Gay wedding cakes at Muslim bakeries.

Oh my god, the irony. :lol:

You've never seen me attack Reagan, fuckwad. In fact, I have written many a post explaining to you tards how you have shit all over him.

You've never seem me attack Buckley, fuckwad. Same deal.

They still love to invoke Reagan even though he fails all ten points of the "GOP Purity Test".

Today's Republican Party wouldn't support Ronald Reagan as a small town mayor.

(1) Deficit spending soared during Reagan’s presidency. Strike one.

(2) As governor of California, Reagan oversaw the development of Medi-Cal, the nation’s largest Medicaid program – expanding it to cover long-term care and developed massive new managed care systems. Strike two.

(3) As governor of California, Reagan Reagan established the Air Resources Board to battle California’s smog problems and supported aggressive government intervention where the market had failed to protect the environment. As president, Reagan signed more wilderness protections laws – which restrict private-sector exploitation of natural resources – than any president in history. Strike three.

(4) Reagan was a former union president who campaigned against the Taft-Hartley Act and other restrictions of the right of unions to organize. Strike four.

(5) Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which granted amnesty to most undocumented workers who could prove they had been in the country continuously for the previous five years. After he finished his presidency, Reagan continues to speak out forcefully for immigration rights. Strike five.

(6) After the 1983 bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut, Reagan was urged by some to surge more troops into the region. Instead, he ordered the Marines to begin withdrawal from Lebanon. Strike six.

(7) Reagan acknowledged that during his presidency the U.S. sold weapons to Iran. Strike seven.

(8) Reagan was the first president to invite an openly gay couple to spend the night in the White House and he famously argued that gays and lesbians should not be discriminated against in a 1978 television advertising campaign. Strike eight.

(9) Shortly after his inauguration as governor of California, Reagan signed into law the most liberal abortion statute of its day”. Strike nine.

(10) Here’s Reagan, in 1991, on gun control: “I support the Brady Bill, and I urge the Congress to enact it without further delay.” Strike ten.
What a silly post. There is no War on Christians, on Christmas, on the Christian church or anything else Christian or Catholic. If church attendance is down it has absolutely nothing to do with "Leftists". Perhaps some churches need to be more tolerant and accepting. Maybe they need to reach into the community more than they have of late. Please stop playing victim. :rolleyes-41:


Just commenting on the Left's warped double standard treatment of Christians vs. Muslims. It's all about their 'Unholy Alliance' with Muslims. A shared hatred of Christians. Western Europe especially, is gonna regret that alliance at some point. Many already are. I just hope & pray we don't allow our Left to take us down Western Europe's ugly path. That's how i feel anyway. God bless. See ya.

I treat American Muslims and American Christians exactly the same. I treat the moderate followers of all religions the same. (They're cool) I treat fundamentalist followers of religions exactly the same regardless of their religion.(They all suck)

In America, Muslims are more supportive of gay rights than fundamentalist Christians. I live in America. Oh and Happy Christmas!


You clearly haven't traveled much in your life. Try visiting some Muslim nations. Islam as a whole, isn't nearly as tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors as Christianity is. That's why i don't get the Left's double standard treatment. It really is very misguided. It's an alliance that's really gonna come back to bite Leftists.

You are fine with double standards- just so long as they are anti-gay and anti-Muslim.

In the United States it has never been the Muslims that have been on the forefront of oppression and discrimination- that has always been the Christians.

Doesn't matter whether it comes to slavery(entire protestant churches supported slavery), or opposing the vote for women. Doesn't matter whether it was mobs killing Mormons, or good Christians passing laws to imprison or fire gays- always it has been the Christian community in the United States at the forefront of discrimination and oppression- in the name of Jesus.

Does that mean all Christians are bad- or I should despise Christians because of what Christians have done in the past? Nope.

Nor should i despise Muslims in the United States for what Muslims in other countries have done in the name of Islam.

You don't oppose 'double standards'- you just oppose equal treatment for gays and Muslims.

I will point out once again- you still have no problem with the lies of the OP. As long as you are silent on that- you are just another asshole right wing religious fanatic who will say anything to harm gays and Muslims.

