CNN’s Jennings: Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Going to Massively Backfire on the Democrats

To note, Biden is also an adulterer. He may not go around bragging about it but he is all the same.

Doesn't really matter. Democrats tend not to give a damn who sleeps with who.

The religious right and their Bible, or other religious book, tend to think it's really bad.
Doesn't really matter. Democrats tend not to give a damn who sleeps with who.

The religious right and their Bible, or other religious book, tend to think it's really bad.

Wrong is wrong but yes, the Republicans are far more hypocritical.
Trump did not stop the George Floyd riots. Why do you think he will reduce the crime rate, especially because he is such a flagrant criminal himself?
How do you expect a president to suppress local riots? The only time he took action was to protect federal buildings and arrest the people vandalizing them. People like you pilloried him for that calling him a dictator.
Now we enter a time where it is normal course to use the legal system to jail political opposition. Doesn’t sound like America to me.
It has not been like that in America very much ever before.

Ofc there used to be tar & featherings and rode out on a rail, too.
Trump did not stop the George Floyd riots. Why do you think he will reduce the crime rate, especially because he is such a flagrant criminal himself?
You mean the Soros-funded and organized worldwide George Floyd riots?

A much more egregious thing happened in FL; This guy was not a criminal and in his home.
Wrong is wrong but yes, the Republicans are far more hypocritical.
Exactly who did Biden commit adultery with?

This boths sides are the same stuff is just getting crazy. You guys talk about the left or right but you guys are just as bad, if not worse.
You mean the Soros-funded and organized worldwide George Floyd riots?

A much more egregious thing happened in FL; This guy was not a criminal and in his home.
No such group exists. George Soros is broke now. He spent all his money funding everything on earth, so he's tapped out.
It has not been like that in America very much ever before.

Ofc there used to be tar & featherings and rode out on a rail, too.
Maybe it is time whites stopped thinking America is just them. Because blacks who have opposed the politics in America have been beatn, killed, jailed or blackballed. So have members of other non white groups.
The Dirty Democrat Party's rigged elections and rigged trials are unpopular with mainstream Americans
There were no rigged elections. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the popular vote and the Electoral College in 2020.

Trump is the only president who never had majority support during his term.
Exactly who did Biden commit adultery with?

This boths sides are the same stuff is just getting crazy. You guys talk about the left or right but you guys are just as bad, if not worse.

I'm just as bad? I'm pretty sure I've never did it.
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Unless Trump does it.

Because a lot of Trump supporters are Bible bashers, and what does the Bible say about adultery?

" If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death."

And they VOTE FOR HIM.

It's called HYPOCRISY.
You just don't get it

ALL politicians are repulsive criminals.

Joe Biden is one of the biggest and most repulsive. He sells influence and sniffs little kids.

If given a choice between an ordinary grifter and a pedophile, I'll take the grifter any day of the week.

They will never get it because The State is their god and the politicians all their religious leaders. Sick and sad, yet here we are.
I agree with Trump on a few issues. Nevertheless, he is so vulgar, and such a low class bounder that I cannot understand how a decent human being can like him.

The 21st century has the oddest way of revealing who the tight-lipped, prudish Church Ladies are.

Hector, in case you missed it, you're a tight-lipped prudish Church Lady
There were no rigged elections. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost the popular vote and the Electoral College in 2020.

Trump is the only president who never had majority support during his term.
Bill Clinton never won the majority of votes.

CNN’s Jennings: Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Going to Massively Backfire on the Democrats​

30 May 2024 ~~ By Jeff Poor

Thursday on CNN, following the announcement of a guilty verdict of former President Donald Trump on 34 counts by a Manhattan jury, CNN senior political contributor Scott Jennings predicted it would favor Republicans in the election cycle.
According to the former Bush administration official, the verdict would “massively backfire” on Democrats by galvanizing Republican support and encouraging fundraising.

They've awakened a sleeping tiger Donation page for political website WinRed crashes after Trump verdict— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) May 31, 2024
Meanwhile, Biden is racking up the crimes to include WITNESS TAMPERING with Hallie Biden (or giving her a BIG FAT PAYOFF) just this last week in a night time visit no less.
That evil scum slime of a puppet president knows he's untouchable unlike Trump who gets indicted at the drop of a hat.
I have lived through some pretty dark American presidential events.FDR's death while president, JFK’s assassination. LBJ’s handling of civil rights and the Vietnam war. Nixon’s resignation over Watergate. Carter’s inflation, gas crisis and Iranian hostage debacle. The attempt on Reagan’s life. Clinton’s “I did not have sex with that woman.” W’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Obamacare. And, more.
However, I can say with certainty, this travesty of justice, committed entirely by the Biden and his Neo-Marxist regime, takes the prize for the all-time worst. The blatantly unconstitutional lawfare being waged against half the citizenry by Biden and his minions has taken us beyond third-world banana-republic status.
I have been saddened by our government before. But, this is the first time I have been truly embarrassed. The greatest nation the world has ever seen has been brought to a point where we are viewed as weak and feckless. There is no honor or dignity in what has been done. It is a truly sad day.

True. Between this and 'Pride Month' and the global disease epidemics that always come with that sicko event have guaranteed a Trump victory.

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