Gates pleads guilty, will likely roll on Manafort and Trump

You were unable to even contemplate anything beyond your chosen path.

Not only did I comprehend what you vomited out, but I picked each point apart as to why it was a bullshit excuse.

So after stripping away the bullshit, you're still left with the question of why Trump refuses to impose sanctions Congress passed 517-5 against Russia for meddling in the election?

There is only one answer; because he owes it to them.

I was helping you Brian your horizons, but unfortunately it went right over your doggedly blindered head.

My Brian?

Yes, your Brian is lost and unable to find his way back home, because your blinders are preventing him from seeing more than one path. The one he's on right now goes straight over the cliff into the fever swamp of partisan rancor. I'm trying to help you help him, but you're unable to take off the blinders.

You mean "brain", not "Brian".

Your Russia is showing.
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.
Do you deny that we use bombs to get the leadership we want in other countries?
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.

Which I'm not doing. And you are correct, what we do is far more blatant, far more obvious, and far more deadly than anything Russia may have done, but it does illustrate why I have a hard time getting all worked up over a few FaceBook posts.
And not one of you weasels have the stones nor the wherewithal to bring up a single Russian ad for this thread to see. Suck that propaganda, Chickenshit 3,000.

www. "How You Can Check if You Saw Russian Ads on Facebook During the 2016 Elections"
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.

Which I'm not doing. And you are correct, what we do is far more blatant, far more obvious, and far more deadly than anything Russia may have done, but it does illustrate why I have a hard time getting all worked up over a few FaceBook posts.
And you are a trolling liar, because I said nothing of the sort. Yes, you are defending Russian meddling, you won't denounce it, so you are a collaborationist. Noted.
And not one of you weasels have the stones nor the wherewithal to bring up a single Russian ad for this thread to see. Suck that propaganda, Chickenshit 3,000.

www. "How You Can Check if You Saw Russian Ads on Facebook During the 2016 Elections"
You are a chickenshit weasel collaborationist. You support the Russians. Noted.

How Russian Facebook ads worked - Washington Post
On Wednesday, lawmakers released some of the 3,000 ads that Russian operatives bought during the 2016 presidential campaign and its aftermath. Facebook has said these ...
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.

Which I'm not doing. And you are correct, what we do is far more blatant, far more obvious, and far more deadly than anything Russia may have done, but it does illustrate why I have a hard time getting all worked up over a few FaceBook posts.
And you are a trolling liar, because I said nothing of the sort. Yes, you are defending Russian meddling, you won't denounce it, so you are a collaborationist. Noted.
First, you should know that I do not accept labels from random people on the internet, so do not be surprised when your attempt to label me brings you no satisfaction.

You said they weren't equivalent and I agreed with you. For this you are upset? Interesting. Now, as for the other, denounce, denounce, denounce. There, does that cover it?

Surely, you have to agree that our hands are hardly clean when it comes to meddling in other countries' changes of power.
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.

Which I'm not doing. And you are correct, what we do is far more blatant, far more obvious, and far more deadly than anything Russia may have done, but it does illustrate why I have a hard time getting all worked up over a few FaceBook posts.
And you are a trolling liar, because I said nothing of the sort. Yes, you are defending Russian meddling, you won't denounce it, so you are a collaborationist. Noted.
First, you should know that I do not accept labels from random people on the internet, so do not be surprised when your attempt to label me brings you no satisfaction.

You said they weren't equivalent and I agreed with you. For this you are upset? Interesting. Now, as for the other, denounce, denounce, denounce. There, does that cover it?

Surely, you have to agree that our hands are hardly clean when it comes to meddling in other countries' changes of power.
What you accept or not is meaningless, as is your denial of being a collaborationist.

Since you won't denounce the Russians, your hands are dirty, hadit.
We are talking about Russian meddling in our election.

What we do in other countries is not an equivalency.

You are a collaborationist if you defend the Russian meddling.

Which I'm not doing. And you are correct, what we do is far more blatant, far more obvious, and far more deadly than anything Russia may have done, but it does illustrate why I have a hard time getting all worked up over a few FaceBook posts.
And you are a trolling liar, because I said nothing of the sort. Yes, you are defending Russian meddling, you won't denounce it, so you are a collaborationist. Noted.
First, you should know that I do not accept labels from random people on the internet, so do not be surprised when your attempt to label me brings you no satisfaction.

You said they weren't equivalent and I agreed with you. For this you are upset? Interesting. Now, as for the other, denounce, denounce, denounce. There, does that cover it?