Like i said, you need to travel more. Spend some time in Muslim countries. You think Christians are intolerant, you ain't seen nothin yet kid.

Why? I live in America where moderates worship side by side all over this great country. The ones that are the greatest “danger” to me and mine, here in America, are evangelical Christians, not Muslims.
Today's pseudocons have no idea what it means to be a conservative. Not a clue.

The Republican Party has long allowed itself to become infested with bigots, retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, and liars. Winning power became more important than principles. Winning power became more important that doing what is right for the country.

If you chucked your principles out the window to get where you are, what was the point of winning?

Donald Trump is answering that question. He is the metastasization of the cancer which has killed the conservative movement and the Republican Party.

After killing the sanctity of marriage a very long time ago, the leprous adulterers protest we can't let gays have any of the cakes. The Republican Party has no principles left upon which to stand. Instead, they toss red herrings, tu quoques, and straw men to divert from their own deliberate and purposeful destruction of the political landscape.
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Is this really how stupid you are?

Oh, yeah. It is.
No. That's how stupid you are. You even try to claim you're a conservative Republican when all you ever do is attack repubicans.
You know who attacks Republicans even more than I do?

Donald J. Trump.

I attack the modern day pseudocons like you who have poisoned and killed the Republican party.

But I just decided today that I am going to de-register as a Republican. I don't want to be mistaken as someone who supports a child molester. That was a bridge too far. The GOP is too far gone now. It's never coming back.

I am just glad that Reagan and Buckley aren't here to see what happened to the conservative movement they created and how sickos like you have murdered their hard work.

I can't think of one Republican you haven't attacked. We all know you're a fraud. Why don't you just admit that you're a leftwing douchebag? Life is much easier when you don't have to lie all the time.
Oh my god, the irony. :lol:

You've never seen me attack Reagan, fuckwad. In fact, I have written many a post explaining to you tards how you have shit all over him.

You've never seem me attack Buckley, fuckwad. Same deal.

Every leftwinger in this forum claims to admire Reagan. .

Where have I claimed to admire Reagan?

Oh wait- Brip is just lying again.

Like the OP- lying is what the Conservatives do now.
LOL- poor little snowflake. 200 years of Christians oppressing gays- and now that Christians are held to the same standards as everyone else- you feel 'attacked'.

If there is one thing Contards and faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

Two hundred years? Not very well versed are you?

Now what standards are you speaking of? .

Yeah- for 200 years Christians- and organized Christian religious groups actively promoted discrimination and oppression of gays in America- from passing laws to throw gays in prison, to passing laws to censor any mention of gays in the press, to passing laws to have gays fired form their jobs.

Now Christians are being told that they have to comply with the same laws which protect them- and they claiming they are victims because of it.

The very same public accommodation standards that protect Christians from discrimination.

Such as Colorado's- note 'creed'- which covers all religious beliefs.

Places of public accommodation include a restaurant, hospital, hotel, retail store and public transportation, among others.

Prohibited discriminatory practices in places of public accommodation must be based on certain protected classes and include these adverse actions: denial of service, terms and conditions, unequal treatment, failure to accommodate and retaliation.

Protected classes for places of public accommodation are: Race, Color, Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation (including transgender status), National Origin/Ancestry, Creed, Marital Status and Retaliation
And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.
For example?

The baker being sued by the two queers, for one.

The Baker being sued for violating state law?

The very same law which says that no baker can refuse to provide service to Christians?
LOL- if the assault on the cult of LGBT is telling them they have to respect Christians' rights to the 1st Amendment...

And gays do respect the 1st Amendment rights of Christians.

Notice there is not a single report of a gay baker refusing to sell a cake to a Christian.
You're full of shit. If there's one thing queers don't respect, it's the rights of Christians.

Notice that you are supporting the right wing lies of the OP- because you contards are always full of shit- always ready to attack religious liberty- when it isn't your particular shade of Christianity.

If there is one thing Contard faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with.

The queers are the ones who are attacking religious freedom. You're free to practice whatever brand of Christianity you desire, but you refuse to allow others to do the same.

In the end britpat that is the ultimate goal. There is a reason homosexuals hate religion. .

Well homosexuals would have a reason to 'hate religion'- since organized religion has promoted discrimination and hatred against gays for hundreds of years.

