Gay Marriage Fails In Maine

Honestly, I think most people just want to get it right.

Let's respect the institution of Marriage and move on to achieve equality as well.

It doesn't have to be an either/or proposition.

I try and look at different subjects and see how they affect me personally, as do most of us. I'm still struggling how something like this would affect me. So if two gay guys get married and move next to me, that somehow affects me? How? I'll start listening to Village People, have a hankering for the colour lilac and grow a moustache? I just can't believe how petty and pathetic some people can be, and how they want to control the lives of others when it has no affect on them...

So you have no problem with Incestuous adult relationships and them marrying either? After all that doesn't effect you either? How about Polygamy? I mean if a guy wants 3 wives that doesn't effect you either?

And as long as we are on this, it doesn't effect me kick, how about a man and a boy? I mean it really doesn't effect you personally if an adult is having sex with a child now does it?
Honestly, I think most people just want to get it right.

Let's respect the institution of Marriage and move on to achieve equality as well.

It doesn't have to be an either/or proposition.

I try and look at different subjects and see how they affect me personally, as do most of us. I'm still struggling how something like this would affect me. So if two gay guys get married and move next to me, that somehow affects me? How? I'll start listening to Village People, have a hankering for the colour lilac and grow a moustache? I just can't believe how petty and pathetic some people can be, and how they want to control the lives of others when it has no affect on them...

So you have no problem with Incestuous adult relationships and them marrying either? After all that doesn't effect you either? How about Polygamy? I mean if a guy wants 3 wives that doesn't effect you either?

And as long as we are on this, it doesn't effect me kick, how about a man and a boy? I mean it really doesn't effect you personally if an adult is having sex with a child now does it?

Just in case you were not aware...a child is not an adult and cannot legally give consent.

That is some good information for you to know.
I try and look at different subjects and see how they affect me personally, as do most of us. I'm still struggling how something like this would affect me. So if two gay guys get married and move next to me, that somehow affects me? How? I'll start listening to Village People, have a hankering for the colour lilac and grow a moustache? I just can't believe how petty and pathetic some people can be, and how they want to control the lives of others when it has no affect on them...

So you have no problem with Incestuous adult relationships and them marrying either? After all that doesn't effect you either? How about Polygamy? I mean if a guy wants 3 wives that doesn't effect you either?

And as long as we are on this, it doesn't effect me kick, how about a man and a boy? I mean it really doesn't effect you personally if an adult is having sex with a child now does it?

Just in case you were not aware...a child is not an adult and cannot legally give consent.

That is some good information for you to know.

Which has NOTHING to do with the concept of " It does not effect me, so who cares" now does it? And I notice you have not responded to Incest or Polygamy either, gonna run away like Kittenkoder did?
Just in case you were not aware...a child is not an adult and cannot legally give consent.

That is some good information for you to know.

That some Good Information for Homosexuals who are Targeting Children in Schools with their Sexually Deviant Agenda to Know. :eusa_shhh:



i got your sexual deviant agenda right here, shorteyes.
The voter turnout in Maine was extrordinary...over 60%.

And this voter turnout was unlike any ever seen here, too.

Usually the Southern populated cities, Lewiston, Portland and so forth, dominate the state and decide the outcomes of elections.

This time it was the less populated but more conservative (and religious, and Republican) populations of the North and Downeast that showed up in droves and voted.

Despite the fact that I am not pleased with the outcome, my hat is off to the folks who coordinated that voter turnout.

It was brilliant political activism on their part.
So you have no problem with Incestuous adult relationships and them marrying either? After all that doesn't effect you either? How about Polygamy? I mean if a guy wants 3 wives that doesn't effect you either?

And as long as we are on this, it doesn't effect me kick, how about a man and a boy? I mean it really doesn't effect you personally if an adult is having sex with a child now does it?

Just in case you were not aware...a child is not an adult and cannot legally give consent.

That is some good information for you to know.

Which has NOTHING to do with the concept of " It does not effect me, so who cares" now does it? And I notice you have not responded to Incest or Polygamy either, gonna run away like Kittenkoder did?

No. I answered it quite a while ago. Didn't you read it?
The liberal definition of marriage- All Things to All People

No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Perhaps your definition of Marriage is: Let me stick my nose in YOUR private business to make you do what I want you to do.

Simply not true, Liberals are opposed to gay marriage just as much as Conservatives, that would be why even in States with vast majorities of Liberals the laws never get passed allowing it or in the case of California get repelled, same with Maine.
The liberal definition of marriage- All Things to All People

No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Perhaps your definition of Marriage is: Let me stick my nose in YOUR private business to make you do what I want you to do.

Your definition includes incestuous and multi-partner marriage. Mine in volves a man and a woman.

I could care less about anyone's private business. Marital laws are not private matters.
No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Translation: All Things to All People
The liberal definition of marriage- All Things to All People

No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Perhaps your definition of Marriage is: Let me stick my nose in YOUR private business to make you do what I want you to do.

Simply not true, Liberals are opposed to gay marriage just as much as Conservatives, that would be why even in States with vast majorities of Liberals the laws never get passed allowing it or in the case of California get repelled, same with Maine.

Point taken Sarge- with the exception that some Libs oppose gay marriage as much as most Conservatives
The liberal definition of marriage- All Things to All People

No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Perhaps your definition of Marriage is: Let me stick my nose in YOUR private business to make you do what I want you to do.

You can't be Serious?...

It is YOU who Demands that Society Recognize you as Equal to that which Creates us in Marriage...

It is YOU who is Using the Despotic Branch to Force these Types of things on the People.

If YOUR Deviation stayed in the Bedroom, there wouldn't be a Debate.


The liberal definition of marriage- All Things to All People

No, the Liberal Definition of Marriage: Law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adults not hurting anyone get treated equally.

Perhaps your definition of Marriage is: Let me stick my nose in YOUR private business to make you do what I want you to do.

Simply not true, Liberals are opposed to gay marriage just as much as Conservatives, that would be why even in States with vast majorities of Liberals the laws never get passed allowing it or in the case of California get repelled, same with Maine.

Ah, but you see...this is the Real World, not Clerk World where every liberal has the same opinion on every political topic and every conservative has the same opinion on every political topic.

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