Gays blaming blacks for gay marriage ban in California

Shellfish, pork, sodomy (even opposite-sex sodomy) and the list goes on. Have you actually read the Bible?
Read it at least every week. You do realize that Christ fulfilled the scriptures, leading us to the knowledge to be able to consume shellfish and pork safely, right? There has been no such fulfillment for sodomy or homosexuality.
This verse is in the Bible.

Then how can it be cherry picking?!?!

You're picking out one particular verse. Why don't you read this verse: "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Done To You."

You and the rest of you bigots are a waste of time, space, and bandwidth.

People like you should be banned from breathing regular air. You assholes should be forced to acquire your own private air supply if you are to live.

Silly, huh? Sorta like everything you've said.
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Read it at least every week. You do realize that Christ fulfilled the scriptures, leading us to the knowledge to be able to consume shellfish and pork safely, right? There has been no such fulfillment for sodomy or homosexuality.

So you think homosexuals should be put to death?

You think Jesus would approve of you referring to homosexuals as rats and flies?
No, you're forcing society to accept your definition of marriage. :eusa_whistle:

No, I'm not. Civil marriage is a legal contract between two people - that's precedent. Your silly argument only holds water if homosexuals were asking the government to force churches into marrying them.

If you're "sickandtiredoflLiblies" from, you show a different side on here. That guy, while clearly partisan, was not hateful.
No, I'm not. Civil marriage is a legal contract between two people - that's precedent. Your silly argument only holds water if homosexuals were asking the government to force churches into marrying them.
Then call it something else, like farriage. Get it? Fairy Marriage.
One disruption and a threat. Big deal. Even if the APA was bullied into changing its position, there are many other reputable organizations that have concluded that it is okay to be gay.

The APA was bullied and who are these other "reputable" organizations that say its ok to be gay and is backed by authentic scientific research and not politically correct activism?

They have even concluded that there is no significant difference in children raised by gay couples when compared to children raised by straight couples.

LMAO, you haven't been reading current scientific research have you? Read and weep:

Psychol Rep. 2008 Aug;103(1):275-304.

Re-evaluation of the "no differences" hypothesis concerning gay and lesbian parenting as assessed in eight early (1979-1986) and four later (1997-1998) dissertations.

Schumm WR.

Academic and policy effects of eight early dissertations on gay and lesbian parenting are discussed with a focus on their having been cited at least 234 times in over 50 literature reviews, beginning with Gottman in 1989 and 1990. Most literature reviews, referencing these eight early dissertations and agreeing with Gottman's early conclusions, have reiterated the theme that parenting by gay men or lesbians has outcomes no different than parenting by heterosexual parents. Here it is proposed that certain potential adverse findings may have been obscured by suppressor effects which could have been evaluated had multivariate analyses been implemented. Further, several adverse findings were detected by reanalyzing data where sufficient information was yet available. Some of the dissertations' results (absent controls for social desirability and other differences between homosexual and heterosexual parents) supported the 2001 "no differences" hypothesis discussed by Stacey and Biblarz. Yet, differences were also observed, including some evidence in more recent dissertations, suggesting that parental sexual orientation might be associated with children's later sexual orientation and adult attachment style, among other outcomes. Odds ratios associated with some of the apparent effects were substantial in magnitude as well as statistically significant. Also, more recent research on gay and lesbian parenting continues to be flawed by many of the same limitations as previous research in this area of study, including overlooked suppressor effects.
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Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate

But, actually, some same-sex birds do do it. So do beetles, sheep, fruit bats, dolphins, and orangutans. Zoologists are discovering that homosexual and bisexual activity is not unknown within the animal kingdom.


Retarded supporter of fudgepacker, since when is it logical to draw conclusions of what is natural for humans by trying to use animal behaviour to rationalize homosexuality? Animals do a lot of things that isn't considered as normal by humans[so-called animal homosexuality isn't even normal for animals anyways] but somehow homosexuality is somehow the one thats sticks out as normal? LMAO! Neo-libtards and sodomites will go to any and all lengths to justify a sick, sexually deviant lifestyle. Just like drug addicts that make up excuses and weak reasons to defend their addiction, homosexuals do anything to defend their sexually perverse lifestyle because of the intense pleasure they get from having gay sex acts.
The APA was bullied and who are these other "reputable" organizations that say its ok to be gay and is backed by authentic scientific research and not politically correct activism?

LMAO, you haven't been reading current scientific research have you? Read and weep:

Psychol Rep. 2008 Aug;103(1):275-304.

Re-evaluation of the "no differences" hypothesis concerning gay and lesbian parenting as assessed in eight early (1979-1986) and four later (1997-1998) dissertations.

Schumm WR.