Which included imprisonment, castration, firing from jobs, housing discrimination, censorship.

But in reality most homosexuals don't hate 'religion' - any more than most Christians hate homosexuals.

They just want Christians to follow the same laws that Christians are themselves protected by.
It should be obvious now even to conservatives what is going on. Gays started by saying they just didnt want to be criminals. In the 1970's they wanted to overthrow marriage. Then they wanted the state to come into their bedroom and give a civil union. Then they demanded marriage. Now they are working on criminalizing any opposition to their perversion and their goal of destrouying marriage is intact. It well compliments their Marxist ideology.

It should be obvious now even to conservatives what is going on. Christian conservatives have led oppression against gay Americans for hundred of years- and were only stopped by the Supreme Court. And even after the Supreme Court stopped the Christian conservatives from having Big Brother in America's bedrooms- Christian Conservatives have attempted to criminalize private consensual sexual behavior.

Then in the '70's Christian Conservatives felt threatened because gay couples wanted to marry- so Christian Conservatives rushed to pass laws preventing same gender marriage- or even recognition of civil unions.

Then when a few states passed laws giving gays the same protections against discrimination as Christians had- of course Christian Conservatives suddenly are against State's rights.

It is obvious- the Christian conservative position has always promoted oppression and discrimination against gay Americans. Now that they have lost the ability to oppress gays- and in some states- the ability to discriminate against gays- they try to position themselves as 'victims'.

It compliments well with their Fascist ideology.
If there is one thing Contards and faux Christians don't respect- it is the rights of anyone they disagree with

By oppression I suppose you meant they didnt embrace homosexuality.

By oppression I mean:
  • Passing laws to throw gays in jail
  • Passing laws to authorize Big Brother to go into America's bedrooms and tell Americans what kind of sex Americans are allowed to have
  • Passing laws to censor any mention of homosexuality
  • Passing laws to have homosexuals fired from jobs
  • Passing laws to specifically deny gays marriage- or civil unions.
Compare that to the 'oppression' of you poor dear little snowflakes

  • Passing laws so that gays are protected against discrimination under the very same laws that say Christians cannot be discriminated against.
Now that is 'oppression'......
What a silly post. There is no War on Christians, on Christmas, on the Christian church or anything else Christian or Catholic. If church attendance is down it has absolutely nothing to do with "Leftists". Perhaps some churches need to be more tolerant and accepting. Maybe they need to reach into the community more than they have of late. Please stop playing victim. :rolleyes-41:


Just commenting on the Left's warped double standard treatment of Christians vs. Muslims. It's all about their 'Unholy Alliance' with Muslims. A shared hatred of Christians. Western Europe especially, is gonna regret that alliance at some point. Many already are. I just hope & pray we don't allow our Left to take us down Western Europe's ugly path. That's how i feel anyway. God bless. See ya.

I treat American Muslims and American Christians exactly the same. I treat the moderate followers of all religions the same. (They're cool) I treat fundamentalist followers of religions exactly the same regardless of their religion.(They all suck)

In America, Muslims are more supportive of gay rights than fundamentalist Christians. I live in America. Oh and Happy Christmas!


You clearly haven't traveled much in your life. Try visiting some Muslim nations. Islam as a whole, isn't nearly as tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors as Christianity is. That's why i don't get the Left's double standard treatment. It really is very misguided. It's an alliance that's really gonna come back to bite Leftists.
See what happens when a patriarchal religion controls government?

Yet you Leftists only attack Christians. Y'all really should travel. Spend some time in Muslim countries. Christianity is far more tolerant of your beliefs and behaviors. Your fixation on attacking Christians, really is very illogical.

It hasn't been Muslims attacking gays for the last 200 years in America- that is all on your 'tolerant' Christians- who would still be throwing gays in jail if the Supreme Court hadn't stopped you.
Nah, you're just a typical fat spoiled uninformed American. You have no idea what 'Religious Intolerance' is. Try traveling some, and then get back to us. Take care.

