Gay Happiness Index of Countries

Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!
Planet Romeo. The place for gays to meet for sex.

How did you come across this site?
Planet Romeo. The place for gays to meet for sex.

How did you come across this site?

Didnt' anyone ever teach you not to ask questions you don't really want to know the answers to?

Or, asking questions that I already know the answer to.

For instance, I already know that the people of Iceland, Norway and Denmark are generally happier than people of other countries so there is nothing special or surprising about gays also being happy.
If you look up the rules regarding immigration to Iceland it's almost impossible. That's one of the reasons they are so happy.
Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!

Our country was founded by perverts. Why else would the first laws about sex put the age of consent at 10 (and 7 in one early state?)
Planet Romeo. The place for gays to meet for sex.

How did you come across this site?

Didnt' anyone ever teach you not to ask questions you don't really want to know the answers to?

Or, asking questions that I already know the answer to.

For instance, I already know that the people of Iceland, Norway and Denmark are generally happier than people of other countries so there is nothing special or surprising about gays also being happy.
We need to send them some 9th Ward Negros from New Orleans, and see how happy they are in three generations(30 years).

I bet four score breeding pairs would wipe the happy off of all their faces pretty soon.
Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!

Our country was founded by perverts. Why else would the first laws about sex put the age of consent at 10 (and 7 in one early state?)
How many times have you posted that?
Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!

Our country was founded by perverts. Why else would the first laws about sex put the age of consent at 10 (and 7 in one early state?)
How many times have you posted that?

No idea. Great factoid though when ever dispelling Founder-myths is necessary.
The top 3 places are very cold places.

By the way, is the OP hoping to encourage gays to leave the U.S. since it ranks low ?
Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!

Our country was founded by perverts. Why else would the first laws about sex put the age of consent at 10 (and 7 in one early state?)

Jealous ?
Delta, what is it with you? I mean I don't have anything against you, necessarily, but I have never seen someone go out of their way to such degrees to let everyone know how much they like to fuck and who they like to fuck. Is there anything more to you than that? Are you under the impression that we didn't grasp the extent to which you enjoy fucking? I am pretty sure we got it by now. :lol: Perhaps you are concerned that new people have come to the boards that are not aware of your stance on fucking. Maybe you should go to every post on the "Introduce Yourself" board and say:

"Hi. Welcome to USMB. I am Delta and I like to fuck. I'll fuck just about anything. Men, women, fruit bats, orangutans, old people, young people, healthy people, the handicapped, cantaloupe....if it's legal, I'm happy to fuck it. Now a lot of people on these boards don't talk about fucking, worthy as the topic may be. They will talk politics, religion, sports, tell jokes, etc. But me...I am all about the fuck talk. So if you have come here to talk about fucking then I am your man. Welcome again and have fun on the boards. Oh BTW...what are you wearing right now?"

Delta, what is it with you? I mean I don't have anything against you, necessarily, but I have never seen someone go out of their way to such degrees to let everyone know how much they like to fuck and who they like to fuck. Is there anything more to you than that? Are you under the impression that we didn't grasp the extent to which you enjoy fucking? I am pretty sure we got it by now. :lol: Perhaps you are concerned that new people have come to the boards that are not aware of your stance on fucking. Maybe you should go to every post on the "Introduce Yourself" board and say:

"Hi. Welcome to USMB. I am Delta and I like to fuck. I'll fuck just about anything. Men, women, fruit bats, orangutans, old people, young people, healthy people, the handicapped, cantaloupe....if it's legal, I'm happy to fuck it. Now a lot of people on these boards don't talk about fucking, worthy as the topic may be. They will talk politics, religion, sports, tell jokes, etc. But me...I am all about the fuck talk. So if you have come here to talk about fucking then I am your man. Welcome again and have fun on the boards. Oh BTW...what are you wearing right now?"


