CNN’s Jennings: Trump Guilty Verdict ‘Going to Massively Backfire on the Democrats

This is much bigger than Donald Trump. Trump's guilty verdict is only a warning signal that we're losing our country to a one party, totalitarian system. Democrats have obviously abandoned "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". The Democrat party is the biggest threat to this country today. MAGA

I just heard on the news that 27 states have Republican attorney generals. So I guess right now the split would be just about over half for us, whatever our new nation might be called.
Yep, Republicans liked nothing more than voting for an adulterer, because the Bible says "stone adulterers". Now they get to vote for an adulterer AND A CRIMINAL.

It's like reverse Bibleology.

To note, Biden is also an adulterer. He may not go around bragging about it but he is all the same.
Yep, Republicans liked nothing more than voting for an adulterer, because the Bible says "stone adulterers". Now they get to vote for an adulterer AND A CRIMINAL.

It's like reverse Bibleology.
You forgot fraudster and sexual assaulter.

They stole money from a children's cancer charity for heavens sake.
Now we enter a time where it is normal course to use the legal system to jail political opposition. Doesn’t sound like America to me.
The conviction does not preclude Trump from running for office. Sentencing is scheduled for July 11, four days before the Republican National Committee is set to formally nominate Trump for president. While Trump faces fines and a maximum sentence of up to four years in prison, an estimated one in 10 people convicted of similar charges is imprisoned.
This election is going to come down to the "Black Vote" The democrats will die on the black vote. The democrats are showing the blacks how they have manipulated the system to get them put in jail and prison unfairly.

Worst of all... the democrat party is trying to get black people to UNDERSTAND that anyone "convicted" is a horrible human being, a good for nothing, low life, and the worst piece filth on the face of the earth.

Normally no republican ever gets more than 10% of the black vote. Trump now has 25%. That number has time to go up even higher as the democrat party speaks of "CONVICTED FELONS" as being worthless losers. Many blacks view what the democrats are saying as... speaking directly to, and referring to them as well.
Counting on ineligible Illegal Aliens to supplant lost black voters is not a winning strategy for the democrat Party
A jury has convicted Donald Trump of insidiously concealing one of the top secrets of the United States - the exact amount paid to a local hooker.
Which makes one wonder how much money or what gifts were secretly handed over to multiple women by recent presidents, Clinton and JFK. :eusa_think:
If this verdict does not teach Trump supporters that their man is a repulsive criminal, nothing will.
You just don't get it

ALL politicians are repulsive criminals.

Joe Biden is one of the biggest and most repulsive. He sells influence and sniffs little kids.

If given a choice between an ordinary grifter and a pedophile, I'll take the grifter any day of the week.
Trump is not a political criminal. He is a common criminal who up to now has gotten away with too many crimes. Trump has a repulsive personality. This verdict will make his arrogance and vulgarity even worse.

Three more trials are coming up. More punishment is on the way. :yes_text12:
You and most Nep=Marxists may believe it, but the majority of Americans see the use of Stalinist methods by the Democrat Party.
Never in the history of American politics or Law has this been done to a former preisdent or presidential candidate. Yet, this is done daily in places like Russia, Venezuela, and Banana Republic totalitarian countries.
So you can dwell and tout your Stalinist victory. Free and concened Amerocans will soon burst that balloon your flying in.
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"People who are decidedly non-MAGA, not Trump fans, are blowing up tonight saying this case should never have been brought, this is ridiculous charges, this was an egregious use of the criminal justice system and I mean, I'm hearing people say I had no intention of voting for Donald Trump and now I am."

--directly quoted from the interview
This goes beyond Trump. Like you pointed out, people that don’t like him and/or not voting for him are disturbed to the extent this went.
Now we enter a time where it is normal course to use the legal system to jail political opposition. Doesn’t sound like America to me.
That's because it isn't. The democrats have turned us into a banana republic.
Trump is not a political criminal. He is a common criminal who up to now has gotten away with too many crimes. Trump has a repulsive personality. This verdict will make his arrogance and vulgarity even worse.

Three more trials are coming up. More punishment is on the way. :yes_text12:
And just where do you plan on moving moron when he is elected?
Since you are the ones getting him elected.
Talk about have a mob family leader in the White House whose crimes are common knowledge yet you can't stop whining about Trump.
I agree with Trump on a few issues. Nevertheless, he is so vulgar, and such a low class bounder that I cannot understand how a decent human being can like him.
Who cares about liking him? I want o be able to eat, drive, and feel safe in my neighborhood.
Does he hurt your feewings?
And just where do you plan on moving moron when he is elected?
Since you are the ones getting him elected.
Talk about have a mob family leader in the White House whose crimes are common knowledge yet you can't stop whining about Trump.
By the time of the next presidential inauguration Trump will be serving four concurrent prison sentences. :D :yes_text12:

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