Check - all Americans are fat, spoiled and uninformed. Nice troll material I guess. :rolleyes-41:

Not all, but far too many. Like i said, do some traveling kid. Maybe you'll learn what real 'Religious Intolerance' is. You can't learn about it, sitting on your fat rump shoving countless cheeseburgers down your gullet. You have to get out and travel. Go visit some Muslim nations. Get informed.
I have visited Muslim countries. You parroting tards don't know jack shit about Islam. You just parrot what you are told to parrot, and paint every Muslim with the same brush.

This Muslim thing is just so much more smoke to hide the fact from you that your heroes destroyed marriage a long, long, long time ago.

Not fags. Not Muslims.

Your heroes did.

You are so easily bamboozled it's pathetic.

Uh huh, the mean ole Christians are oppressing y'all. Sure thing. Yet y'all attack and insult Christianity daily, but none of you are serving time in prison or being executed. .

For 200 years you Christians actively criminalized gays in America.

And to this day- Christians attack and insult gays daily. Yet none of you are serving time in prison or being executed.
What a silly post. There is no War on Christians, on Christmas, on the Christian church or anything else Christian or Catholic. If church attendance is down it has absolutely nothing to do with "Leftists". Perhaps some churches need to be more tolerant and accepting. Maybe they need to reach into the community more than they have of late. Please stop playing victim. :rolleyes-41:


Just commenting on the Left's warped double standard treatment of Christians vs. Muslims. It's all about their 'Unholy Alliance' with Muslims. A shared hatred of Christians. Western Europe especially, is gonna regret that alliance at some point. Many already are. I just hope & pray we don't allow our Left to take us down Western Europe's ugly path. That's how i feel anyway. God bless. See ya.

I treat American Muslims and American Christians exactly the same. I treat the moderate followers of all religions the same. (They're cool) I treat fundamentalist followers of religions exactly the same regardless of their religion.(They all suck)

In America, Muslims are more supportive of gay rights than fundamentalist Christians. I live in America. Oh and Happy Christmas!


You clearly haven't traveled much in your life. Try visiting some Muslim nations. Islam as a whole, isn't nearly as tolerant of Leftist beliefs and behaviors as Christianity is. That's why i don't get the Left's double standard treatment. It really is very misguided. It's an alliance that's really gonna come back to bite Leftists.

You are fine with double standards- just so long as they are anti-gay and anti-Muslim.

In the United States it has never been the Muslims that have been on the forefront of oppression and discrimination- that has always been the Christians.

Doesn't matter whether it comes to slavery(entire protestant churches supported slavery), or opposing the vote for women. Doesn't matter whether it was mobs killing Mormons, or good Christians passing laws to imprison or fire gays- always it has been the Christian community in the United States at the forefront of discrimination and oppression- in the name of Jesus.

Does that mean all Christians are bad- or I should despise Christians because of what Christians have done in the past? Nope.

Nor should i despise Muslims in the United States for what Muslims in other countries have done in the name of Islam.

You don't oppose 'double standards'- you just oppose equal treatment for gays and Muslims.

I will point out once again- you still have no problem with the lies of the OP. As long as you are silent on that- you are just another asshole right wing religious fanatic who will say anything to harm gays and Muslims.

Like i said, you need to travel more. Spend some time in Muslim countries. You think Christians are intolerant, you ain't seen nothin yet kid.

I am just going to point out once more- that not a single person who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
Nah, you're just a typical fat spoiled uninformed American. You have no idea what 'Religious Intolerance' is. Try traveling some, and then get back to us. Take care.

Check - all Americans are fat, spoiled and uninformed. Nice troll material I guess. :rolleyes-41:

Not all, but far too many. Like i said, do some traveling kid. Maybe you'll learn what real 'Religious Intolerance' is. You can't learn about it, sitting on your fat rump shoving countless cheeseburgers down your gullet. You have to get out and travel. Go visit some Muslim nations. Get informed.
I have visited Muslim countries. You parroting tards don't know jack shit about Islam. You just parrot what you are told to parrot, and paint every Muslim with the same brush.

This Muslim thing is just so much more smoke to hide the fact from you that your heroes destroyed marriage a long, long, long time ago.

Not fags. Not Muslims.

Your heroes did.

You are so easily bamboozled it's pathetic.

