he was spawned by man!

I'm a very loyal Republican, but I would not care to see Bill Gates die. You see, all of us are the same in God's eyes. And he hasn't finished with Bill Gates (nor any of the living) yet. That goes for us all who are living and who call on his name for help for friends, families, and even other nations sometimes, and in particular a nation with elderly, the handicapped, widows, orphans, and little children. If we all lived like we were in the Kingdom of God, there would be no sorrow, no jealousy, no pain, no retribution, but there would be obedience to God's rules, which are found in the Good Book. Some of the more important ones are in the Proverbs and the Psalms which are good places to start if someone is truly fascinated by the Kingdom of God and the eternal life and joy in the Goodness and Graciousness of the Lord, not to mention loved ones who are already there. :thup:
I'm a very loyal Republican, but I would not care to see Bill Gates die. You see, all of us are the same in God's eyes. And he hasn't finished with Bill Gates (nor any of the living) yet. That goes for us all who are living and who call on his name for help for friends, families, and even other nations sometimes, and in particular a nation with elderly, the handicapped, widows, orphans, and little children. If we all lived like we were in the Kingdom of God, there would be no sorrow, no jealousy, no pain, no retribution, but there would be obedience to God's rules, which are found in the Good Book. Some of the more important ones are in the Proverbs and the Psalms which are good places to start if someone is truly fascinated by the Kingdom of God and the eternal life and joy in the Goodness and Graciousness of the Lord, not to mention loved ones who are already there. :thup:
I think Madam Loyal Republican, that if you just planted your little boy or girl in six feet of dirt, due to his vaxx's, and they have buried thousands and thousands of such children in Africa, and India, I think then you might change your mind! Render unto God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesars! :puke3:
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You stupid fucking moron, dear God you fuckers are impossibly fucking stupid, Gates used his Polio vaxx to sterilize African kids via the WHO, of which he is the single largest donor! Then we have India, and do not come back here with any "Factcheck" lies from western media he effectively owns moron, he is the most murderous human being since Mao, and he is easily lumped in with Hitler and Stalin!, Oh what have we here,

Even if he did kill thousands (though im skeptical of that claim), he saved hundreds of millions. He isnt perfect, but he sure as hell did more than most people. This idea that he is evil is just wrong. He might be incorrect about some major things, but he isnt evil. He donated more money than anyone to causes around the world. He gave a larger percentage of his money than most people on planet Earth ever will. That has to count for something.
His foundation reduced the death toll world wide from AIDS, TB and malaria by more than half. The numbers are there for all to see. Bill is far from perfect, but he isnt a monster. Monsters dont do shit like that. That would be a preposterous suggestion. Bill is simply misguided by left wing propaganda.

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