Gay hotelier apologizes for hosting Ted Cruz

We have cities burning down and three threads posted all on Homophobe blaaa blaaa baaa. this is the Democrat party to a tee.

hate and class warfare
Washington (CNN) - A gay businessman who hosted an event for Sen. Ted Cruz -- a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage -- is apologizing to the gay community for what he called a "terrible mistake."

Gay hotelier apologizes for hosting Ted Cruz -

According to LGBT community not providing service to gays owing to religious beliefs is wrong. Nobody argues discrimination is bad. But for some reason providing a service to a conservative politician is equally wrong. How come? We are all equal and we all do business, which has nothing to do with morality and beliefs. Looks like equality works one way only.
Humorous. Maybe these jerks didn't wish to deny Cruz service because they were ignorant of who he was. It would have been interesting IF they had denied him service. And on what grounds they chose to deny that service....It would have made great theater.
Washington (CNN) - A gay businessman who hosted an event for Sen. Ted Cruz -- a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage -- is apologizing to the gay community for what he called a "terrible mistake."

Gay hotelier apologizes for hosting Ted Cruz -

According to LGBT community not providing service to gays owing to religious beliefs is wrong. Nobody argues discrimination is bad. But for some reason providing a service to a conservative politician is equally wrong. How come? We are all equal and we all do business, which has nothing to do with morality and beliefs. Looks like equality works one way only.

the leftists are so intolerant

incredibly so

real hate filled as well

to anyone outside of their accepted perception

No comparison at all.

The article clearly says "...Cruz's appearance at Reisner and Weiderpass's Manhattan apartment..." and "..accepting a request to co-host a dinner with Cruz at my home.." but you imply the appearance took place at a business.

There are no laws that require people to host hate groups in our homes.

Nor is there any expectation that we should be forced to host hate groups in our homes.

Most of the hate these days comes from your side, you just don't have either the balls to admit it, or the intellectual aptitude to grasp it.

When have I ever said I tolerate the hate and insanity Cruz spews? Of course I hate it. I take pride in hating it.

The real question in this OP is why on earth would decent people host Ted Cruz in their home?
Because they're decent people, not hate-filled idiots who spew hate on command about people they don't know from Adam. IOW, adults who are willing to actually listen to someone else.

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