Uh huh, the mean ole Christians are oppressing y'all. Sure thing. Yet y'all attack and insult Christianity daily, but none of you are serving time in prison or being executed. There is no 'oppression.' It doesn't exist. It's all just part of the Left's twisted irrational hatred of Christians. You wanna see actual 'Religious Intolerance?' Head out and spend some time in Muslim countries.

I am just going to point out once more- that not a single person who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
Nah, you're just a typical fat spoiled uninformed American. You have no idea what 'Religious Intolerance' is. Try traveling some, and then get back to us. Take care.

Check - all Americans are fat, spoiled and uninformed. Nice troll material I guess. :rolleyes-41:

Not all, but far too many. Like i said, do some traveling kid. Maybe you'll learn what real 'Religious Intolerance' is. You can't learn about it, sitting on your fat rump shoving countless cheeseburgers down your gullet. You have to get out and travel. Go visit some Muslim nations. Get informed.

I am just going to point out once more- Dschrute- who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
Yet you Leftists only attack Christians. Y'all really should travel. Spend some time in Muslim countries. Christianity is far more tolerant of your beliefs and behaviors. Your fixation on attacking Christians, really is very illogical.

Actually from a legal-strategy standpoint, it makes perfect sense. Christians by and large just cower and don't stand to fight for God's commandments. So attacking them first to form a blanket legal precedent forcing Jews, Hindus, Muslims etc. to fall in line "By New Law" makes perfect sense.

It's precisely why they aren't targeting Muslims....yet.... for the same type of lawsuits. They want the easy win (so they think). But they're coming up against the 1st Amendment of our Constitution keeping one set of dogma (behavioral kink cult of LGBT) from forcing another person (A Christian) to abdicate their faith in favor of the cult's dogma. Stay tuned...

Good points. Christians usually just tolerate the Left bullying.

For 200 years that 'toleration' included imprisonment, castration, getting gays fired and harrassing them.

For 200 years gays tried to escape from Christian "bullying' - but now that Christians can't do that legally anymore- they want to play the victim card.

I am just going to point out once more- that not a single person who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
Not all, but far too many. Like i said, do some traveling kid. Maybe you'll learn what real 'Religious Intolerance' is. You can't learn about it, sitting on your fat rump shoving countless cheeseburgers down your gullet. You have to get out and travel. Go visit some Muslim nations. Get informed.

I have traveled extensively including vacations totaling over a month to the Muslim countries of Egypt and India.

Don't lecture me until you can tell me which Muslim countries you lived in or visited and for how long.

Otherwise I'll sit back and watch you piss into the wind :wink:
India is no more Muslim than the UK

India has a very large Muslim population, but you are correct. If anything, it's a Hindu nation. But the point is, if they really have traveled there, i'm sure they were very respectful of their religious beliefs and practices. They certainly didn't consider openly attacking and insulting Islam and Hinduism. They clearly understood the consequences of that action. I think it's time for Leftists to show the same kind of respect for Christians here at home. That change in behavior would go a long way in achieving some peace and tranquility.

I think its time for Christians in America to show that kind of respect for gays here at home. That change in behavior would go a long way in achieving some peace and tranquility

I am just going to point out once more- that not a single person who makes the claim that they are a "Conservative' or a "Libertarian" or any such thing- has objected to the lies of the OP.

You know the Conservative lies intended to attack gays and Muslims- the heavily edited video in which a Conservative claims a Muslim bakery refused to bake him a gay wedding cake- when all they make are pita? When they don't make wedding cakes there?

I think I will just post this in reply to every contard who whines about anything in this thread from here on in. If you can't bring yourself to object to the right wing lies in the OP- then frankly whether you are right wing or left wing is immaterial- you are person that embraces lies- in support of your own bigotries.
Yeah- for 200 years Christians- and organized Christian religious groups actively promoted discrimination and oppression of gays in America- from passing laws to throw gays in prison, to passing laws to censor any mention of gays in the press, to passing laws to have gays fired form their jobs.

Now Christians are being told that they have to comply with the same laws which protect them- and they claiming they are victims because of it.

Huge difference scumbag. And you slipped up there. Passing laws is what a free people do.

People under despotism are "being told they have to comply".

You accidentally told the truth for once. Will lightening ever strike twice?

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