Pretty funny, but I'm not entirely convinced that D4E concerns himself greatly with the legality of what he's fucking.
Delta, what is it with you? I mean I don't have anything against you, necessarily, but I have never seen someone go out of their way to such degrees to let everyone know how much they like to fuck and who they like to fuck. Is there anything more to you than that? Are you under the impression that we didn't grasp the extent to which you enjoy fucking? I am pretty sure we got it by now. :lol: Perhaps you are concerned that new people have come to the boards that are not aware of your stance on fucking. Maybe you should go to every post on the "Introduce Yourself" board and say:

"Hi. Welcome to USMB. I am Delta and I like to fuck. I'll fuck just about anything. Men, women, fruit bats, orangutans, old people, young people, healthy people, the handicapped, cantaloupe....if it's legal, I'm happy to fuck it. Now a lot of people on these boards don't talk about fucking, worthy as the topic may be. They will talk politics, religion, sports, tell jokes, etc. But me...I am all about the fuck talk. So if you have come here to talk about fucking then I am your man. Welcome again and have fun on the boards. Oh BTW...what are you wearing right now?"


Pretty funny, but I'm not entirely convinced that D4E concerns himself greatly with the legality of what he's fucking.

I won't comment on that, but I swear to God, this guy wakes up in the morning and must say to himself, "Hmmmm....I wonder if everyone on USMB is aware of my position on fucking. Perhaps I should clarify it further." I mean he must think we didn't get the memo or something. :lol: I will give him this though. He is thorough. He covers all the angles of a journalist. He tells us who he fucks, what he fucks, where he fucks, when he fucks, why he fucks, and how he fucks.

Here's how a conversation with Delta would probably go.

Me: So Delta. Let chat. What shall we talk about?

Delta: Well I saw this article on fucking the other day and...

Me: Ok, ok. Hold it. How about politics. Let's talk politics.

Delta: Sure. You know I have noticed that there is a significant difference between how Democrats and Republicans fuck. Republicans have a tendency to...

Me: Wait...wait. Religion. How about we discuss religion?

Delta: Oh ok. You know I have been thinking about a religious issue for quite some time.

Me: Oh and what is that?

Delta: Well it occurs to me that Evangelical Christians and Muslims are probably way too uptight when they fuck. If they would just relax a bit they would enjoy it more. I think Anglicans probably fuck the best.

Me: Jesus H. Christ. Ok how about a joke? Know any good ones?

Delta: YES! Why did the rooster cross the road?

Me: Why?

Delta: Because there was a hen over there he wanted to fuck.

Me: Let's just talk sports.

Delta: I LOVE SPORTS! Know what my favorite sport is?

Me: What?

Delta: Fucking.

It gets old, man. :lmao:
Gay Happiness Index PlanetRomeo PlanetRomeo

USA ranks 26th. Iceland, Norway, Denmark come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively.
Why do we need measure their happiness? Is it normal. Is it a new criteria of the civilized and developed country?
It is more simple to get rid of homosexuals than satisfy all their rights.
Concerning about gays' happiness you forget about people's happiness. Stop this hysteria please.
Gay Happiness Index PlanetRomeo PlanetRomeo

USA ranks 26th. Iceland, Norway, Denmark come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively.
Why do we need measure their happiness? Is it normal. Is it a new criteria of the civilized and developed country?
It is more simple to get rid of homosexuals than satisfy all their rights.
Concerning about gays' happiness you forget about people's happiness. Stop this hysteria please.

Yeah damn right. Let's just get rid of them all. Maybe we can establish a colony like like an island in the Philippines or off of New Zealand. We can call it Gheyland. At birth we can test all children for the ghey gene and if they are not of full heterosexual geneology we will just ship them off to the commune. In fact, I think something very similar to that was done what did they call that group that did it? Oh yeah! NAZIS. Who is the one being hysterical, pal?
Until some of US citizens have common sense and respect our laws and traditions - homosexuals will not be happy...
Sad and maybe sounds rough, but true!
There is no place for perverts in our country!

Our country was founded by perverts. Why else would the first laws about sex put the age of consent at 10 (and 7 in one early state?)

Really, you should learn history better and see how many countries have been founded and ruled by perverts..

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