Surely, you have to agree that our hands are hardly clean when it comes to meddling in other countries' changes of power.
What you accept or not is meaningless, as is your denial of being a collaborationist.

Since you won't denounce the Russians, your hands are dirty, hadit.
I already did, three times. Did you miss that? And your insistence that your label has to stick to me is, well, useless.
Starkey chickenshit, cannot produce the propaganda that it licks up, like a typical xian knuckledragger sucking down protection-racket fairy tales.
Gayer than gay, Russian orthodox xian trolls screw starkey with common worldwide xian propaganda. Even the Kuomintang knows how to do it, because any god dumb enough to create a satan who knows more is a god dumb enough to take the divisory bait of knowledge envy, and is why god hates gays.

'Many of the 3,000 Facebook ads that Russian trolls bought to influence the election were'nt promoting Trump directly. They were inflaming division in American life by focusing on race and religion.'
(www. Under the Thumb: News Outlets Have Desperately Chased Facebook Clicks)
Gayer than gay, Russian orthodox xian trolls screw starkey with common worldwide xian propaganda. Even the Kuomintang knows how to do it, because any god dumb enough to create a satan who knows more is a god dumb enough to take the divisory bait of knowledge envy, and is why god hates gays.

'Many of the 3,000 Facebook ads that Russian trolls bought to influence the election were'nt promoting Trump directly. They were inflaming division in American life by focusing on race and religion.'
(www. Under the Thumb: News Outlets Have Desperately Chased Facebook Clicks)
Hell yeah, let's talk Chinese. Trump is the Wang of America. He is much more yang than yin. He hates yin's rights.
LongRoom NewsGeneral

Mueller moves to dismiss charges against Rick Gates in Russia probe
Fox News | 2/27/2018 | Brooke Singman
2:21 EST in General

Does it affect Paul Manafort, Russia Probe?

Special Counsel Robert Mueller moved Tuesday to dismiss nearly two-dozen charges against former Trump campaign associate Rick Gates, in the wake of his guilty plea last week.

Mueller - Team - Motion - Tax - Bank
Mueller’s team filed a motion to drop 22 tax and bank fraud charges against Gates. The filing was tied to Gates’ agreement last week to plead guilty to conspiracy to defraud the United States and lying to the FBI.

That plea pertained to charges filed against him in October in Washington, D.C., for which he still faces up to 71 months in prison.

Terms - Deal - Government - Set - Charges
Under the terms of the deal, the government had agreed it would move to dismiss another set of charges brought against him more recently in a Virginia federal court. Those charges covered everything from alleged tax fraud to bank fraud.

The filing on Tuesday indicates Gates' cooperation with the special counsel team could be yielding good information -- as it pursues charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
If I had a nickel for every time one of you guys were convinced the show was going to drop, I'd own my own private island full of beautiful naked girls. Wake me up when you have our President in handcuffs. Until then, it's just liberal wet dreams.

If I had a nickel for every Trump voter that wasn't living in denial, I'd have no nickels.

Speaking of denial Drip, shouldn't Trump have already been indicted, impeached or hung an angry mob of leftist twits by now ten times over?
Since Gates was Manafort's deputy, he probably knows everything. Gates is a young guy with a young family, and with no access to his laundered money, can't afford a defense attorney for a prolonged trial he would lose and end up having to spend the rest of his life behind bars for betraying the United States.

Former Trump aide tells loved ones of plans to plead guilty, cooperate with special counsel

Mueller is so surgical, so deliberate, so methodical. The pieces are all falling into place; Trump's team is kompromat, the Russian troll campaign to help Trump has been laid out in the indictments of the 13 Russians. Now all that's left is to connect the two, which is likely to be done through Manafort and, possibly, Gates.

Depending on what Gates knows, Mueller may not even need Manafort to flip.

If I had a nickel for every time one of you guys were convinced the show was going to drop, I'd own my own private island full of beautiful naked girls. Wake me up when you have our President in handcuffs. Until then, it's just liberal wet dreams.
The investigation that Mueller is engaged in is being done in a very careful methodical manner. It won't happen overnight, and when he presents the evidence it will be ironclad, whatever way it goes. And that is what is scaring you 'Conservatives', because you really are afraid that you know exactly how it going to go, and that will delegitimize all your sill memes.

Negative Soft Rocks, we know that real evidence isn't that hard to come by and if there was any there, there.....we'd already be seeing something concrete. But keep on dreaming little broomstick cowgirl.

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