Gawd Smites DC With Lightning....Three now dead.

Welp. George Floyd mural in Toledo, Ohio. Notice the crown on his head. God not having it? I don't know. For the record, I don't think the cop should have choked the guy out. I also don't think we should make him into a king.

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I remember that. I'm a Toledo native and know a couple who lives near there and saw it happen. KABOOOOM!
White House Lightning Strike Death Toll Rises To 3 - Videos from The Weather Channel

Four people have life-threatening injuries after they were apparently struck by lightning near the White House in Washington, D.C., Thursday evening, fire officials said.

U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Park Police officers rushed to help the two women and two men when they saw lightning strike, D.C. Fire and EMS Public Information Officer Vito Maggiolo told News4.

The victims were at Lafayette Square across from the White House, near the center statue of former President Andrew Jackson as well as a tree, Maggiolo said.

Medics took the women and men to hospitals. Maggiolo said he could not elaborate on their exact injuries.

“All we know for sure is that there was a lightning strike in their vicinity, in their immediate vicinity, and all four were injured,” he said.

Gawd needs to improve his aim. ;)

Probably has nothing to do with that giant metal fence around the WH.....
Why do people always blame this stuff on God?

Come on man. :laughing0301:
The people who tell everyone their religious beliefs are nonsense are the ones who idolize every random weather event as "climate change."

Well, that's not why God or gods and religion were invented.
Really? If you with your Godlike knowledge of God, were setting up a complex system, would you set it up to run logically or randomly, not conforming to rules, so that it demanded your undivided attention to every aspect, every atom, 24/7/365 across the entire universe to keep rules working? It is pretty miraculous, that it does. Remember, this is a thread about people that did not pay attention to the rules, and let themselves be caught out in an approaching storm near a grove of trees (natural attractors of lighting, as usually some of the highest around) and were struck, when the natural laws of charge, potential and discharge. Not a miracle of action of God, they were struck. It would have been a miracle action of God, if they woke up a couple of days later in the hospital, saying let me out of here, God's got something I need to do.
The people who tell everyone their religious beliefs are nonsense are the ones who idolize every random weather event as "climate change."

I always have attributed it to polarity conditions.
Let's see YOU make some lightning.
You pay for parts and labor, and I'll have a huge Van De Graaff generator set up, where the only safe place withing many meters is a Faraday Cage, as the charge buildup will create differences in potential, what will randomly discharge, and you had best not ignore the fact it is running, and you become the natural attractor, or the discharge may fry your ass as the potential current seeks the path of the least resistance to ground. God might step in and save your ass, but God does not always step in to protect you from yourself. There is nothing in any book, that says God will.
You pay for parts and labor, and I'll have a huge Van De Graaff generator set up, where the only safe place withing many meters is a Faraday Cage, as the charge buildup will create differences in potential, what will randomly discharge, and you had best not ignore the fact it is running, and you become the natural attractor, or the discharge may fry your ass as the potential current seeks the path of the least resistance to ground. God might step in and save your ass, but God does not always step in to protect you from yourself. There is nothing in any book, that says God will.

You get the same tools God has.

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