Gates says another pandemic is coming


Vaccine mandates are fascist! And the Trump Vaccine alters your DNA. Covid is a hoax.

Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated


I blame Biden!
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Don't be so childish. You're another conspiracy theoist.
Admit you. you hate him be ause he's a democrat. That's how fucking childish you are
Look, man. Bill Gates implanted microchips in the vaccine. I want to bleev it, so it must be true.

He is announcing the next pandemic because the chips have a vulnerability and need a software upgrade. Duh!

The Chinese have hacked the chips and are making people vote Democrat. Unleash the Kraken!!!
Look, man. Bill Gates implanted microchips in the vaccine. I want to bleev it, so it must be true.

He is announcing the next pandemic because the chips have a vulnerability and need a software upgrade. Duh!

The Chinese have hacked the chips and are making people vote Democrat. Unleash the Kraken!!!
I'm assuming that's satire.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
Just in time to try and screw around with the 2022 elections like they did in 2020.
What kind of fucking idiot thinks a billionaire with no experience in healthcare should have a say in healthcare?

Hint: Democrats.
I have to say that more pandemics are coming. The timing of Gates’ comments is suspect because even people who were adamant about masks, lockdowns, and vaccines are done with masks and want a return to normal life. I also think the leaders who were adamant about masks and lockdowns for everyone else except for themselves are going to have a difficult time from a credibility standpoint whenever that next pandemic comes and they decide to roll with the tide again.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
A computer programmer who hasn't written a line of code since the early 1990s is running our national health system.
Not could be, most definately will be. It's been happening since mankind evolved.
The difference now is we have great men like gates who's prepared to give his own money to save lives
(only democrats might I add who have been microchipped to be sure)
opposed to the likes of trump who told every one it was under control. He was the chosen one and it would all disappear like a miracle. And he never offered one cent to assist.
What a president. So benevolent. He should be in heaven.
The difference now is we have great men like gates who's prepared to give his own money to save lives

Gates doesn't give his money to anyone or anything.
I have to say that more pandemics are coming. The timing of Gates’ comments is suspect because even people who were adamant about masks, lockdowns, and vaccines are done with masks and want a return to normal life. I also think the leaders who were adamant about masks and lockdowns for everyone else except for themselves are going to have a difficult time from a credibility standpoint whenever that next pandemic comes and they decide to roll with the tide again.
Oh, undoubtedly more pandemics are coming. Leftists have gotten a taste for absolute power, and they're never going to give it up.

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