gathering information/opinion on deep state corruption...


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I have read many books on this topic written by various conservatives. the latest book I happened upon is by Lee Smith called The Permanent Coup

On page 19 he writes about how John Brennan voted for a "Stalinist sentenced to eight years for 'conspiracy to teach and advocate the overthrow of the U.S. governemnt by force and violence." (This was RE Gus Hall, presidential candidate in 1976).

Wow... Why did the CIA hire THAT?

this moron said that the US shouldn't spy or steal secrets from America-hating countries... um... what?

isn't that what the CIA is supposed to do?

Also on page 19 of Smith's book, a former CIA (anonymous) said this

"People are upset. We're proud of what we do. George Tenet boasted about it, 'We do... steal foreign secrets.' It is called espionage, the core mission of the Agency. The CIA breaks the laws of foreign countries adversarial to the United States. That's the job. At the Agency they say 'If you want to fight for truth, justice and the american way, go join the FBI.'"

well, that may have been true 30 years or so ago... NOT now

I have read many books on this topic written by various conservatives. the latest book I happened upon is by Lee Smith called The Permanent Coup

On page 19 he writes about how John Brennan voted for a "Stalinist sentenced to eight years for 'conspiracy to teach and advocate the overthrow of the U.S. governemnt by force and violence." (This was RE Gus Hall, presidential candidate in 1976).

Wow... Why did the CIA hire THAT?

Obama hired him.
I have read many books on this topic written by various conservatives. the latest book I happened upon is by Lee Smith called The Permanent Coup

On page 19 he writes about how John Brennan voted for a "Stalinist sentenced to eight years for 'conspiracy to teach and advocate the overthrow of the U.S. governemnt by force and violence." (This was RE Gus Hall, presidential candidate in 1976).

Wow... Why did the CIA hire THAT?


It's always been the goal of communism to infiltrate every aspect of American life.

Guest column: 1963 communist goals and the Democratic Party of today
I know. But why are some Americans so called so damn clueless as to what is happening?

no good background in history (Marx)?

Those who think communism isn't a threat probably didn't grow up during the Cold War. They have not idea how many people Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Min, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Pol Pot murdered.

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