Academic and policy effects of eight early dissertations on gay and lesbian parenting are discussed with a focus on their having been cited at least 234 times in over 50 literature reviews, beginning with Gottman in 1989 and 1990. Most literature reviews, referencing these eight early dissertations and agreeing with Gottman's early conclusions, have reiterated the theme that parenting by gay men or lesbians has outcomes no different than parenting by heterosexual parents. Here it is proposed that certain potential adverse findings may have been obscured by suppressor effects which could have been evaluated had multivariate analyses been implemented. Further, several adverse findings were detected by reanalyzing data where sufficient information was yet available. Some of the dissertations' results (absent controls for social desirability and other differences between homosexual and heterosexual parents) supported the 2001 "no differences" hypothesis discussed by Stacey and Biblarz. Yet, differences were also observed, including some evidence in more recent dissertations, suggesting that parental sexual orientation might be associated with children's later sexual orientation and adult attachment style, among other outcomes. Odds ratios associated with some of the apparent effects were substantial in magnitude as well as statistically significant. Also, more recent research on gay and lesbian parenting continues to be flawed by many of the same limitations as previous research in this area of study, including overlooked suppressor effects.

What is there to weep about? It is just a difference of opinion.

Now, it is the opinion of these people that ultimately matter.

Gay and lesbian parenting enjoys broad support from medical experts. Organizations that have officially supported adoption by same-sex couples include the American Psychological Association, the Child Welfare League of America, the American Bar Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the North American Council on Adoptable Children, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychoanalytic Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Oh. I am so sure that the Child Welfare League doesn’t care enough about child welfare to review information that it has received concerning gay parenting. Yeah. Right. It would rather bow to this alleged gay mafia. Similarly, the pediatric associations don’t care about kids. They were duped by the pressure groups. Of course the Council on Adoptable Children isn’t concerned about what is in the best interest of children. They are interested in what is in the best interest of gay groups. Look. The proof is in the pudding. When it comes down to it, look at the groups and organizations whose goal it is to care about the interest of the kids. I think that most of the time you will find that they think that gay parenting is okay. Don’t tell me that gay pressure groups bullied all of the above organizations or that the organizations are too ignorant and were swayed by faulty research. It is part of there job to find out what is best for kids. So it seems to me that they would be careful with what research information that they receive. It is reasonable to conclude that they have looked at much of the literature, and even got to know and assist gay and straight parents, and that based on experience and research, they see that it is okay to be gay parents.

What is there to weep about? It is just a difference of opinion.

Now, it is the opinion of these people that ultimately matter.

Gay and lesbian parenting enjoys broad support from medical experts. Organizations that have officially supported adoption by same-sex couples include the American Psychological Association, the Child Welfare League of America, the American Bar Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the North American Council on Adoptable Children, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychoanalytic Association, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Oh. I am so sure that the Child Welfare League doesn’t care enough about child welfare to review information that it has received concerning gay parenting. Yeah. Right. It would rather bow to this alleged gay mafia. Similarly, the pediatric associations don’t care about kids. They were duped by the pressure groups. Of course the Council on Adoptable Children isn’t concerned about what is in the best interest of children. They are interested in what is in the best interest of gay groups. Look. The proof is in the pudding. When it comes down to it, look at the groups and organizations whose goal it is to care about the interest of the kids. I think that most of the time you will find that they think that gay parenting is okay. Don’t tell me that gay pressure groups bullied all of the above organizations or that the organizations are too ignorant and were swayed by faulty research. It is part of there job to find out what is best for kids. So it seems to me that they would be careful with what research information that they receive. It is reasonable to conclude that they have looked at much of the literature, and even got to know and assist gay and straight parents, and that based on experience and research, they see that it is okay to be gay parents.


Difference of opinion? LOL, looks more like that PC theory that homos wave around as proof isn't completely factual after all. Where is the research by these so called "reputable organisations" that confirms anything? gays did bully the APA and not all of the members of the APA were in complete agreement anyways. A house with a male and female parent is best for kids, not a house with two mommies or daddies.
Difference of opinion? LOL, looks more like that PC theory that homos wave around as proof isn't completely factual after all. Where is the research by these so called "reputable organisations" that confirms anything? gays did bully the APA and not all of the members of the APA were in complete agreement anyways. A house with a male and female parent is best for kids, not a house with two mommies or daddies.

I sufficiently argued my case. You asked for a list. I gave it to you. It is reasonable to conclude that those organizations that care for kids would not be readily bullied by a “gay mafia” or easily duped by faulty research. I am not going to waste my time on a scavenger hunt gathering examples of their evaluations and experiences.
I sufficiently argued my case. You asked for a list. I gave it to you. It is reasonable to conclude that those organizations that care for kids would not be readily bullied by a “gay mafia” or easily duped by faulty research. I am not going to waste my time on a scavenger hunt gathering examples of their evaluations and experiences.

BS, you haven't proven anything. As far as the APA they were basically forced into making their decision on homosexuality. You can't find and research and or evaluations by thesepeople because none exist.
BS, you haven't proven anything. As far as the APA they were basically forced into making their decision on homosexuality. You can't find and research and or evaluations by these people because none exist.

do you belive that consenting adults have the right to practice there deviant behaviors if they choose to ? without fear of violence or persecution..I do
I Just don't want them teaching my child to that deviant behavior is normal
and to be celebrated and have deviant pride days and parades..I don't see the need for anyone to parade there sexual fetishes on a float down main street...

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